Common Griefs of a Forum: Dealing with the Rules

In summary, some people on this forum don't care about the rules of polite conversation. There is no serious subject for some members, and there is no funny subject for some people. Most replies to a thread are unrelated to the original post. We don't have some of our favorite smilies, and some people have no pet peeve. The lack of my favorite members is also a problem.
  • #1
Gold Member
Mine are just about GD:'re during a hot discussion with someone and your favorite thread's suddenly closed!because someone doesn't care the rules of PF.
2.Some super mentors are off even when they're on!
3.there is no serious subject for some members like myself and there is no funny subject fr some people,too.
4.most of replies to a thread are unrelative to the original post.
5.we don't have some of our favorite smilies!
6. multi user smily :-p !the ugliest smily as a cool :cool: !
7.some people have no pet peeve!
8.the lack of my favorite members! :wink:
9.too long usernames!
(10.misspelling some words like coz/cos as because!)

what I mentioned,makes here wonderful! :wink:
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Physics news on
  • #2
people saying "You have no idea..."
  • #3
I think my only pet peeve on just about any forum is when I find a thread where someone got out of control and whom I'd like to give a piece of my mind but I find it's already been locked. :devil:
I'm sure it's better that way though lol.
  • #4
TheStatutoryApe said:
I think my only pet peeve on just about any forum is when I find a thread where someone got out of control and whom I'd like to give a piece of my mind but I find it's already been locked. :devil:
I'm sure it's better that way though lol.

Worse for me is when I read all the way through a bunch of long replies and don't realize it's locked until I go to post a reply. Those light red lines on the green beakers just don't catch my attention (and I still haven't figured out why sometimes locked threads have that icon, and sometimes they have a padlock on them...I prefer the padlocks, I don't miss those).

Oh, BTW, Lisa!, anyone who is a contributor can wander around in what I call stealth mode (be invisible)...that's where the little green light stays off even when you're online. It's fun sneaking up on people. :biggrin:
  • #5
maybe its just me... but i don't like when people post a ton, its annoying, and it makes less frequent posters seem... i duno... even less frequent... i even try to refrain from posting too much, because i also can't stand hypocrites...
  • #6
Gale17 said:
maybe its just me... but i don't like when people post a ton, its annoying, and it makes less frequent posters seem... i duno... even less frequent... i even try to refrain from posting too much, because i also can't stand hypocrites...
Sorry, I'll try to avoid annoying you. :biggrin: If it's any consolation, those of us who post a lot can do so because we live otherwise boring lives. :frown:
  • #7
hehehe, ok, well, having tons of posts isn't always terrible. mostly its tons of completely useless, senseless, or otherwise annoying posts... you know? like, people who just post for the sake of posting...

sides, posts from interferring aunts don't annoy me anyways... you just get so used to ignoring them... "yes auntie... ok... mhmmm..."
  • #8
Moonbear said:
Sorry, I'll try to avoid annoying you. :biggrin: If it's any consolation, those of us who post a lot can do so because we live otherwise boring lives. :frown:
I have the same problem. I sit here at work with little to do aside from talking to people here or on other sites.
I'll try to refrain from posting too much Gale. I don't think I do really though I know I tend to post more than you do.
  • #9
arrrrg, ok, you know what else is annoying?? people thinking that they're the ones who post too much... when really, the people I'm thinking of in particular, will probably never get the hint!
  • #10
LOL! sorry... :redface:
  • #11
gosh, now there's an insightful post... way to not suck!
  • #12
Gale17 said:
gosh, now there's an insightful post... way to not suck!
If you're going to try to make me walk a plank for that one then you'd better be ready for fight lass. :devil:
I have me zombie army from Haiti on stand by... and there's no zombie smiley! Add that to my list of pet peeves! :-p
  • #13
ya right... you hide behind that monkey you! way to take the thread way off topic too! hmm... on that note...
  • #14
Gale17 said:
hehehe, ok, well, having tons of posts isn't always terrible. mostly its tons of completely useless, senseless, or otherwise annoying posts... you know? like, people who just post for the sake of posting...
Ahh...not just posting a lot, but posting a lot of stuff without saying anything. Gotcha! :wink:

sides, posts from interferring aunts don't annoy me anyways... you just get so used to ignoring them... "yes auntie... ok... mhmmm..."
'sides (<--see, I'm learning your lingo :-p), I'm only teasing you and whozum. Real meddling is annoying. :rolleyes:
  • #15
#people who write a lot in a single post!(honestly I usually don't read them!)
#impolite members who say "shut up,stupid..." :wink: but of course these 2 examples are their most polite words!(for sure they say how high-strung she is! )
#people who are so knowledgeable about everything and of course opinionated
about their ideas! :devil:
#people who force me to stay here for a long time :wink:
#people with ugly avatar
#people who always want to say the last word in every conversation even if their last words would be "you're right" or "thanks"!
the most important one#people who misunderstand you!

