Time needed for velocity to become v<vf: t = (1/gy) ln (Vf/v) + (Vf/v) - 1

In summary: V/Vf+1/1-V/Vf +CIn summary, when a particle falls through the air, its initial acceleration decreases until it reaches zero and then it falls at a constant or terminal velocity. The time needed for the velocity to become less than the terminal velocity can be determined by using explicit integrations and solving for time.
  • #1
1. When a particle falls though the air, its initial acceleration a=g diminishes until it is zero, and thereafter it falls at a constant or terminal velocity vf. If the variation of the acceleration can be expressed as a=(g/v^2f)(v^2f-V62), determine the time needed for the velocity to become v<vf. Initially the particle falls from rest.

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  • #2
s4orce said:
determine the time needed for the velocity to become v<vf. Initially the particle falls from rest.

Do you mean find the time for the velocity to become v=vf? v will be < vf all the way up until the particle reaches terminal velocity.

And to solve the problem, you will need to do the explicit integrations. The only reason that the simple kinematic equations of motion do not have integrals in them is becuase the acceleration is constant with time. When it is changing, you need to use the integral forms of those equations. Can you show us how you would set those up?
  • #3
It is v< (less than) vf.

What I have thus far is



Integral 0 to V (1/1-(V^2/Vf^2) dv=Integral 0 to T gdt

1/2 ln V+Vf/V-Vs=gt

t=1/gy ln V+Vt/V-Vt


1/2a ln v+a/v-a

1/2 ln V/Vf+1 / V/ Vx-1 Integral 0 to V gt

FAQ: Time needed for velocity to become v<vf: t = (1/gy) ln (Vf/v) + (Vf/v) - 1

1. What is a particle air dynamics problem?

A particle air dynamics problem is a type of scientific problem that involves studying the motion and behavior of particles in a fluid or gas environment. This can include studying the forces acting on the particles, their trajectories, and how they interact with each other and their surroundings.

2. What are some real-world applications of particle air dynamics?

Particle air dynamics is used in a variety of industries and fields, including aerodynamics, meteorology, and environmental science. It is also important in understanding the behavior of pollutants and airborne diseases, as well as in the design and optimization of aircraft and other vehicles.

3. How is particle air dynamics studied and analyzed?

Particle air dynamics is typically studied using mathematical models and computer simulations. These models take into account factors such as particle size, density, and velocity to predict their behavior in different environments. Experimental methods, such as wind tunnels, can also be used to study particle air dynamics in a controlled setting.

4. What are some challenges in studying particle air dynamics?

One of the main challenges in studying particle air dynamics is the complex and unpredictable nature of fluid flow. The behavior of particles can be affected by various factors, such as turbulence, air pressure, and temperature, making it difficult to accurately predict their movements. Additionally, the large number of particles involved in many real-world scenarios can also pose a challenge in terms of data collection and analysis.

5. How is particle air dynamics used in research and development?

Particle air dynamics plays a crucial role in research and development, particularly in the design and testing of new technologies. For example, it is used in the development of more efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles, as well as in the optimization of air filtration systems. It is also used in atmospheric research to better understand and predict weather patterns and air quality.

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