Phil Collins says he's still in touch with his dead father

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary: I was hoping someone could pull his blanket off.In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of children experiencing their blankets being pulled off their beds, potentially by ghosts or other unexplained phenomena. Some members share their personal experiences and theories on the matter, while others make jokes and express skepticism. The conversation ends with a discussion about a planned seance with a fake medium and musicians. Overall, there is a mix of belief and skepticism regarding the existence of ghosts.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I expect to hear Phil objecting to this one:

The singer told Brigitte magazine his children's electric blankets had repeatedly been pulled from their beds overnight "as if a ghost had done it"
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  • #2
This is funny. Maybe if I said I was a medium and told him his grandfather wanted him to give me half his money he'd do it..
  • #3
It's funny about the blanket pulling, though. I knew a guy who said this happened to him as a kid, and later I read other accounts of kids experiencing the same thing. I can't figure out if this is some kind of common sleep paralysis hallucination like the Hag, or what.

Regardless, if Phil jumped to the conclusion this was his father's ghost I wonder if he's asked why he would manifest himself in this scary way? Seems cruel.
  • #4
Yeah, kids never kick off their blankets while they're asleep. It must be a ghost.
  • #5
Originally posted by Phobos
Yeah, kids never kick off their blankets while they're asleep. It must be a ghost.
The guy who told me this happened to him said he was completely awake at the time, and that his blanket was ripped off of him from the foot of the bed.
  • #6
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
The guy who told me this happened to him said he was completely awake at the time, and that his blanket was ripped off of him from the foot of the bed.

Ok, but a second-hand memory of a sleep-related event from many years ago is weak evidence, IMO.

Convincing enough for your friend, I'm sure. Anyway, I think empirical evidence would be tough to come by on this and we're stuck with anecdotes.
  • #7
Originally posted by Phobos Ok, but a second-hand memory of a sleep-related event from many years ago is weak evidence, IMO.
You have mistaken my story as an attempt to present evidence that the phenomenon exists. I merely was presenting evidence that reports of it exist, outside the Phil Collins report. I was, additionally, clarifying that it is a more complicated situation than people waking with their covers off and jumping to the whacky conclusion a ghost pulled them off. Kids who experience this report being fully aware while the covers are being removed. I find it intriguing when disparate people report the same atrange things. In my mind it usually is an indicator of a similarity in the way peoples' minds work that we weren't aware of before. I reminds me strongly of the sleep paralysis "Hag" phenomenon.

Convincing enough for your friend, I'm sure.
A very gullable man, he was. This served as the basis of his lifelong belief in ghosts

Anyway, I think empirical evidence would be tough to come by on this and we're stuck with anecdotes.
Which, as they stand, tend to point along the line of one of the many versions of sleep disorder. I would be interested in finding more of these stories (bankets being pulled off) to see if there is any way to account for disparate people having an hallucination with the same basic content.
  • #8
I am convinced that "ghosts" are a real phenomenon. This comes from some personal accounts from a couple of people that I know very well.
  • #9
Things that cannot be explained readily in terms of known phenomena definitely happen.
  • #10
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Things that cannot be explained readily in terms of known phenomena definitely happen.

Yep. Filtering the cons, scams, whackos, and misunderstandings is often hopeless, but then there are times when the truth jumps up and smacks you in the face. When it comes to things ghostly, I reached this point many years ago.
  • #11
You see dead people.
  • #12
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
You see dead people.

Red people.
  • #13
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Red people.
Do other people see them, or only when you're alone?
  • #14
Originally posted by Nereid
Do other people see them, or only when you're alone?

Now don't start on me it was only a joke.
  • #15
In my mind it usually is an indicator of a similarity in the way peoples' minds work that we weren't aware of before.
thanks for the clarification, zoob
I too, find that fascinating.
  • #16
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Red people.
At the beach?
  • #17
Is his crappy music not enough of a crime, without this nonsense?
  • #18
Originally posted by Zero
Is his crappy music not enough of a crime, without this nonsense?

Stayed tuned. He and John Tesh are hosting a seance with John Edwards.
  • #19
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Stayed tuned. He and John Tesh are hosting a seance with John Edwards.
What do you get when you combine a fake medium with pretend musicians?
  • #20
Originally posted by Zero
What do you get when you combine a fake medium with pretend musicians?

Well, they're hoping for Elvis.
  • #21
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Well, they're hoping for Elvis.
And they deserve to get Frank Sinatra, Jr.
  • #22
Originally posted by Zero
And they deserve to get Frank Sinatra, Jr.
Or Donny Osmond.
  • #23
Originally posted by Tsunami
Or Donny Osmond.

Contrary to popular belief, Donny's not dead yet.
  • #24
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Contrary to popular belief, Donny's not dead yet.

FAQ: Phil Collins says he's still in touch with his dead father

What evidence does Phil Collins have that he's still in touch with his dead father?

Phil Collins claims to have had several experiences in which he felt his father's presence or received signs from him. He has also stated that he communicates with his father through dreams and meditation.

How does Phil Collins explain this phenomenon?

Phil Collins believes that there is an afterlife and that his father's spirit still exists. He also believes in the power of the mind and the ability to connect with the spirit world through various methods.

Has Phil Collins ever shared any specific details of his communication with his father?

Phil Collins has shared that he often receives guidance and advice from his father during his dreams and meditation. He also believes that his father has helped him make important decisions and overcome challenges in his life.

Does Phil Collins' belief in staying in touch with his dead father align with any scientific theories?

While there is no scientific evidence to support Phil Collins' claims, some scientists and psychologists have theories about the possibility of communicating with the deceased or experiencing their presence after death. However, these theories are still widely debated and not fully understood.

How has Phil Collins' belief impacted his life and career?

Phil Collins has stated that his belief in staying in touch with his dead father has brought him comfort and closure. It has also influenced his music and lyrics, with many songs referencing his father or their relationship. Additionally, his belief has sparked discussions and debates about the afterlife and the possibility of communicating with the deceased.

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