Oxidization of III-V Materials

  • Thread starter jarodparker198
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In summary: Zz.The problem here is that different techniques, and different purposes, have different level of controls of the oxidation process, depending on how accurate they want this. I do mine simply with a leak valve, a vacuum gauge, and an RGA to monitor the partial pressure of oxygen inside a UHV chamber, and then pump it back down after a sufficient length of time of exposure. I don't care that much about the accurate thickness of the oxide layer, only how reproducible I can make it.So unless you have a specific purpose, or a specific paper and study that you wish to ask about, this remains a rather vague question to...In summary, the best techniques to oxidize III-V
  • #1

In the framework of an academic study, I am reviewing the oxidation methods of III-V materials for optronic applications.

What are the best techniques to oxidize III-V materials such as InP, AsGa, or InSb in order to have a good quality oxide layer of about thirty nanometers? The oxide layer must be especially homogeneous and non-porous.

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  • #2
jarodparker198 said:

In the framework of an academic study, I am reviewing the oxidation methods of III-V materials for optronic applications.

What are the best techniques to oxidize III-V materials such as InP, AsGa, or InSb in order to have a good quality oxide layer of about thirty nanometers? The oxide layer must be especially homogeneous and non-porous.


Your question is rather vague, and I will tell you why.

First of all, what is the initial condition of these material? Were they freshly made, already in UHV? Or did you get them already sealed? Or were they already exposed to air?

Such information matters, because it will dictate what you are able to do, or not able to do, especially if you care that much about the oxide layer. If the material were freshly deposited, then using a leak valve to let in oxygen, followed by a series of post-oxidation studies to correlate oxygen flow, exposure time, sample heating temperature, etc... with oxide thickness and quality will determine what you need.

  • #3
ZapperZ said:
Your question is rather vague, and I will tell you why.

First of all, what is the initial condition of these material? Were they freshly made, already in UHV? Or did you get them already sealed? Or were they already exposed to air?

Such information matters, because it will dictate what you are able to do, or not able to do, especially if you care that much about the oxide layer. If the material were freshly deposited, then using a leak valve to let in oxygen, followed by a series of post-oxidation studies to correlate oxygen flow, exposure time, sample heating temperature, etc... with oxide thickness and quality will determine what you need.


Hello Zz,

I thank you for your response.

To be more precise, I am not talking about deposited layers of III-V materials.
I am more talking about bulk materials like wafers of AsGa, InP or InSb.

What are the best techniques to oxidize the surface of wafers of III-V materials ?
  • #4
jarodparker198 said:
Hello Zz,

I thank you for your response.

To be more precise, I am not talking about deposited layers of III-V materials.
I am more talking about bulk materials like wafers of AsGa, InP or InSb.

What are the best techniques to oxidize the surface of wafers of III-V materials ?

If they are exposed to air, aren't they already oxidized?

GaAs or InSb that you get that way does NOT have the same quantum efficiency when compared to as-deposited films. So already the oxidation of the surface has changed at least one of its properties.

  • #5
ZapperZ said:
If they are exposed to air, aren't they already oxidized?

GaAs or InSb that you get that way does NOT have the same quantum efficiency when compared to as-deposited films. So already the oxidation of the surface has changed at least one of its properties.


Yes you are probably right concerning the natural oxidation.

However I read in some papers that the natural oxide is chemically removed before the controlled oxidation of the substrate for further optronic applications.

The control of the oxide seems to be the major point, and that depends of the used technique

  • #6
jarodparker198 said:
Yes you are probably right concerning the natural oxidation.

However I read in some papers that the natural oxide is chemically removed before the controlled oxidation of the substrate for further optronic applications.

The control of the oxide seems to be the major point, and that depends of the used technique


Read my first response. That was why I asked the INITIAL state that they are in, and why I said that your description was vague. You didn't tell me this important part of the scenario, i.e. surface cleaning. It is also unclear if this is something you intend to do yourself, or if you're just curious on how oxidation is controlled in these experiments. If it is the latter, then shouldn't these papers that described the process tell you how they were done?

The problem here is that different techniques, and different purposes, have different level of controls of the oxidation process, depending on how accurate they want this. I do mine simply with a leak valve, a vacuum gauge, and an RGA to monitor the partial pressure of oxygen inside a UHV chamber, and then pump it back down after a sufficient length of time of exposure. I don't care that much about the accurate thickness of the oxide layer, only how reproducible I can make it.

So unless you have a specific purpose, or a specific paper and study that you wish to ask about, this remains a rather vague question to answer.

  • #7
ZapperZ said:
Read my first response. That was why I asked the INITIAL state that they are in, and why I said that your description was vague. You didn't tell me this important part of the scenario, i.e. surface cleaning. It is also unclear if this is something you intend to do yourself, or if you're just curious on how oxidation is controlled in these experiments. If it is the latter, then shouldn't these papers that described the process tell you how they were done?

The problem here is that different techniques, and different purposes, have different level of controls of the oxidation process, depending on how accurate they want this. I do mine simply with a leak valve, a vacuum gauge, and an RGA to monitor the partial pressure of oxygen inside a UHV chamber, and then pump it back down after a sufficient length of time of exposure. I don't care that much about the accurate thickness of the oxide layer, only how reproducible I can make it.

So unless you have a specific purpose, or a specific paper and study that you wish to ask about, this remains a rather vague question to answer.



I have in mind two papers:

- The first paper concerns the InSb material (J. Appl. Phys. 64, 2813 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.341589)

- The second the InP and AsGa materials (Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 11, 2033 (1993); doi: 10.1116/1.586539)

In these two papers, they used UV light in different configurations (in a vacuum tool or at ambiant air) in order to oxidize the surface with a good control.

It seems that natural oxidization by introduction of O2 is not enough.

What do you think about these papers ?

FAQ: Oxidization of III-V Materials

1. What is oxidization of III-V materials?

Oxidization refers to the process of introducing oxygen to a material, resulting in the formation of an oxide layer on its surface. In the case of III-V materials, this refers to compounds made of elements from group III (such as aluminum, gallium, or indium) and group V (such as phosphorus, arsenic, or antimony) on the periodic table.

2. Why is oxidization of III-V materials important?

Oxidization can significantly alter the properties of III-V materials, making them more suitable for certain applications. For example, the oxide layer can act as a passivation layer, protecting the material from further oxidation and enhancing its stability and performance. It can also introduce new functionalities, such as making the material more suitable for use in electronic devices.

3. What factors influence the oxidization of III-V materials?

The oxidization process is influenced by several factors, including the composition of the III-V material, the temperature and pressure conditions, and the presence of impurities or defects. The type and thickness of the oxide layer formed can also vary depending on these factors.

4. What are some common methods used for oxidization of III-V materials?

Some common methods for oxidization of III-V materials include thermal oxidation, plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, molecular beam epitaxy, and anodization. Each method has its advantages and limitations, and the choice of method depends on the specific requirements and properties desired for the oxidized material.

5. What are the potential applications of oxidized III-V materials?

Oxidized III-V materials have a wide range of potential applications in various industries, including electronics, optoelectronics, solar cells, and catalysis. For example, oxidized III-V materials can be used in high-performance transistors, light-emitting diodes, and solar cells due to their improved stability, surface passivation, and enhanced electrical and optical properties.
