Our galaxy is one of the biggest

In summary: How could we know for certain that our galaxy is one of the biggest in the universe unless we counted all or most of them? And I'm not sure what you're asking here. Can you elaborate?It's been debated for a while now if the Universe is infinite or not. There are a few theories which claim that it is. But to say that it has been verified is a bit of a stretch. There are some pieces of evidence which point in that direction but it's not unanimously agreed upon.
  • #1
Heard that line on one of those science channel shows. Forget who they were interviewing. But my question is what is the mathematics behind discovering this fact? How could we possibly know that our galaxy is one of the biggest in the Universe unless we counted all or most of them, how could we form an average consensus? And isn't it still up for debate whether or not our Universe is limitless/infinite. How could a claim like this be made and furthermore verified?

Thank you
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
There are about a hundred billion galaxies in the visible universe. We've observed many tens of thousands of those galaxies (at least). So we've got a pretty good idea about how many galaxies of each size there are. And yes, there are galaxies that are much, much larger than our own (the biggest of these are found at the centers of galaxy clusters). I think by "one of the biggest" they mean "bigger than most galaxies". Which is true. I don't know exactly where in the distribution ours falls. It might be 80th percentile (meaning 80% of galaxies are smaller), 90th percentile, or 99th percentile. But either way, our galaxy is pretty big compared to most.
  • #3
On broadcast media there simply isn't time (or interest) for careful rigorous qualification of every statement.

The speaker may have been talking about the sizes of galaxies that we can see. Also when they say universe they often mean the observable portion of it. Also we observe a lot of uniformity. the farther out you look the more it seems that matter is more or less evenly distributed. The galaxies are in earlier stages of development because we look back in time, but what we see of them then is consistent with what we see closer to us in distance and time. So there is a lot of observed sameness.

It's customary to assume (what Einstein called the Cosmological Principle) that kind of uniformity, and experience over many decades has born it out.
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  • #4
Wonderful replies very informative
Chanlnoth, that's what I thought as well. I know we scan the night skies constantly so it would make sense. The observable Universe is always something that I find hard to grapple with. There is just so much more out there to discover...
  • #5
Gaging the size of distant galaxies is a challenge, even the size of our own Milky Way remains debatable.

FAQ: Our galaxy is one of the biggest

What is a galaxy?

A galaxy is a vast collection of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is estimated to contain billions of stars.

How big is our galaxy compared to others?

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is considered to be one of the biggest galaxies in the known universe. It is estimated to be around 100,000 light years in diameter.

What makes our galaxy so big?

Our galaxy is considered to be one of the biggest due to the large number of stars and the amount of space it occupies. It also has a supermassive black hole at its center, which contributes to its size.

Is our galaxy the biggest in the universe?

No, our galaxy is not the biggest in the universe. There are estimated to be over 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe, and some of these may be even bigger than the Milky Way.

How does the size of our galaxy affect us?

The size of our galaxy has a significant impact on our lives and the world we live in. It provides a stable environment for Earth to exist and influences our view of the night sky. It also plays a crucial role in the formation and evolution of our solar system.

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