PDE: Heated Sphere Homework Solution

In summary, we have a problem where we need to find the temperature of a sphere with equally distributed heaters, given its parameters, as a function of radius and time. In order to solve this, we need to find the steady state solution first and then use it as a starting point for developing the transient solution. To simplify the boundary conditions, we add a constant to our solution and use the n-th zero of a Bessel function to determine the value of kr. However, there is some uncertainty about this approach due to the fact that k is now a function of r. The most important rule in modeling is to start simple.
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Homework Statement

This is not really a school problem, it's actually something I am trying to figure out. So, we have a sphere with given radius. (Actually let's assume that all the parameters are known). The sphere has equally distributed heaters and is in the beginning at constant temperature. It also radiates as a black body. I would like to know the temperature as a function of radius and time.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So if I am not mistaken, what I have to solve is $$\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}-D\nabla ^2 T= \frac{q}{\rho c_p}$$ if ##q## is the density of the heaters. Since everything is symmetrical, the solution of homogeneous equation should like something like $$T(r,t)=(aj_0(kr)+bn_0(kr))e^{-k^2Dt}$$ where ##j_0## is spherical Bessel function and ##n_0## is spherical Neumann. Due to the nature of Neumann functions when ##r\rightarrow 0## the constant ##b=0##.

Now in order to simplify my boundary conditions, which are: $$T(r,t=0)=T_0$$ and $$-\lambda \frac{dT(r=R)}{dr}=\sigma T(R)^4$$ I decided to add a constant to my solution. Therefore the solution should look something like $$T(r,t)=aj_0(kr)e^{-k^2Dt}+T_0$$ which also changes my boundary condition to $$T(r,t=0)=T_0=aj_0(kr)+T_0$$ meaning that ##kr=\xi_n## where ##\xi_n## is n-th zero of a Bessel function.

Now I am not sure about this part above. Really not. Is everything ok so far? :/ I am not sure because my ##k## is now actually ##k(r)##. This confuses me a bit.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
In a problem like this, the first thing to do is to find the long-time steady state solution. This will then be the starting point for developing the transient solution. Furthermore, if you can't get the steady state solution, you will never be able to find the transient solution. So, follow the most important rule of modeling: Start Simple.


FAQ: PDE: Heated Sphere Homework Solution

1. What is a PDE?

A PDE, or partial differential equation, is an equation that contains partial derivatives of a multivariable function. It is used to model physical phenomena in fields such as physics, engineering, and mathematics.

2. What is a heated sphere?

A heated sphere is a three-dimensional object with heat being applied at its center. It is commonly used in physics and engineering problems to model heat transfer and thermal dynamics.

3. What is the purpose of the PDE: Heated Sphere Homework Solution?

The PDE: Heated Sphere Homework Solution is a mathematical solution that helps to analyze and understand heat transfer in a heated sphere. It provides a framework for solving problems related to temperature distribution, heat flux, and other thermal quantities.

4. How is the PDE: Heated Sphere Homework Solution calculated?

The PDE: Heated Sphere Homework Solution is calculated by solving the heat equation, which is a PDE that describes the change in temperature over time and space. This solution involves using boundary conditions and initial conditions to determine the temperature distribution in the heated sphere.

5. What are some real-world applications of the PDE: Heated Sphere Homework Solution?

The PDE: Heated Sphere Homework Solution has various applications in fields such as thermodynamics, heat transfer, and materials science. It is used to model heat flow in objects such as engines, electronic devices, and buildings, and to analyze thermal behavior in manufacturing processes, chemical reactions, and environmental systems.
