What is the best method for plotting complex inequalities on the complex plane?

In summary, the set of complex numbers that satisfy the inequality |z - i| ≤ |z - 1| can be plotted on the complex plane by plotting the perpendicular bisector of the line segment between i and 1 and shading the region above and to the left of the bisector. Alternatively, in Cartesian geometry, the set can be described as \{x+ iy | x\le y\}.
  • #1
Trying to plot the set of complex numbers [tex]\{z \in C | |z - i| \leq |z-1|\} [/tex] on the complex plane.

I've tried by hand a few values for z, such as [tex]z = 1 - 2i[/tex], [tex]z = 2 + 2i[/tex], but the inequality isn't true.

How can I determine which values of z are true for this inequality?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Are you sure [tex]z=2+2i[/tex] doesn't satisfy the inequality? :wink:

If you let [tex]z=x+iy[/tex] and remember that [tex]|x+iy|=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}[/tex] you should be able to get your answer in terms of x and y.
  • #3
username12345 said:
Trying to plot the set of complex numbers [tex]\{z \in C | |z - i| \leq |z-1|\} [/tex] on the complex plane.

Hi username12345! :smile:

Just pretend it's geometry

if i and 1 are points, what words would you use to describe, geometrically, |z - i| ≤ |z - 1|? :wink:
  • #4
To add to tiny-tim's hint: |b- a|, geometrically, is the distance between point a and b.
  • #5
Mentallic said:
Are you sure [tex]z=2+2i[/tex] doesn't satisfy the inequality? :wink:

Sorry, I've been staring at maths all weekend it's starting to all look the same.

Yeah it will be true because the displacement is the same on both axis. [tex]\sqrt(2^2 + 1^2) = \sqrt(1^2 + 2^2)[/tex] :smile:

I will have to return to this problem later, my head hurts. Thanks for your help everyone.
  • #6
I don't like to oppose a mentor's suggestion, but I try to avoid geometry whenever possible, especially when algebra provides a perfectly feasible solution. If you don't feel the same way, of course, just ignore my ramblings. (geometry in this case would be simpler, but that is only if you know where you are going with it. Algebra is a simple, fool proof step-by-step process)

[tex]\{z \in C | |z - i| \leq |z-1|\} [/tex]

So if we let [tex]z=x+iy[/tex] and substitute into the original question: [tex]|x+iy-i| \leq |x+iy-1|[/tex]
and collect real and imaginary terms: [tex]|x+i(y-1)| \leq |(x-1)+iy|[/tex]

Remember that: [tex]|a+ib|=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}[/tex]

So now if we follow this rule, we have: [tex]\sqrt{x^2+(y-1)^2} \leq \sqrt{(x-1)^2+y^2}[/tex]

and now you can simplify this inequality in terms of x and y. This will give you the cartesian inequality, but it is equivalent and can be copy-pasted onto the argand diagram.
  • #7
Nice one, Mentallic! :smile:

and you can use squares throughout, to avoid the √ at the end :wink:
  • #8
tiny-tim said:
Nice one, Mentallic! :smile:

and you can use squares throughout, to avoid the √ at the end :wink:

Darn this internet world. I'm detecting a hint of sarcasm, but can't be truly sure o:)
The 2nd line really threw me off.

I know my recommended solution is silly and inferior compared to the simple geometry of this problem, but it's these silly moves that keep it interesting :smile:
  • #9
Mentallic, the second line just means noting |a|<|b| if and only if |a|2<|b|2 so your last line becomes

[tex]x^2+(y-1)^2} \leq \sqrt{(x-1)^2+y^2[/tex]

It's fairly common when comparing absolute values to square them first because the algebra is always nicer at the end (in this case, you can just square both sides after getting rid of the absolute value signs, but it's good to know as a general rule)
  • #10

Mentallic said:
Darn this internet world. I'm detecting a hint of sarcasm, but can't be truly sure o:)
The 2nd line really threw me off.

I'm detecting paranoia :wink: …​

my solution was a bit hand-wavy …

but yours is entirely analytic …

which in an analysis problem is actually quite appropriate! :biggrin:
  • #11
Office_Shredder said:
Mentallic, the second line just means noting |a|<|b| if and only if |a|2<|b|2 so your last line becomes

[tex]x^2+(y-1)^2} \leq \sqrt{(x-1)^2+y^2[/tex]

It's fairly common when comparing absolute values to square them first because the algebra is always nicer at the end (in this case, you can just square both sides after getting rid of the absolute value signs, but it's good to know as a general rule)
Oh yeah. Since x and y are real, and the square root suggests they are positive, squaring both sides of the inequality is no problem.

tiny-tim said:
I'm detecting paranoia :wink: …​

my solution was a bit hand-wavy …

but yours is entirely analytic …

which in an analysis problem is actually quite appropriate! :biggrin:
Why just stop there? I'm also feeling depression, lack of self-esteem and gastric bowel troubles :-p
No but honestly, I just felt that my method was so simple-minded that you were simply mocking it :wink:

I'm glad you agree and please, sign a petition to ban the use of geometry :biggrin:
  • #12
support CAMREG!

Mentallic said:
I'm glad you agree and please, sign a petition to ban the use of geometry :biggrin:

oooh no … i like to sneak geometry in wherever i can! :biggrin:

support CAMREG!
the CAMpaign for REal Geometry :approve:
  • #13
Geometry to understand and the algebra to compute ought to be the moral.

It may also help to plot the equality first, then decide which of the two regions the plane is separated into corresponds to the given inequality (the other part of the plane will correspond to the reverse inequality).
  • #14
Here's my geometry solution: |z- i| is the distance from the point z= x+ iy and the point i. |z-1| is the distance from the point z= x+ iy to the point 1. The set of points for which |z- i|= |z- 1| is the perpendicular bisector of the line segment between i and 1. The set of points for which [itex]|z-i|\le |z- 1|[/itex] is the set of points above and to the left of that bisector. That should be sufficient to plot the set which was what was required.

If you want more than that, go to Cartesian geometry: the segment from (0, 1) to (1, 0) has midpoint (1/2, 1/2) and slope -1. The perpendicular must have slope 1 and pass through (1/2, 1/2): y= x. The set of points such that [itex]|z-i|\le|z-1|[/itex] is [itex]\{x+ iy | x\le y\}[/itex].

I don't believe all that algebra was simper or more accurate than that!

FAQ: What is the best method for plotting complex inequalities on the complex plane?

1. What are complex inequalities?

Complex inequalities are mathematical expressions that involve both real and imaginary numbers. They are represented using inequality symbols, such as <, >, ≤, and ≥, and can also include variables and constants.

2. How are complex inequalities graphed?

Complex inequalities are graphed on the complex plane, which is a two-dimensional coordinate system where the horizontal axis represents the real numbers and the vertical axis represents the imaginary numbers. The solution set of the inequality is shaded on the graph to show the possible values that satisfy the inequality.

3. What is the difference between a strict and non-strict complex inequality?

In a strict complex inequality, the inequality symbol is < or >, indicating that the solution set does not include the boundary points. In a non-strict complex inequality, the inequality symbol is ≤ or ≥, indicating that the solution set includes the boundary points.

4. How do I determine the solution set of a complex inequality?

To determine the solution set of a complex inequality, first graph the inequality on the complex plane. Then, identify the shaded region on the graph and determine which points in the region satisfy the inequality. These points make up the solution set of the inequality.

5. Can complex inequalities be solved algebraically?

Yes, complex inequalities can be solved algebraically by manipulating the inequality using properties of complex numbers and solving for the variable. However, graphing is often a more visual and intuitive way to understand the solution set of a complex inequality.

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