Online Physics Class: Links & Resources

In summary, to access the online physics class materials and resources, you will need to log in to the designated platform or website provided by your instructor. There are various recommended online resources for studying physics, including Khan Academy, Physics Classroom, and HyperPhysics. The availability of live virtual lectures or discussions for the class depends on the specific format chosen by the instructor. To stay engaged and motivated, it is important to set a schedule and participate in online discussions. Some online classes may require specific software or tools, so it is best to check with the instructor beforehand.
  • #1
online physics class??

I'm trying to find an online calculus based physics class. Any links would greatly appreciated.
Physics news on
  • #2
What do you mean an online calculus based physics class? Like distance education? You would have to contact your local university and see if they offer distance education, but I don't think it is recommended.
  • #3
I've heard stanford's EPGY program is of some respect. but again nothing is a substitute for the real thing.

FAQ: Online Physics Class: Links & Resources

1. How can I access the online physics class materials and resources?

To access the online physics class materials and resources, you will need to log in to the designated platform or website provided by your instructor. This could be a learning management system, such as Canvas or Blackboard, or a specific website created for the class. Once logged in, you should be able to access all the necessary materials and resources for the class.

2. Are there any recommended online resources for studying physics?

Yes, there are many online resources that can be helpful for studying physics. Some recommended resources include Khan Academy, Physics Classroom, and HyperPhysics. These websites offer a variety of videos, simulations, and practice problems to supplement your learning.

3. Can I participate in live virtual lectures or discussions for the online physics class?

It depends on the specific class and instructor. Some online physics classes may offer live virtual lectures or discussions using video conferencing tools, while others may only have pre-recorded lectures or online forums for discussions. It is best to check with your instructor for the specific format of your online class.

4. How can I stay engaged and motivated while taking an online physics class?

Taking an online physics class requires a lot of self-discipline and motivation. One way to stay engaged is to set a schedule and stick to it, just like you would for an in-person class. It can also be helpful to participate in online discussions and reach out to your instructor or classmates for support and clarification when needed.

5. Are there any specific software or tools I need for the online physics class?

Again, it depends on the specific class and instructor. Some online physics classes may require you to use specific software or tools for simulations or assignments. Make sure to check the course syllabus or ask your instructor for any necessary software or tools before the class begins.

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