OT- animations of cells doing what they do

In summary, Jimmy wanted to see how particular cells within the stomach functioned. He found several sites that have videos of cells performing different functions. Jimmy found that the best sources for videos were either supplemental information on biology textbooks or tv documentaries.
  • #1
noob, :)

just wondering if anyone knows of any sites (links) that show animations of any types of cells doing what they do.


Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
anything specific you want to see the cells doing?

eg; mitosis, meiosis, protein transport
  • #3
after giving it a bit of thought, I would like to see how particular cells that make up say...the stomach...bond together and make use of nutrients.

I know that the stomach, as a whole, functions to digest food into nutrients. I want to see a particular stomach cell function while the whole stomach functions.

I want to see how a particular red blood cell functions.

I guess I want to see the particular cell function within the whole system, while the whole system functions.

Know what I mean?

  • #4
I understand what you mean. I've never seen any videos like that. I know that if you search online there are videos of mitosis, migration, and cytoskeleton movements (Here is an example http://www.bio.davidson.edu/courses/movies.html). It is probably technically very difficult visualize cells in a functioning stomach. I find that there are lots of videos with some research papers and in supplemental information on biology textbook websites. Thinking more deeply about it, I think I've seen similar things on tv documentaries but they must have larger budgets than the average researcher.

For animations, here are a couple sites:
http://www.healthscout.com/animation/68/2/main.html (particular to your question about stomach cells)
http://www.stanford.edu/group/Urchin/ani-plus.htm(these are about fertilization)
http://www.cellbio.com/ (Has a whole list of sites with movies and animations)
Overall I think the best sources are textbook supplements and bio course websites for animations and research articles for real movies.
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  • #5
thanks detta for the links and help


FAQ: OT- animations of cells doing what they do

1. What are cell animations and why are they important in science?

Cell animations are digital representations of the processes and functions that occur within a cell. They are important in science because they allow researchers to visualize and understand complex cellular processes, which can provide valuable insights and aid in scientific discovery.

2. How are cell animations created?

Cell animations are created using computer software, such as 3D modeling programs or animation software. The animations are typically based on scientific data and information about the structure and function of cells.

3. What types of cellular processes can be shown through animations?

Cell animations can show a wide range of processes, including cell division, protein synthesis, cellular respiration, and cell signaling. They can also demonstrate the movement of molecules and organelles within the cell.

4. Are cell animations accurate representations of real cells?

While cell animations are based on scientific data and information, they are not always completely accurate representations of real cells. They may simplify or exaggerate certain aspects for the purpose of visual storytelling or to emphasize key concepts.

5. How can cell animations be used in education?

Cell animations can be used in education to supplement traditional learning methods and make complex concepts easier to understand. They can also be used as visual aids in presentations or as interactive tools in online learning platforms.
