Organizing a PF Meeting or Convention: Ideas & Discussion

In summary, there has been no organized attempt to have a PF meeting or convention. Personally, I think that it would be a great idea, but there are some logistical obstacles that need to be overcome.
  • #1
Comeback City
Has there ever been an attempt to organize a PF meeting or convention? Personally, I think that would be a great thing for everyone to be able to meet the people they talk to here, if they don't already know them. Obviously, though, there are some immediate issues such as the worldwide PF presence would be hard to get people together, and everyone's busy schedules. Anyways, does anyone have any thoughts on this?
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  • #2
Yes and it's extremely difficult as you mention the vast distances, busy schedules and high cost of travel. It would be much more feasible to organize a series of video conferences.
  • #3
I think that there was a meeting at a castle in France some years ago.
  • #4
Greg Bernhardt said:
Yes and it's extremely difficult as you mention the vast distances, busy schedules and high cost of travel. It would be much more feasible to organize a series of video conference.
That's a good idea, but it might get kinda hectic with all the PF members trying to video conference at one time. Also, how many active members on PF would you say we have here that would even be interested in something like this?
  • #5
Comeback City said:
That's a good idea, but it might get kinda hectic with all the PF members trying to video conference at one time. Also, how many active members on PF would you say we have here that would even be interested in something like this?
Maybe not as many as you think. When we have open chat there isn't a flood of members.
  • #6
Greg Bernhardt said:
Maybe not as many as you think. When we have open chat there isn't a flood of members.
True. Would it then be feasible to try to get them on a video conference?
  • #7
Comeback City said:
True. Would it then be feasible to try to get them on a video conference?
One of the problems is video is that you need to then be friends with everyone on your Google+ account.
  • #8
Greg Bernhardt said:
One of the problems is video is that you need to then be friends with everyone on your Google+ account.
Well that shouldn't be too hard to organize compared to an actual meeting. Is there any other software you need for video conference on google+? I've never actually done it.
  • #9
Comeback City said:
Well that shouldn't be too hard to organize compared to an actual meeting.
Except for the fact that my Google+ account is personal. I don't accept friend requests from random PFers on facebook either. I think many others feel the same way.
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Likes ProfuselyQuarky and phinds
  • #10
Greg Bernhardt said:
Except for the fact that my Google+ account is personal. I don't accept friend requests from random PFers on facebook either. I think many others feel the same way.
I guess you could make a second account then if it's that personal.
  • #11
I thought the First PF "Meeting" was at my house a few years ago?

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Likes Astronuc and Greg Bernhardt
  • #12
A lot of people are traveling to see the eclipse this summer. I know at least three of us will be in one small town in Oregon. (We haven't coordinated a meeting, but I would like to meet those two.)
I think it would be fun, and might make a really interesting photo collage, of various indigenous PF groups, spanning the nation, in their new t-shirts.


Woo hoo!
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Likes ProfuselyQuarky and Astronuc
  • #13
OmCheeto said:
I think it would be fun, and might make a really interesting photo collage, of various indigenous PF groups, spanning the nation, in their new t-shirts.
Now there's a good idea: regional PF meetings (definitely would be easier to organize). I'm on other side of US so unfortunately I can't join you over in Oregon :oldfrown:
  • #14
Comeback City said:
Now there's a good idea: regional PF meetings (definitely would be easier to organize). I'm on other side of US so unfortunately I can't join you over in Oregon :oldfrown:
Maybe you can organize an east coast meeting :)
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Likes Comeback City and OmCheeto
  • #15
Greg Bernhardt said:
Maybe you can organize an east coast meeting :)
I'd be willing to try, but I wonder who from the East coast would be willing to show up...
  • #16
Comeback City said:
I'd be willing to try, but I wonder who from the East coast would be willing to show up...
When you're angry, in fear, or in doubt, you have four choices:

a. run in circles, scream and shout
b. steal someone else's idea
c. think of something creative on your own
d. act like a tennis shoe, and just do it​

I would not pick the first choice...
and b, c. and d are not mutually exclusive.
Sir Isaac Newton admitted to stealing other people's ideas.
Slip your feet into the shoes, tie the laces a bit differently, and run.

