Physics of the mountain car problem

  • Thread starter Rupert Young
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  • Tags
    Car Physics
In summary, the driver must use both forward and reverse motion to get enough head start to make it to the top of the hill.
  • #1
Rupert Young
I'm a bit confused by the physics of the mountain car problem.


The problem concerns driving an underpowered car up a mountain.

I had expected that the car would be able drive up to a point where the forward force due to acceleration is equal to the opposing force due to gravity and that the car would then just stop.

However, I am finding that the car falls back down and goes up the other slope, and continues to oscillates in that way.

What am I misunderstanding?

Here are the equations.

The landscape curve is given by, cos(3*(x+(pi/2))), where x is the position.

Velocity = Velocity + (Action) * 0.001 + cos(3 * Position) * (-0.0025)
Position = Position + Velocity

where Action = 1
and starting position = -0.5, which is the bottom of the valley.
Physics news on
  • #2
Your expectation is wrong. The car's inertia will carry it beyond the point where forces balance, so velocity will go negative and the car will slip back.

I think you are intended to learn that the driver must use both forward and reverse to get enough head start to make it to the top of the hill. It is like rocking a car back and forth to get out of a slippery spot in a snow bank during winter.
  • #3
Your equations do not make much sense, especially the second one which is dimensionally inconsistent.
What do you call "action" in this context? In physics action has a well defined meaning but it doe snot seem this is what you mean here.
There is no force "due to acceleration". The acceleration is due to the net force.
If the car starts with some initial velocity and the engine is shutdown, the only force is gravity and this force will produce the acceleration (opposite to the car's velocity) which will result in the car eventually stopping. Once it stops, the same force will accelerate it down the hill, where is come from. And the process repeats.
  • #5
Oh, so the car is powered. Thank you for the link.
  • #6
The equations in the Wiki article linked are poorly written and poorly documented. But I think the focus is not on accurate physics, but rather on control strategies to achieve a goal, given a set (any set) of equations.

FAQ: Physics of the mountain car problem

1. What is the mountain car problem in physics?

The mountain car problem is a classic reinforcement learning problem in physics that involves a car trying to climb a steep hill. The car has limited power and must learn how to use its acceleration and braking to reach the top of the hill.

2. How is the mountain car problem typically modeled in physics?

In physics, the mountain car problem is typically modeled as a system of two masses connected by a spring and placed on a slope. The car is represented as one mass and the mountain as the other mass. The goal is to find the optimal control inputs that will allow the car to reach the top of the mountain.

3. What are the main challenges in solving the mountain car problem in physics?

The main challenges in solving the mountain car problem in physics include the nonlinearity of the system, the high-dimensional state space, and the sparse rewards. Additionally, the car must learn how to overcome the force of gravity and the friction of the slope to reach the top of the mountain.

4. How can physics principles be applied to solve the mountain car problem?

Physics principles, such as Newton's laws of motion and energy conservation, can be applied to develop mathematical models for the mountain car problem. These models can then be used to design control strategies and algorithms for the car to reach the top of the mountain efficiently.

5. What are some real-world applications of the mountain car problem in physics?

The mountain car problem has real-world applications in areas such as robotics, autonomous vehicle navigation, and game development. It can also be used as a benchmark problem to test and compare different reinforcement learning algorithms and techniques.
