One dimensional harmonic oscillator

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the expected value of full energy for a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with a given wavefunction. The conversation also mentions the importance of checking if the wavefunction is properly normalized and provides a method for finding the normalization constant A.
  • #1

Homework Statement

One dimensional harmonic oscillator is at the beginning in state with wavefunction ##\psi (x,0)=Aexp(-\frac{(x-x_0)^2}{2a^2})exp(\frac{ip_0x}{\hbar })##.
What is the expected value of full energy?

Homework Equations

##<E>=<\psi ^{*}|H|\psi >=\sum \left | C_n \right |^2E_n##

The Attempt at a Solution

So I tried to find ##C_n=\int_{-\infty }^{\infty }A^2exp(-\frac{(x-x_0)^2}{a^2})dx##

But I have no idea on what to do with this integral.. Whatever I do, i keep getting this integral. What can i do here?
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  • #2
Can you check if your wavefunction is normalized to 1 ?
  • #3
##\psi (x,0)=Aexp(-\frac{(x-x_0)^2}{2a^2})exp(\frac{ip_0x}{\hbar })####A^2\int_{-\infty }^{\infty }\psi ^{*}\psi dx=1## the integral is of course ##1##, therefore ##A^2=1##.

Yes, it is normalized.
  • #5
Why would I?

##\psi ^{*}(x)\psi (x)= \left | \psi (x) \right |^2## which is the probability that we will find a particle at coordinate x. Well, not exactly there, but close to x.

If I integrate probability from ##-\infty## to ##\infty##, which are all the values for x, the integral will for sure be equal to 1, because the electron has to be somewhere in ##(-\infty, \infty)##
  • #6
You have an unknown in the wavefunction, namely A. You have to check the wavefunction is properly normalized to unity before applying in probabilistic calculations. By checking this, you get an equation from which you can determine A in terms of x_0 and 'a'.
  • #7
skrat said:
Why would I?

##\psi ^{*}(x)\psi (x)= \left | \psi (x) \right |^2## which is the probability that we will find a particle at coordinate x. Well, not exactly there, but close to x.

If I integrate probability from ##-\infty## to ##\infty##, which are all the values for x, the integral will for sure be equal to 1, because the electron has to be somewhere in ##(-\infty, \infty)##
That is only the case if your wave function is normalized. The presence of A in ##\psi(x,0)## suggests that you should actually solve the equation ##\langle \psi | \psi \rangle = 1## for A so as to obtain this normalization constant. It may be the case that such an A is impossible to find but given that the wave function at t=0 describes a physical system, you can be sure it exists.

If the wave function is normalizable at some arbitrary t, it can be proved it stays normalizable for all t, so you may use your initial wave function in your calculation.
  • #8

##\int_{-\infty }^{\infty }\left | A \right |^2exp(-\frac{(x-x_0)^2}{a^2})dx=1##

For ##x-x_0## than ##\int_{-\infty }^{\infty }\left | A \right |^2exp(-\frac{u^2}{a^2})du=1##

Now with substitution ##t=\frac{u^2}{a^2}## we convert this integral to something we can calculate using Euler's Gamma function, therefore the equation is now ##\left | A \right |^2a\sqrt{\pi }=1##

That should do it.

And, I think i just found out how to calculate the integral in my original (first) post... -.- Sorry, for stealing your time.

However, since i am already here, let me ask you this: So every time I see A in the wavefunction or is there A hint to check if the wavefunction is normalized, this is what I have to do. Right?

Again, I apologize, i couldn't see that gamma function before...
  • #9
skrat said:
However, since i am already here, let me ask you this: So every time I see A in the wavefunction or is there A hint to check if the wavefunction is normalized, this is what I have to do. Right?
Yes, A is a multiplicative constant to the wave function to make it normalized. So when you want to normalize the wave function, finding the right A is what is meant.

FAQ: One dimensional harmonic oscillator

What is a one dimensional harmonic oscillator?

A one dimensional harmonic oscillator is a simplified model used in physics to describe the motion of a particle in a potential energy field. It assumes that the restoring force acting on the particle is proportional to its displacement from the equilibrium position, and the potential energy is quadratic.

What is the equation of motion for a one dimensional harmonic oscillator?

The equation of motion for a one dimensional harmonic oscillator is given by F = -kx, where F is the restoring force, k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement from the equilibrium position. This equation can be solved to obtain the position, velocity, and acceleration of the particle at any given time.

What is the natural frequency of a one dimensional harmonic oscillator?

The natural frequency of a one dimensional harmonic oscillator is f = √(k/m), where k is the spring constant and m is the mass of the particle. This frequency represents the rate at which the particle oscillates back and forth around the equilibrium position.

What is the relationship between energy and amplitude in a one dimensional harmonic oscillator?

In a one dimensional harmonic oscillator, the energy of the particle is directly proportional to the amplitude of its motion. This means that as the amplitude increases, so does the energy of the particle. This relationship is described by the equation E = 1/2kA², where E is the energy, k is the spring constant, and A is the amplitude.

How is the one dimensional harmonic oscillator related to real-world systems?

The one dimensional harmonic oscillator is a simplified model that can be applied to many real-world systems, such as a mass-spring system, a pendulum, or an electronic circuit. It helps scientists understand the behavior of these systems and make predictions about their motion and energy. However, it is important to note that most real-world systems are more complex and may not follow the assumptions of the one dimensional harmonic oscillator perfectly.
