Probability in quantum mechanics

In summary, probabilities are defined as numbers in the interval [0,1],for any situation.And those in QM cannot make an exception.However,noone can prevent you to express a probability of,let's say 1/3,in terms of procents as :33,(3) %; however, if Cheman is thinking of the quantity \psi^*(x) \psi (x) , that is the probability density, not the probability. It's not limited to a maximum value of 1, although the minimum is still 0.
  • #1
When you calculate the probability of an electron being somewhere, eg in the case of orbitals, is the result in the form eg 1/2 or 50%, 1/4 or 25%, etc? Or is it of some other form?

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  • #2
Cheman said:
When you calculate the probability of an electron being somewhere, eg in the case of orbitals, is the result in the form eg 1/2 or 50%, 1/4 or 25%, etc? Or is it of some other form?


Probabilities are defines as numbers in the interval [0,1],for any situation.And those in QM cannot make an exception.However,noone can prevent you to express a probability of,let's say 1/3,in terms of procents as :33,(3) %;

  • #3
Note, however, if Cheman is thinking of the quantity [tex] \psi^*(x) \psi (x) [/tex], that is the probability density, not the probability. It's not limited to a maximum value of 1, although the minimum is still 0.

When you integrate the probability density over some region, to get the probability of the particle being in that region,

[tex]\int_{a}^{b} \psi^* (x) \psi (x) dx[/tex]

then you should get a number between 0 and 1, if [tex]\psi (x)[/tex] is normalized so that

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \psi^* (x) \psi (x) dx = 1[/tex]
  • #4
jtbell said:
Note, however, if Cheman is thinking of the quantity [tex] \psi^*(x) \psi (x) [/tex], that is the probability density, not the probability. It's not limited to a maximum value of 1, although the minimum is still 0.

When you integrate the probability density over some region, to get the probability of the particle being in that region,

[tex]\int_{a}^{b} \psi^* (x) \psi (x) dx[/tex]

then you should get a number between 0 and 1, if [tex]\psi (x)[/tex] is normalized so that

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \psi^* (x) \psi (x) dx = 1[/tex]

Cheman said:
When you calculate the probability of an electron being somewhere, eg in the case of orbitals, is the result in the form eg 1/2 or 50%, 1/4 or 25%, etc? Or is it of some other form?


Why did u undrestand differently?
  • #5
Cheman said:
When you calculate the probability of an electron being somewhere, eg in the case of orbitals, is the result in the form eg 1/2 or 50%, 1/4 or 25%, etc? Or is it of some other form?


Yeah, but generally that's a question of statistical physics and not quantum mechanics. Statistical physics says most often the atom would be in the lowest energy state, so the electron most likely occupies the lowest energy level (particularly since electron energies are so huge (compared to for instance vibrational energies) that it's very unlikely that you'd find the electron not in the ground state). Given the wavefunction of the electron you can calculate the probabilities that the electron is in a certain orbital. But that's not really how it works in practice.
  • #6
dextercioby said:

Why did u undrestand differently?

I've seen beginning students in QM get confused about the difference between probability density and probability, or get careless and say "probability" when they really mean "probability density." I figured if he was confused about what kind of numbers come out of it, he might very well be confused about the whole concept.

Sometimes the question that gets asked isn't the one that really needs answering. :wink:
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  • #7
jtbell said:
I've seen beginning students in QM get confused about the difference between probability density and probability, or get careless and say "probability" when they really mean "probability density." I figured if he was confused about what kind of numbers come out of it, he might very well be confused about the whole concept.

Sometimes the question that gets asked isn't the one that really needs answering. :wink:

Then u must be one heck of a mind reader. :wink: For this type of exercise,i cannot go beyond the words that are stated and appear on the screen in front of my very eyes.So i cannot make predictions about what he really meant,and therefore i have to answer the posted question,not what i'd like to answer.
One the other hand,u may be right.Students (good ones,the ones who really care) tend to mix several concepts in QM (especially the ones dealing with the fundamental interpretation,the statistical one) because it's either they lack training with statistical concepts (dealt in a separate course on methods of mathematics for physics,for example),or the QM teacher/book is that bad as not to get u straight with the difference between a function (an application from one set to another) and a number (an element of a set).
And that's really bad... :mad:

  • #8
We really need to calm down here folks!

Daniel: Nothing that jtbell said contradicted anything you had posted. He was just adding a little more to the thread by clarifying something that Cheman may well need clarified. (Perhaps we'll never know! :smile: )
  • #9
"Sometimes the question that gets asked isn't the one that really needs answering."

This is absolutely true, and is what separates a good teacher/tutor from someone who merely points you at the chapter review in the textbook. The time you learn the most is when you discover that you don't *know* what you don't know.

And yes, good teachers are usually good mind readers.
  • #10

:smile: He's hit the nail on the head here, a good tutor will ask you to read something a great tutor will ask you to come up with a better idea, thought about accepted ideas, is proper science, after all when Plank Einstein etc questioned Newton Qm and realtivity was born, Einstein questioned qm with his god doesn't play dice, an international forum of QM's antagonists and QM's Protaginists lead by Schrodinger eventually won the nay sayers over, this is science, read don't necessarily accept, proof is key but though is the key to proof schrodinger new there were problems with QM his only regret was that he wouldn't be alive to see his child disproven, maybe we will?
  • #11
Like that quote about science being a series of deaths

FAQ: Probability in quantum mechanics

What is probability in quantum mechanics?

Probability in quantum mechanics is a measure of the likelihood of a particular outcome or event occurring in a quantum system. It is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and plays a crucial role in predicting the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

How is probability calculated in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, probability is calculated using the wave function, which is a mathematical description of a quantum system. The square of the wave function, known as the probability amplitude, gives the probability of finding a particle at a specific location or with a specific energy level.

Why is probability important in quantum mechanics?

Probability is important in quantum mechanics because it allows us to make predictions about the behavior of particles at the quantum level. Since quantum systems are inherently probabilistic, probability is a crucial tool for understanding and describing their behavior.

What is the uncertainty principle in relation to probability in quantum mechanics?

The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. This means that there is always a degree of uncertainty in the measurement of a particle's properties, and probability is used to describe this uncertainty in quantum mechanics.

How does probability in quantum mechanics differ from classical probability?

Probability in classical mechanics is based on the assumption that all properties of a system can be known with certainty. In contrast, probability in quantum mechanics reflects the inherent uncertainty of quantum systems and is based on the wave function and probability amplitude. Additionally, quantum probabilities can exhibit behaviors such as superposition and entanglement, which are not observed in classical probability.
