Why Do O(V) and SO(V) Have the Same Lie Algebra?

  • Thread starter alle.fabbri
  • Start date
In summary: Say for example the Lie groups are like manifolds locally, and the Lie algebras are like differentiable manifolds. Then I might be thinking about ways to connect the two, or think about ways to use some concepts from one to help me understand the other.
  • #1
i have a consideration to post. Let V be a vector space over Reals with a symmetric inner product < , > : V x V -> R. We can introduce the concept of formal transposition of linear operator X on V, [tex]\forall x,y \in V[/tex] by the equation

\left\langle x , X y \right\rangle = \left\langle X^t x , y \right\rangle

Now recalling that the orthogonal group and the special orthogonal group are given by

O(V) = \left\{ X | X^t = X^{-1} \right\} = \left\{ X | det X = \pm 1 \right\}

SO(V) = \left\{ X | X^t = X^{-1}, det X = 1 \right\}

It can be proven that these groups are closed Lie Groups, in the convergence sense with the distance induced by usual operators norm, and further that the associated Lie Algebras, namely o(V) and so(V), are the same.

How this can be possible? O(V) should contain SO(V) as a subgroup and the difference between them are "rotations" which do not preserve orientation (i.e. parity). And more, if this is true how can i build up an exponential map from an element of the algebra to recover a "rotation" belonging to O(V) but not to SO(V)?

The technical aspects are clear to me, I am looking for some clarification from the concrete point of view...thank you.
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  • #2
alle.fabbri said:
And more, if this is true how can i build up an exponential map from an element of the algebra to recover a "rotation" belonging to O(V) but not to SO(V)?
You can't. The other component of O(V) isn't path connected to the identity component.
  • #3
so when we look to O(V) as a Lie Group we are not able to describe reflections?
  • #4
alle.fabbri said:
so when we look to O(V) as a Lie Group we are not able to describe reflections?
There are lots of ways to describe reflections. It's just that "product of exponentials of elements of o(V)" isn't one of them.
  • #5
Hurkyl said:
There are lots of ways to describe reflections. It's just that "product of exponentials of elements of o(V)" isn't one of them.

so this an example of the fact that O(V) is "bigger" than exp(t X) with X in o(V). I guess this is true in general, for every Lie Group, since the assumption we make on a group to make it a Lie one are only local. A question arise: are there lie groups that coincides with the exponential map of the associated Lie algebra? And if this is the case, how to interpret such groups?

I can try with an analogy. As manifolds locally has R^n geometry and the only ones for which this correspondance is global are flat ones. So we can think the Lie groups that coincides with the exponential of their Lie algebras in analogy to flat manifolds...can this be made?
  • #6
Wikipedia claims that every element of a compact, connected Lie group is the exponential of a Lie algebra element. (I do not know if those conditions are necessary) I'm not really sure what you mean by "interpret"...


Manifolds don't have geometry. But locally, they have the topology of R^n.

Differentiable manifolds don't have geometry. But locally, they have the topology and differentiable structure of R^n.

Riemann manifolds have geometry. Locally, they have the topology and differentiable structure of R^n, but usually do not have the same geometry.

There are flat Riemann manifolds that are not globally diffeomorphic to R^n. (e.g. a circle is always flat. A Euclidean cylinder is flat. A torus can be given a flat geometry)

There are lots of geometries one can put on the differentiable manifold R^n, very few are actually flat.
  • #7
Hurkyl said:
Wikipedia claims that every element of a compact, connected Lie group is the exponential of a Lie algebra element. (I do not know if those conditions are necessary)

I cannot find a definition of compactness for a group. Do you have one in mind?

Hurkyl said:
I'm not really sure what you mean by "interpret"...

I mean that I usually try to establish a connection between a new mathematical concept or idea and the concepts I already have. The underlying motivation, in my opinion, is to find some path, some mechanics common to different concepts of mathematics in order to unifying them under the same logical contest.

I try an example of this.

Think to heat equation and schroedinger equation, they can be cast one in other sending t -> -it so they underlying the same mathematical structure. Then when I think to heat problems I can, carefully, use some idea or concepts from quantum mechanics by the fact that the two systems are governed by the same law. And this is quite useful.

In some sense I'm trying to represent the Lie groups in my mind using an analogy with some other aspects of mathematics.
  • #8
alle.fabbri said:
I cannot find a definition of compactness for a group. Do you have one in mind?
But you do have a definition of compactness for a topological space; a Lie group is both a group and a differentiable manifold...

FAQ: Why Do O(V) and SO(V) Have the Same Lie Algebra?

1. What is the difference between O(V) and SO(V) algebras?

O(V) and SO(V) algebras are both types of Lie algebras, which are mathematical structures used to study continuous symmetry. O(V) is the Lie algebra of the orthogonal group, which includes all linear transformations that preserve the Euclidean inner product. SO(V) is the Lie algebra of the special orthogonal group, which includes all linear transformations that preserve the Euclidean inner product and have a determinant of 1. Therefore, the main difference between the two is that SO(V) only includes transformations that preserve orientation, while O(V) includes all orthogonal transformations.

2. How are O(V) and SO(V) algebras related to other Lie algebras?

O(V) and SO(V) algebras are both subalgebras of the general linear algebra gl(V), which includes all linear transformations on a vector space V. Specifically, they are subalgebras of the orthogonal Lie algebra o(V), which includes all linear transformations that preserve a non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form on V. They are also related to the special linear algebra sl(V), which includes all linear transformations with determinant 1, as SO(V) is a subalgebra of sl(V).

3. What are the applications of O(V) and SO(V) algebras?

O(V) and SO(V) algebras have applications in many areas of mathematics and physics, including group theory, differential geometry, and quantum mechanics. They are particularly useful in the study of rotations and reflections in Euclidean space, as well as in the analysis of symmetry in physical systems.

4. How are O(V) and SO(V) algebras represented mathematically?

O(V) and SO(V) algebras are typically represented as matrices, with the Lie bracket operation defined as the commutator of two matrices. The dimension of the algebra is equal to the dimension of the vector space V, and the structure of the algebra is determined by the structure constants of the Lie bracket. In addition, O(V) and SO(V) algebras can also be represented using generators and relations, which allows for a more abstract and concise representation.

5. What is the significance of the Lie bracket in O(V) and SO(V) algebras?

The Lie bracket, denoted by [x,y], is a bilinear operation that measures the failure of two elements x and y in an algebra to commute. In the context of O(V) and SO(V) algebras, the Lie bracket represents the infinitesimal rotation or reflection generated by two elements. The structure of the algebra is determined by the Lie bracket, and it plays a crucial role in the study of the algebra's properties and applications.

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