Obtaining intensity/irradiance in an image

  • Thread starter fog37
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of using a digital camera to obtain the intensity/irradiance information of composing pixels in an image. It is recommended to use ImageJ, a free software from NIH, to manipulate and analyze the images. The conversation also touches upon the importance of calibrating the camera and obtaining raw images for accurate results. It is suggested to use a non-compressed raw bitmap image or a low compression jpeg image for comparison, and to keep the images in the same format for manipulation.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Find intensity/irradiance of the pixels in a picture

Is it possible to take a picture/image using a digital camera and then obtain the intensity/irradiance (##W/m^2##) of the composing pixels? Should the image be exported in a particular format into a graphics software like photoshop to be able to obtain the irradiance information? Or should some simple code (say Python) be written and applied to the image to access its irradiance information?

Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
First of all I recommend ImageJ
You can do pretty good photometry using most cameras. The voltage on a pixel is usually quite linear with photon number. One needs to be cognizant of manipulations done by the camera however, both optically and post processing. Also the flatness of the field.

ImageJ allows you to look in detail at the files and manipulate them ad infinitum. It's free from NIH so play with it some. Obviously you want a bitmap format of some kind. Play.
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Likes fog37
  • #3

I just used ImageJ and I am exploring its functions.
As you mention, an image is made of pixels and the brightness of each pixel (which corresponds to the amount of reflected light) is collected as a electric voltage that should be linear with brightness. Once the image is imported in ImageJ, I wonder if the pixel values must be scaled and multiplied by factor to obtain the energy in Joule at each pixel...
  • #4
Yes. On high end (often cooled) astronomical/fluorescence cameras they will often provide you the number (usually the quantum yield i.e. electrons per photon ) for the average pixel and then describe any amplifiers. You will need some way to calibrate your camera...either a good radiometer/photometer for comparison or a known source. One way to do it is to use the moon on a clear night.
Astronomers are often interested in doing these kinds of calibrations so you might research that area. Also there are some good amateur astronomers here. I have never done it for an ordinary camera.
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Likes fog37
  • #5
hutchphd said:
Obviously you want a bitmap format of some kind.
Compression will greatly corrupt the per-pixel information: you need both a camera and software that will handle a RAW image.
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Likes fog37
  • #6
I see how the data needs to be raw. A raw image is such that each pixels records the amount of light that hits it as a voltage level. Wouldn't a good digital camera provide, in the documentation, the conversion factor between voltage level and light energy on each pixel?

The calibration does not seem trivial...

  • #7
hutchphd said:
Yes. On high end (often cooled) astronomical/fluorescence cameras they will often provide you the number (usually the quantum yield i.e. electrons per photon ) for the average pixel and then describe any amplifiers. You will need some way to calibrate your camera...either a good radiometer/photometer for comparison or a known source. One way to do it is to use the moon on a clear night.
Astronomers are often interested in doing these kinds of calibrations so you might research that area. Also there are some good amateur astronomers here. I have never done it for an ordinary camera.

Hello hutchphd, thanks again for bring ImageJ to my attention :) Very easy to use.

I may need one more piece of advice: assuming same illumination, etc. I am take two images of the two similar objects with a digital camera and would to compare the image brightness (mean intensity, integrated intensity, easy to get in ImageJ) in the same ROIs. I can do that.

But before I do the comparison analysis, so the comparison is fair, should I convert the two images from jpg to some other format inside ImageJ? For example, should I first convert both two images to 8-bit before comparing them (Image-> Type-> 8-bit> save)?

  • #8
It would be better if you could get a non compressed raw bitmap image from your camera (bmp). If jpeg you want the least compression possible and you might want to compare some images at different compression. I do not know exactly what jpeg does. For manipulation just keep it bmp until you are finished. Have fun
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Likes fog37
  • #9
hutchphd said:
It would be better if you could get a non compressed raw bitmap image from your camera (bmp). If jpeg you want the least compression possible and you might want to compare some images at different compression. I do not know exactly what jpeg does. For manipulation just keep it bmp until you are finished. Have fun

I will borrow the camera tomorrow (a Canon ). Based on the camera instruction manual, I believe it can only save images either as jpeg or RAW. I guess I would save them as RAW and then import them into ImageJ. Instead of using Open..., I will import them using Import -> Raw..., unless I am making some mistake doing that...


FAQ: Obtaining intensity/irradiance in an image

What is intensity/irradiance in an image?

Intensity/irradiance in an image refers to the amount of light or electromagnetic radiation present in a specific area of the image. It is often measured in units of watts per square meter (W/m2).

Why is it important to obtain intensity/irradiance in an image?

Obtaining intensity/irradiance in an image allows us to quantitatively measure the amount of light present in different areas of the image. This information can be used for various purposes such as analyzing the distribution of light in a scene, calibrating instruments, and determining the reflectivity or absorption of objects in the image.

How is intensity/irradiance obtained in an image?

Intensity/irradiance can be obtained using various methods, depending on the type of image and the desired level of accuracy. One common method is to use a photodetector, such as a photodiode or photomultiplier tube, which converts light into an electrical signal that can be measured. Another method is to use specialized software to analyze the digital values of the image pixels and convert them into intensity values.

What factors can affect the accuracy of intensity/irradiance measurements in an image?

The accuracy of intensity/irradiance measurements can be affected by several factors, such as the sensitivity and calibration of the equipment used, the distance between the object and the detector, and the presence of any reflective or absorbing surfaces in the scene. Lighting conditions, such as ambient light or glare, can also impact the accuracy of the measurements.

How can intensity/irradiance data be used in scientific research?

Intensity/irradiance data can be used in various scientific research fields, such as astronomy, remote sensing, and medical imaging. It can help in understanding the properties and behavior of different objects and materials, monitoring changes in the environment, and diagnosing medical conditions. Additionally, intensity/irradiance data can be used in calculations to determine other important parameters, such as the temperature or chemical composition of a sample.

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