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Likes Intrastellar and Comeback City
  • #17
OmCheeto said:
When you're angry, in fear, or in doubt, you have four choices:

a. run in circles, scream and shout
b. steal someone else's idea
c. think of something creative on your own
d. act like a tennis shoe, and just do it​

I would not pick the first choice...
and b, c. and d are not mutually exclusive.
Sir Isaac Newton admitted to stealing other people's ideas.
Slip your feet into the shoes, tie the laces a bit differently, and run.

I choose option a. o0)
  • #18
Comeback City said:
I choose option a. o0)
So far, in the nineish years I've been a member of the forum, I've met about a half a dozen Poofers.
Beings that Poofers are somewhat a smart crowd, they've always insisted on meeting me in "crowded" places. :oldeyes:

ps. It would appear that my plot to kill all people smarter than me has finally paid off.
I just got two invites, via PM, to meet with 90% of the "Poofer" mafia family...
Missing persons: Evo, Borek, and... good grief, there are a lot of people running this place...

Never mind. I think I'll only be able to take out about 5% of this clan...
We're doomed...

Science wins...
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Likes Comeback City
  • #19
OmCheeto said:
So far, in the nineish years I've been a member of the forum, I've met about a half a dozen Poofers.
Beings that Poofers are somewhat a smart crowd, they've always insisted on meeting me in "crowded" places. :oldeyes:

ps. It would appear that my plot to kill all people smarter than me has finally paid off.
I just got two invites, via PM, to meet with 90% of the "Poofer" mafia family...
Missing persons: Evo, Borek, and... good grief, there are a lot of people running this place...

Never mind. I think I'll only be able to take out about 5% of this clan...
We're doomed...

Science wins...
Sounds like we need a counter-mafia... :devil::oldlaugh:
  • #20
Greg Bernhardt said:
Maybe you can organize an east coast meeting :)

I'll organize a meeting for folks who live within 5 miles of "down the street from my apartment at IHOP".
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Likes ProfuselyQuarky, Comeback City, OmCheeto and 1 other person
  • #21
Drakkith said:
I'll organize a meeting for folks who live within 5 miles of "down the street from my apartment at IHOP".
I'll be there, you're buying right?
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Likes Comeback City
  • #22
Student100 said:
I'll be there, you're buying right?

There will be a fundraiser. I'm thinking a carwash. @phinds will be our eye candy to attract attention. Everyone loves puppies!
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Likes davenn, Comeback City and Student100
  • #23
Drakkith said:
There will be a fundraiser. I'm thinking a carwash. @phinds will be our eye candy to attract attention. Everyone loves puppies!
I'm game as long as it's not held in Texas :smile:
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Likes davenn, Drakkith and Comeback City
  • #24
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  • #25
Drakkith said:
There will be a fundraiser.
"Will do physics for beer"?
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FAQ: Organizing a PF Meeting or Convention: Ideas & Discussion

What are some ideas for organizing a successful PF meeting or convention?

Some ideas for organizing a successful PF meeting or convention may include setting a clear objective for the event, selecting an appropriate venue and date, creating a schedule with diverse and engaging speakers and activities, promoting the event through various channels, and providing opportunities for networking and collaboration among attendees.

How can I ensure that the PF meeting or convention runs smoothly?

To ensure a smooth running event, it is important to have a well-organized team in place, clearly delegate tasks and responsibilities, have contingency plans in case of any issues, communicate effectively with all stakeholders, and continuously evaluate and make necessary adjustments throughout the planning process.

What are some ways to make the PF meeting or convention more interactive and engaging?

Some ways to make the PF meeting or convention more interactive and engaging may include incorporating interactive sessions such as workshops or panel discussions, using technology such as live polls or social media for audience participation, allowing time for Q&A sessions, and providing opportunities for networking and collaboration among attendees.

How can I attract a diverse group of attendees to the PF meeting or convention?

To attract a diverse group of attendees, it is important to promote the event through various channels and target different demographics, offer a variety of topics and speakers that appeal to a wide range of interests, consider offering scholarships or discounted tickets for underrepresented groups, and actively reach out to and involve diverse organizations and communities.

How can I measure the success of the PF meeting or convention?

The success of a PF meeting or convention can be measured through various factors such as attendance numbers, feedback from attendees and speakers, social media engagement, and the achievement of the event's objectives. It is important to have clear metrics in place beforehand and to gather feedback and data after the event to evaluate its success and make improvements for future events.