TheStatutoryApe said:
I think my only pet peeve on just about any forum is when I find a thread where someone got out of control and whom I'd like to give a piece of my mind but I find it's already been locked. :devil:
I'm sure it's better that way though lol.
You're so generous!you've given half of your photo to the monkey and you even want to give a piece of your mind to the threads.most of threads really need it because there is no thought in the subject,replies...(3 and 4 :biggrin: )
  • #16
Lisa, I am just curious - where do you live and what languages do you speak other than English?
  • #17
Gale17 said:
hehehe, ok, well, having tons of posts isn't always terrible. mostly its tons of completely useless, senseless, or otherwise annoying posts... you know? like, people who just post for the sake of posting...
Geeze Gale she already said sorry, you don't have to pound it into her :smile:
  • #18
Math Is Hard said:
Lisa, I am just curious - where do you live and what languages do you speak other than English?
#people who are so curious and want to know about my private life! :wink:
(I know my En is so terrible :cry: no need to mention!and I do apologize if it's impossible to understand me most of time! :blushing: )
  • #19
Unconventional spelling and punctuation makes reading posts more difficult for me. That's the only pet peeve that I can think of- and it's not even a serious one. People making unsupported claims, i.e. passing off their 'mere' opinions or beliefs as undisputed facts, really bothers me, but that's much more than just a pet peeve.
  • #20
honestrosewater said:
Unconventional spelling and punctuation makes reading posts more difficult for me. That's the only pet peeve that I can think of- and it's not even a serious one.

Wow you must hate me...
  • #21
Pengwuino said:
Wow you must hate me...
Yes, but for other reasons. :biggrin:

Just kidding. I don't remember your posts being bad. It's just a minor annoyance, and I don't really hate people anyway.
  • #22
why am I not someone's pet peve? I'm annoying as hell..
  • #23
#when someone says "hmmm..."

yomamma said:
why am I not someone's pet peve? I'm annoying as hell..
because you're too cute to be someone's pet peeve!
  • #24
  • #25
yomamma said:
why am I not someone's pet peve? I'm annoying as hell..
I was going to list you, but it wasn't worth the effort. :-p
  • #26
1.) People who don't appreciate or understand Surrealism
2.) ...

Let me work on that list.
  • #27
Lisa! said:
Mine are just about GD:'re during a hot discussion with someone and your favorite thread's suddenly closed!because someone doesn't care the rules of PF.
2.Some super mentors are off even when they're on!
3.there is no serious subject for some members like myself and there is no funny subject fr some people,too.
4.most of replies to a thread are unrelative to the original post.
5.we don't have some of our favorite smilies!
6. multi user smily :-p !the ugliest smily as a cool :cool: !
7.some people have no pet peeve!
8.the lack of my favorite members! :wink:
9.too long usernames!
(10.misspelling some words like coz/cos as because!)

what I mentioned,makes here wonderful! :wink:

Mispeling words coz i can't spel for tofee
When my favorit member is to busy to talk to me
lack of seriously funny freds
supermen tornators that are of and on
  • #28
BicycleTree said:
1.) People who don't appreciate or understand Surrealism
2.) ...

Let me work on that list.
Yeah, my uncle had a bad case of surrealism when he was a kid. He was in the hospital for weeks.
  • #29
Does anybody around here hate me? I'll be out in two weeks, so it's nice to know beforehand, maybe there's enough time to repair the damage. :rolleyes:

  • #30
  • #31
dextercioby said:
Does anybody around here hate me? I'll be out in two weeks, so it's nice to know beforehand, maybe there's enough time to repair the damage. :rolleyes:

What? You're leaving? :eek:
BTW, I am close to hating you for what you said in the most users ever online thread.
  • #32
Moonbear said:
those of us who post a lot can do so because we live otherwise boring lives. :frown:
Ok,we should do sth for you first. o:)
I have an idea! :wink:

wolram said:
When my favorit member is to busy to talk to me
I see!
[QOUTE=dextercioby]does anybody around here hate me?[/QUOTE]you'd better to ask :Is there anyone around here who doen't hate me? :wink:
  • #33
I see got i got some fans around here, Lisa included :wink:, so i won't be missed. :approve:

Rose,about that thread, it was an innocent remark. o:)

  • #34
dextercioby said:
I see got i got some fans around here, Lisa included :wink:,

Rose,about that thread, it was an innocent remark. o:)

again innocent dextercioby! o:)
  • #35
I'm just a little, little kitten, how can you all not love me?:-p

I'm sooo innocent, as the avatars confirms. Disgustingly innocent. :!)

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