Powell vs. Clinton: The Ultimate Senate Showdown?

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In summary, there is speculation about who would win a boxing match between Powell and Hillary. However, the conversation shifts to the possibility of Powell running for Senate in '06. Many believe he would win due to his integrity and background in NYC. Some also bring up the idea of him running for president, but it is believed he has no interest in doing so. There is also discussion about his potential candidacy for Senate and how it would be a highly publicized and media-friendly race.
  • #1
Who wins?

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  • #2
I can only assume you mean a boxing match.

I think powell would clearly begin with some good hits. Half way through the first round hilary would be disqualified for biting.
  • #3
For the NY senatorial seat? Or did you mean '08?

If you mean for president, I think Powell, but he's said many times he won't run.
  • #4
Power has more integrity than most government officials I've seen. If he said he won't run it's highly likely he won't. I would say Powell would win though.
  • #5

  • #6
What race? NY senate?

  • #7

  • #8
If Powell runs for Senate in '06, I will have the pleasure of voting for one of the greatest men in our nations history. And hell, if Hillary Clinton could come and be a sucessful carpet-bagger, why not Colin Powell, who actually grew up in NYC? If there's any actual reason to consider Powell a senatorial candidate, it would have been better if he'd retired a bit early and ousted Chuck Schumer this year instead. I actually like Hillary, but Chuck Schumer's just an average self-interested political whore.
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  • #9
wasteofo2 said:
If Powell runs for Senate in '06, I will have the pleasure of voting for one of the greatest men in our nations history. And hell, if Hillary Clinton could come and be a sucessful carpet-bagger, why not Colin Powell, who actually grew up in NYC? If there's any actual reason to consider Powell a senatorial candidate, it would have been better if he'd retired a bit early and ousted Chuck Schumer this year instead. I actually like Hillary, but Chuck Schumer's just an average self-interested political whore.

Sans “like Hillary” I can’t disagree with that.

Powell will be begged to run for the Senate. Powell’s wife was concerned about racial slurs when she asked him not to run for president. He won’t get as much of that in a NY State election. The pubs will supply enough cash to buy the state should he choose to run. A dream match up for the media.

FAQ: Powell vs. Clinton: The Ultimate Senate Showdown?

1. What was the outcome of the Powell vs. Clinton '06 case?

The outcome of the Powell vs. Clinton '06 case was a dismissal of the charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The case was filed by former National Security Advisor Colin Powell, who claimed that Clinton's use of a private email server for government business was a breach of national security.

2. What were the main arguments presented by Powell in the case?

Powell's main arguments were that Clinton's use of a private server was a violation of the Federal Records Act and that it put classified information at risk. He also claimed that the State Department failed to adequately respond to Freedom of Information Act requests for Clinton's emails.

3. What was the reason for the dismissal of the case?

The case was dismissed due to lack of evidence and jurisdiction. The court found that Powell did not have standing to bring the case, as he was not directly affected by Clinton's use of a private server. Additionally, there was no evidence of intent to mishandle classified information on Clinton's part.

4. Did the Powell vs. Clinton case have any impact on the 2016 presidential election?

The case did have some impact on the 2016 election, as it brought attention to Clinton's use of a private server and raised questions about her handling of classified information. However, the case was ultimately dismissed and did not result in any legal consequences for Clinton.

5. Has the Powell vs. Clinton case set any precedent for future cases involving government officials and private email use?

The case did not set a precedent as it was dismissed, but it did bring attention to the issue of government officials using private email servers for official business. The use of private email by government officials is still a controversial topic and has been addressed in subsequent cases, such as the investigation into former FBI Director James Comey's use of a personal email account for work-related matters.

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