Photo Contest - Your city/neighborhood (Apr 27 - May 5, 2006)

In summary: I'll start uploading my pictures now! :)In summary, Evo thought it was a good idea for a photo contest to be held in PF. Rules were discussed and it was decided that digital photos taken in the city/neighborhood where the participant lives are allowed. A poll will be held to determine the winner. Zz.Good idea!
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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I ran this past Evo, and she thought it was a good idea. Mind you, the last time she said that to one of my ideas here in GD, it resulted in the never-ending Disney thread! :)

Here's how it will work:

1. A theme will be given during the photo contest period.

2. Any digital photo relevant to the theme will be accepted. In case there's a grey area, or you're not sure if the picture is suitable, check with me first.

3. Please resize your digital photo to no more than 650 x 490 pixels. But other than that, any form of picture editing or modification is not allowed. This is a photo contest, not a picture editing/special effect contest. You may add a watermark or your name/nickname to the photo if you wish.

4. Upload your photos to any of the photo servers such as imageshack.

5. Then post it the relevant contest thread and link your picture using the img command. PM me if you do not know how.

6. Only ONE picture per member per contest.

7. At the end of the contest period, I will open a poll and every PF member can vote for the picture they like best.

8. Note that in case we have a large number of entries, and there's a limit in a single thread to the number of poll options I can do, I will do the polling in more than one threads. If that's the case, you can vote in each of the polling threads. The photos will be assigned in the the polling threads in the order they were submitted.

9. I'd like to play along too, so I hope no one minds that even though I'm running this, I'd like to submit my pictures as well. So can I? Huh? Huh?

10. These pictures should be something that YOU TOOK, not something taken off someone else's photo albums or taken by someone else. I have no way of checking if you did this, so we'll go by the honor system.

11. We will probably have to refine our rules here as we go along. I'm sure there's plenty of things that I missed.

If that is clear, here is our First PF Photo Contest:


Any picture of where you live is accepted. This can be your neighborhood, your housing development, the village you live in, or the large metropolitan that you call home. Any picture that depicts something in your city/neighborhood is allowed.

All pictures must be submitted to this thread only.

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  • #2
Great idea.

An idea for polling though.

If there are lots of pictures, why not do playoff type thing? Like the top 3 pictures in one thread vs. the top 3 in the other thread until you get down to one thread.
  • #3
By "digital photo" do you mean pics taken with a digital camera?
  • #4
JasonRox said:
Great idea.

An idea for polling though.

If there are lots of pictures, why not do playoff type thing? Like the top 3 pictures in one thread vs. the top 3 in the other thread until you get down to one thread.

Yes, that will be done in one form or another, i.e. I may have a cut-off number of votes and will get all of those into a final poll.

I also forgot to mention that these pictures should be something that YOU TOOK, not something taken off someone else's photo albums or taken by someone else. I have no way of checking if you did this, so we'll go by the honor system.

I'll add that to the rules.

  • #5
neutrino said:
By "digital photo" do you mean pics taken with a digital camera?

Or you can scan an old photo that you took. It just means that it is in digital form that you can upload online.

  • #6
Oooh, I should take pictures of my new neighbors. The horses disappeared last week and a herd of longhorns have moooved in. :bugeye:

You know it's just a matter of time until one gets through the fence and gores me. :frown: I'll have the Evo Child submit that one.
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  • #7
ZapperZ said:
Or you can scan an old photo that you took. It just means that it is in digital form that you can upload online.

Ok. Thanks.
  • #8
ZapperZ, if a person lives in Orlando are they allowed to take pictures of Disney World? :smile: :smile:
  • #9
dduardo said:
ZapperZ, if a person lives in Orlando are they allowed to take pictures of Disney World? :smile: :smile:

Somehow, I knew this question would appear!


I don't know about that. I suppose, in a grey area such as this, the picture would be allowed. In the end, it all comes down to the members who will be voting for the pictures. So I'll leave it up to them to decide.

