How many independent components are there in the Einstein equations?

  • Thread starter maxverywell
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In summary, the number of Einstein equations is 10 and because of the Bianchi identity, it reduces to 6. In four dimensional space-time, the number of second order partial differential equations for the metric tensor is 40. However, we can fix all 10 metric components at a given event by an appropriate choice of coordinates for a local inertial frame. This is because a local Lorentz transformation has 10 parameters. There are 40 first derivatives of the metric tensor, but we can eliminate all of them by choosing Riemann normal coordinates. There are 100 second derivatives of the metric tensor, but we can eliminate 80 of them by using symmetries of the Riemann tensor, leaving 20 independent components
  • #1
I read that the number of Einstein equations is 10 and because of Bianchi identity, it reduces to 6. This is true because we have totally 16 components, but they are symmetric, so there are 10 independent components. However in four dimensional space-time, the number of second order partial differential equations for the metric tensor is 40, because, each component [itex]g_{\mu\nu}[/itex] is a function of [itex]x^{\alpha}, \alpha=0,1,2,3[/itex]. So finally we have a system of 24 independent second order partial differential equations for the metric tensor. Is that correct?
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  • #2
Why do you multiply by 4? It makes no sense. The correct number is 6 independent components of the metric tensor in each spacetime point.
  • #4
maxverywell said:
I read that the number of Einstein equations is 10 and because of Bianchi identity, it reduces to 6.

The Bianchi identities don't "reduce" the number of independent components; they just let you choose which specific equations you want to solve--do you want to solve all ten components of the EFE, or solve only six of them and four Bianchi identities instead?

However, the more important point is that the Einstein Field Equations are not equations for the metric tensor; they are equations for the Einstein tensor, which is composed of second derivatives of the metric tensor.

The full accounting, IIRC, goes like this (MTW goes into this, I don't have my copy handy to look up an exact reference):

The metric tensor is a symmetric 2nd-rank tensor, so it has 10 independent components. However, we can fix all 10 of them at a given event by an appropriate choice of coordinates for a local inertial frame, because a local Lorentz transformation has ten parameters (four translations to fix the origin, three spatial rotations to fix the orientation, and three boosts to fix the particular state of local inertial motion that is "at rest").

There are forty first derivatives of the metric tensor. We can eliminate all forty of them at a given event by an appropriate choice of coordinates--basically we choose Riemann normal coordinates to set all of the connection coefficients to zero at our chosen event.

There are one hundred second derivatives of the metric tensor. We can eliminate eighty of them at a given event by using symmetries of the Riemann tensor, leaving twenty independent components. Ten of these are the ten independent components of the Einstein tensor, which can be found by solving the EFE. The other ten are the components of the Weyl tensor, which are not constrained at a given event by the EFE. (But they *are* constrained if you have a solution of the EFE not just at a single event but over an entire spacetime.)
  • #5
See here for a discussion involving what Peter has just explained:

Also, if you can get access, check out chapter 10 of Wald. In this chapter, it is made quite clear that the constraint ##\nabla^{a}G_{ab} = 0## that results in 6 evolution equations for 10 independent metric components and what ostensibly seems like an under-determined system, is not physical but rather comes out of the diffeomorphism freedom which, evidently, is a type of gauge freedom for GR. By choosing a convenient gauge, or equivalently a convenient set of coordinates, we can eliminate the under-determination. Wald in particular chooses the harmonic gauge which is a set of coordinates ##x^{\mu}## solving ##\nabla^{a}\nabla_{a}x^{\mu} = 0##, for the purposes of the referenced chapter.

It is akin to how for the source-free Maxwell's equations ##\nabla^{a}F_{ab} = 0,\nabla_{[a} F_{bc]} = 0## we have the constraint ##D_{a}E^{a} = D_{a}B^{a} = 0## on the initial value space-like hypersurface, which make Maxwell's equations seem under-determined but this can be eliminated by fixing a gauge, in particular the Lorenz gauge ##\nabla^{a}A_{a} = 0## for the 4-potential ##A_{a}##.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, for the sake of completeness, that ##D_{a}## is the induced derivative operator on the initial value surface.
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  • #7
PeterDonis said:
The metric tensor is a symmetric 2nd-rank tensor, so it has 10 independent components. However, we can fix all 10 of them at a given event by an appropriate choice of coordinates for a local inertial frame, because a local Lorentz transformation has ten parameters (four translations to fix the origin, three spatial rotations to fix the orientation, and three boosts to fix the particular state of local inertial motion that is "at rest").

On re-reading this, I should note that I mis-stated it; the correct statement is in this post in the thread WannabeNewton linked to. Briefly, the correct accounting for how the metric components are fixed is not 10 = 4 + 6, but 10 = 16 - 6; there are 16 first-order coefficients in an expansion of a coordinate transformation at a given event, but 6 of them describe the 6 parameters of a Lorentz transformation (excluding translations, since choosing a particular event for the expansion fixes the origin), so there are 10 left over to describe the metric tensor itself. In other words, 10 of the 16 coefficients describe how to transform an arbitrary metric tensor at a given event to the Minkowski metric; the other 6 describe the family of all possible local inertial frames in which the metric is Minkowski at the given event.

FAQ: How many independent components are there in the Einstein equations?

1. What is the significance of the number of Einstein equations?

The number of Einstein equations, also known as the Einstein field equations, is a set of ten equations that describe the relationship between the curvature of spacetime and the energy-momentum content of the universe. These equations are a cornerstone of Einstein's theory of general relativity and have been instrumental in our understanding of gravity and the structure of the universe.

2. How were the Einstein equations derived?

The Einstein equations were derived by Albert Einstein in 1915, using his theory of general relativity. He started with the basic principles of special relativity and extended them to include accelerated frames of reference and gravity. Through complex mathematical calculations, he derived the equations that describe how matter and energy interact with the fabric of spacetime.

3. What do the Einstein equations tell us about the universe?

The Einstein equations tell us that the shape of spacetime is directly related to the distribution of matter and energy within it. This means that massive objects like stars and galaxies can bend and distort the fabric of spacetime, causing gravity. The equations also predict the expansion of the universe and the existence of black holes.

4. Can the Einstein equations be solved exactly?

No, the Einstein equations are highly complex and cannot be solved exactly for most real-world situations. However, they can be solved approximately for simple scenarios, such as a single massive object in an otherwise empty universe. In more complex cases, numerical methods and computer simulations are used to approximate solutions.

5. Are the Einstein equations still relevant today?

Yes, the Einstein equations are still highly relevant in modern physics and cosmology. They have been extensively tested and confirmed through various experiments and observations, and are used to make predictions and calculations in areas such as gravitational waves, black holes, and the evolution of the universe. They are also the basis of many ongoing research efforts to better understand the nature of gravity and the universe.
