Probability for particle in infinite square well

In summary: Glad you were able to figure it out! Keep in mind that dx represents the width of the interval, so it does need to be multiplied by 10^-12 m to get the correct units.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle is confined between rigid walls separated by a distance L=0.189. The particle is in the second excited state (n=3). Evaluate the probability to find the particle in an interval of width 1.00 pm located at
What would be the corresponding results for a classical particle[/B]

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

for part a

I know the probability is just a matter of squaring ψ but my answer is way off. The got 2.63*10^-5 for part A. My first through was why does my answer have units of 1/m. I'm guessing i should multiply by dx. I thought this may be 1.00 pm but simply multiplying my answer by 10^-12 won't get the job done. Am i getting some variables mixed up here?
Physics news on
  • #2
What are the units of L? Are they in meters? Micrometers? Or even nanometers?

That is what you have to find out!
  • #3
JorisL said:
What are the units of L? Are they in meters? Micrometers? Or even nanometers?

That is what you have to find out!
oh its L=0.189nm
  • #4
Does that fix your problem?

When I figured it out (trial and error) I immediately got the right answer.
  • #5
JorisL said:
Does that fix your problem?

When I figured it out (trial and error) I immediately got the right answer.

Silly me i kept my calculator in radians instead of degrees. But anouther not is that the dx is actually something you need to multipy by, not just some kind of notation. was getting 2.6*10-2 until i realized i needed to multiply by 10^-12 m. thanks for the help
  • #6