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  • #10
OK, well... I was hoping someone would be the first person to upload a picture in our very first contest. Since no one objected to me also participating in the fun, here's my entry.

This is the wonderful city of Chicago that I have lived in (on and off) since 1985.

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  • #11
Great idea! I'll head into town with my camera at the weekend!
  • #12
hypatia said:
One person collects things discarded, and makes them into a lawn display. Its taken down each week, and then another group of stuff is assembled. Its about 1/2 mile from my house, so I go by there, just to peek.

hypatia, could you upload this to one of the photo upload server? I cannot use this in the poll if you upload as an attachment.


Edit: Well done, hypatia!
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  • #13
Coney Island, taken with an infrared-pass filter with Kodak DC 120
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  • #14
cronxeh said:
Coney Island, taken with an infrared-pass filter with Kodak DC 120

cronxeh: you need to do the same also. Try uploading it to a photo upload server and then use the IMG command. PM me if you have trouble doing this.


Edit: Ah, much better.
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  • #15
cronxeh said:
Coney Island, taken with an infrared-pass filter with Kodak DC 120

Is that NYC?
  • #16
I thought we had a theme? I haven't taken many pictures of Guam, though I should. This is my current background, I took last year in April.
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  • #18
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  • #19

Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges
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  • #20
I like Gokul's.
  • #21
Gokul, is that the Marina?

Great pics from everyone so far.
  • #22
ZapperZ, what park is that? It is obviously way south side and I haven't been down that way much. Looks really nice.

  • #23
Lyuokdea said:
ZapperZ, what park is that? It is obviously way south side and I haven't been down that way much. Looks really nice.


That is Grant Park right by Lakeshore drive. It is looking north from the front steps of the Field Museum.


Edit: Imageshack some time annoys me, like right now when it is not uploading my picture. :(
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  • #25
J77: you need to use the url for the DIRECT source. Don't use the FORUM source from imageshack.


Edit: Ah, also much better!
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  • #26
I hope there are more people who plan to upload pictures for our contest here. Remember, this particular contest runs till May 5th, midnight my time (Chicago, IL).

  • #28
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  • #29
The Chrysler Building from street level, near sunset:


Unfortunately, I took the shot at 640x480 and can't straighten it without losing clarity. It's off by less than it looks, though (about 1 degree).
  • #30
Hmm, I looked hard to find the angle. Looks like almost 10˚.

Larkspur, would you be interested in donating your image to Wikipedia as an example of steam/evaporation fog?
  • #31
Mk said:
Hmm, I looked hard to find the angle. Looks like almost 10˚.

Larkspur, would you be interested in donating your image to Wikipedia as an example of steam/evaporation fog?

Ok, just send me a link when you put it up.
  • #32

May 5th!

I have to get my picture in soon.
  • #33
I'm so depressed. My kids and I launched a model rocket with a camera to get some aerial views of the park near our house. First launch went perfect, in spite of the wind. We just launched upwind and let the wind carry the rocket and parachute back towards us.

Still, we had two more engines and more film on the roll, so we had to go for another launch.

The second launch malfunctioned. Instead of the charge popping the parachute, it blew off the tail fins. As a result, the wind didn't blow the rocket back towards us. Nearly two hours of searching and we never did find it.

Losing the rocket is bad enough. Losing the pictures ... :cry:
  • #34
BobG said:
I'm so depressed. My kids and I launched a model rocket with a camera to get some aerial views of the park near our house. First launch went perfect, in spite of the wind. We just launched upwind and let the wind carry the rocket and parachute back towards us.

Still, we had two more engines and more film on the roll, so we had to go for another launch.

The second launch malfunctioned. Instead of the charge popping the parachute, it blew off the tail fins. As a result, the wind didn't blow the rocket back towards us. Nearly two hours of searching and we never did find it.

Losing the rocket is bad enough. Losing the pictures ... :cry:

I hope you didn't go to all that trouble JUST to submit a picture for this contest!


  • #35
scorpa said:
Not the most exciting but it's the only pic I have of home here.

Where is that from? Do you live somewhere on prairie?

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