Outsourcing and future employment opportunities.

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential impact of outsourcing on future engineers and scientists. The speaker suggests that the changing technology and competitive work environment may put all jobs at risk of being outsourced. However, they also emphasize the importance of continuously marketing one's skills and staying updated in the field to avoid being outsourced. The conversation also mentions that jobs in the national interest, such as defense, are less likely to be outsourced. Additionally, the speaker recommends consulting the Bureau of Labor Statistics for projected trends in the engineering and computer industry. Overall, it is important for individuals to constantly market their skills and stay updated in order to avoid being outsourced in the future.
  • #1
Hi, I would like to know your opinion about the effect that outsourcing will have on engineers/scientists of the future. This is concerning me greatly at the present moment, as I would like employment after graduating!
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  • #2
depends on the particular field you're interested in.
  • #3
How about mechanical/computer engineers and computer science?
  • #4
Here comes the non-answer answer that you aren't going to like hearing: Given changing technology and the more competitive work space, it won't be long before everyone's job runs the risk of being outsourced.

I am not going to predict who is going to outsource what when. If I could do that, I could beat the stock market. There are always a few devious idiot MBA types who build a business case around artfully hidden risks. They write these articles for glossy magazines you find in classy hotel lobbys and first class airline seats. I call these magazines CEO porn.

These articles treat educations as immutable and fixed. They treat people as worker units. They make assumptions about job scope that are probably infantile at best. And then the CEO makes policy based upon these wonderful new clothes that the last emperor bought. They call this "Best Practice".

However, all educations are not equal, even from the same school. Nor are all experiences equal. Nor are people marketing their abilities well. If you do those things and you work with smart people, your job will not be at risk. If you sit at your desk and noodle around with designs all day long without working the rest of the picture, you will become a mushroom and people will outsource you as soon as your salary becomes too high to justify your position.

I think you see where I'm going with this. You should never stop marketing your skills and experience. You should never stop learning. You should keep your skills sharp and always be ready for the next opportunity. Some people, like me, are indeed fortunate to have found a company where they can work at different positions for an entire career. You too may find such a place, but you may not. Even when you find a place that values and appreciates you, it is wise to keep your resume and contacts handy. I've seen several management changes in my organization and very nearly left it as a result of toxic behavior of one of them. Fortunately, they left and our company recovered, so I stuck around.

Learn to market your skills and experience and this won't be a problem. Note: they don't teach this sort of marketing to engineers in college, so get busy and learn them by reading a few "CEO porn" articles. It will give you tremendous insight into how people pitch their proposals to a CEO. You may not like it, but it is a fact of life. We are the specialists who have dedicated our careers to this stuff, and we have to pitch it to a bunch of people who are usually quite ignorant of most of the details (do not assume they're stupid, just honestly ignorant). It ain't fair, but that's life.
  • #5
Defense and other work deemed as being in the national interest (e.g., anything that's subject to ITAR) is not going to be outsourced any time soon. There's a problem with these jobs: Over a decade of war has made the defense budget a bit bloated. We can't afford to fund defense at this high a level. The defense budget is now shrinking. Sequestration hit the DoD hard.
  • #6
Thank you everyone especially JakebodskyPE for your long and insightful answer, I will definitely do what you recommend.
  • #7
Consider consulting the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook for discussion of projected trends. Take a look at the engineering/architecture and computers/information categories.

FAQ: Outsourcing and future employment opportunities.

1. What is outsourcing and how does it affect employment opportunities?

Outsourcing is the practice of hiring an external company or individual to perform a business function or service. This can include tasks such as manufacturing, customer service, or IT support. Outsourcing can affect employment opportunities by shifting jobs from domestic workers to workers in other countries where labor is cheaper. This can lead to job loss for some workers, but may also create new job opportunities in other industries.

2. What are the benefits of outsourcing for companies?

Outsourcing can provide several benefits for companies, including cost savings, increased efficiency, and access to specialized skills or technology. By outsourcing certain tasks, companies can focus on their core competencies and reduce overhead costs. They can also tap into a global talent pool and gain a competitive advantage by accessing specialized expertise that may not be available domestically.

3. What are the potential drawbacks of outsourcing?

The potential drawbacks of outsourcing include loss of control over business processes, communication barriers, and quality issues. When a company outsources a task, they are relying on an external party to deliver the expected results. This can lead to challenges in maintaining quality standards and ensuring timely delivery. Additionally, language and cultural barriers can complicate communication and create misunderstandings or delays.

4. How does outsourcing impact the economy?

The impact of outsourcing on the economy is a complex issue. On one hand, it can lead to job loss and a decrease in wages for workers in certain industries. However, it can also stimulate economic growth by allowing companies to be more competitive and invest in innovation. Additionally, outsourcing can create new job opportunities in other industries and contribute to overall economic growth.

5. What does the future of outsourcing look like?

The future of outsourcing is constantly evolving and is likely to continue to do so in the coming years. Advances in technology, such as artificial intelligence and automation, may change the types of tasks that are outsourced and the way they are performed. Additionally, geopolitical factors and shifts in global economics may impact the outsourcing landscape. It is important for companies to stay informed and adapt to these changes in order to remain competitive in the outsourcing market.

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