Polarization and Poincare circle.

In summary, the theory behind mapping of the latitude and longitude of the sphere in the Poincare Circle to the polarization of the TEM wave is as follows: First, the polarization state is represented by a complex number which is then mapped to the cartesian complex plane. This plane is then stereographically mapped to a unit sphere to create the Poincare sphere. The latitude on the sphere corresponds to circles of constant ellipticity on the complex plane, and the longitude corresponds to lines of constant azimuth. Azzam and Bashara's "Ellipsometry and Polarized Light" is a recommended resource for further understanding.Regarding the relationship between the polarity of the ellipticity angle and the direction of rotation, it is determined by a sign convention. Specifically
  • #1
What is the theory behind mapping of the latitude and longitude of the sphere in the Poincare Circle to the polarization of the TEM wave?

That is, why:

1) Linear polarization when ε=0 deg?
2) Circular polarization when ε=+/- 45 deg?
3) Elliptical when ε is not 0 or +/- 45 deg?
4) RH rotation if ε=-ve. and LH rotation if ε=+ve.?

Where 2ε= latitude.


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  • #2
The first step is to represent the polarization state by a complex number: the general elliptic state with azimuth θ and ellipticity ε is combined into χ= tan(ε +π/4)exp(-i*2θ.) This maps polarization states to the "cartesian complex plane", and recall that -π/2 ≤ θ < π/2 and -π/4 ≤ ε ≤ π/4. χ= 0 refers to left-circularly polarized light, χ=∞ is right-circularly polarized light.

To construct the Poincare sphere, perform a stereographic mapping of the plane to a unit sphere: latitudes on the sphere then correspond to circles of constant ε on the complex plane and longitude corresponds to lines of constant azimuth on the plane.

Azzam and Bashara's "Ellipsometry and Polarized Light" is an excellent resource for this material.
  • #3
Thanks for your reply.

The book is way to expensive as This is only a small part of my study in antenna theory.

Can you show me how the polarity of the ellipticity angle relate to the direction of rotation? That is, why +ve ε gives rise to Left hand rotation and -ve ε gives rise to Right hand rotation.

  • #4
If I understand your question, it's a sign convention.
  • #5
Andy Resnick said:
If I understand your question, it's a sign convention.

No so much about convention, but rather why ε affect the direction of rotation.

[tex]\epsilon=\frac {E_{max}}{E_{min}}[/tex]

How do you justify +ve or -ve of [itex]E_{max},E_{min}[/itex]?


FAQ: Polarization and Poincare circle.

What is polarization?

Polarization is the property of electromagnetic waves to oscillate in a particular direction. This means that the electric and magnetic fields that make up the wave move in a specific direction, rather than randomly in all directions.

How is polarization related to Poincare circle?

The Poincare circle is a graphical representation of the polarization state of light. It illustrates the orientation and magnitude of the electric and magnetic fields in a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Each point on the circle corresponds to a unique polarization state.

What is the Poincare sphere?

The Poincare sphere is a 3D representation of the polarization states of light. It is a useful tool for visualizing and understanding the relationship between different polarization states, as well as for calculating the effects of polarizers and other optical elements on light.

How is polarization important in optics?

Polarization is important in optics because it affects how light interacts with different materials and optical elements. It also plays a crucial role in many optical phenomena, such as reflection, refraction, and diffraction. Understanding polarization is essential for designing and optimizing optical systems.

What are some applications of polarization?

Polarization has many practical applications, including in 3D movie technology, LCD displays, and polarized sunglasses. It is also used in various scientific and industrial fields, such as astronomy, microscopy, and remote sensing. Polarization can also be used to study and analyze the properties of materials and biological samples.
