Problems about Ampere's Law and Biot-Savart's Law

In summary, the conversation discusses calculating the magnetic field at a point C, which is a distance r from the midpoint of a wire connected between points A and B. The conversation considers the use of Ampere's law and Biot-Savart's law to calculate the magnetic field, taking into account factors such as the length of the wire and the symmetry of the magnetic field. It also discusses the concept of displacement current and its relevance in calculating the magnetic field. Finally, there are questions raised about calculating the radial current and its impact on the magnetic field, as well as considerations related to Biot-Savart's law and the use of Kirchhoff's law in determining the magnetic field.
  • #1
Suppose there is a potential difference between points A and B which are connected by a straight wire. The current in AB is [itex]i[/itex].
We want to calculate the magnetic field at point C which is at distance [itex]r[/itex] from the middle point P of the wire and CP is perpendicular to AB.
At first, we use Ampere's law. We consider a circular loop (of radius [itex]r[/itex]) around the wire. Because of symmetry, magnetic field is always same in this loop. As the current through this loop is [itex]i[/itex],we get,
[itex]\oint \vec B \cdot d \vec s = B(2\pi r) = \mu _0 i[/itex]
So, [itex]B = \frac {\mu _0 i}{2\pi r}[/itex]
But, now we use Biot-Savart's law.
[itex]dB = \frac {\mu _0 i}{4\pi } \frac {i dl sin\theta }{r^2 + l^2}[/itex]
So, [itex]B = \frac {\mu _0 i}{4\pi r} \frac {L}{\sqrt {r^2 + (\frac{L}{2})^2}} [/itex], where [itex]L = [/itex]the length of AB.
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  • #2
arpon said:
Suppose there is a potential difference between points A and B which are connected by a straight wire. The current in AB is [itex]i[/itex].
We want to calculate the magnetic field at point C which is at distance [itex]r[/itex] from the middle point P of the wire and CP is perpendicular to AB.
At first, we use Ampere's law. We consider a circular loop (of radius [itex]r[/itex]) around the wire. Because of symmetry, magnetic field is always same in this loop. As the current through this loop is [itex]i[/itex],we get,
[itex]\oint \vec B \cdot d \vec s = B(2\pi r) = \mu _0 i[/itex]
So, [itex]B = \frac {\mu _0 i}{2\pi r}[/itex]
But, now we use Biot-Savart's law.
[itex]dB = \frac {\mu _0 i}{4\pi } \frac {i dl sin\theta }{r^2 + l^2}[/itex]
So, [itex]B = \frac {\mu _0 i}{4\pi r} \frac {L}{\sqrt {r^2 + (\frac{L}{2})^2}} [/itex], where [itex]L = [/itex]the length of AB.
The expression is for infinitely long wire. You will get same expression from both laws.
  • #3
arpon said:
Suppose there is a potential difference between points A and B which are connected by a straight wire. The current in AB is ii.

If the wire has finite length (begins at A and ends at B), then while the current flows, there is an increasing charge at one end and a decreasing charge at the other end, because of charge conservation. These time-varying charges produce time-varying electric fields which are associated with magnetic fields according to Maxwell's extension of Ampere's Law (the "displacement current"): $$ \oint {\vec B \cdot d \vec l} = \mu_0 \iint {\vec J \cdot d \vec a} + \mu_0 \epsilon_0 \frac{d}{dt} \iint {\vec E \cdot d \vec a}$$ The second term on the right side contains the "displacement current". $$ \oint {\vec B \cdot d \vec l} = \mu_0 (i + i_\textrm{disp})$$ where $$i_\textrm{disp} = \epsilon_0 \frac{d}{dt} \iint {\vec E \cdot d \vec a}$$
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  • #4
Without making things complicated, for wire having finite length and if you want to find out the magnetic field at a point at distance r from wire,
Take a small length dl in wire.
$$dB = \frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\frac{idlsin\theta}{r^2}$$
Let's say the angle between lines connecting the centre of wire and point be ##\theta_1## and ##\theta_2##
##dl=Rcosec^2\theta d\theta##
$$dB=\frac{\mu_0}{4 \pi}\frac{isin\theta .Rcosec^2\theta d\theta}{R^2cosec^2\theta}$$
After integrating from ##\theta_1## to ##\pi-\theta_2## you will get
$$B=\frac{\mu_0 I}{4\pi R}(cos \theta_1 + cos\theta_2)$$
  • #5
If the wire has finite length (begins at A and ends at B), then while the current flows, there is an increasing charge at one end and a decreasing charge at the other end, because of charge conservation. These time-varying charges produce time-varying electric fields which are associated with magnetic fields according to Maxwell's extension of Ampere's Law (the "displacement current"):
[I have attached a photo with it to explain my problem.]
Suppose, the points A and B are situated on two infiinite plates, one is positively charged and the other negative.
As the plates are infinite, the electric field, [itex]E = \frac{\sigma }{\epsilon _0}[/itex] ; ([itex] \sigma [/itex]is the density of charge)
So, if charge is added in the plates or removed, density of charge won't change , because the plates are infinite.
So, there is no change of [itex]E[/itex] , so the displacement current is zero.
Please, explain the matter.


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  • #6
There are radial currents in both plates, because charge arriving at point B has to flow outwards to the rest of that plate, and charge leaving point A has to flow inwards from the rest of that plate.
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  • #7
jtbell said:
There are radial currents in both plates, because charge arriving at point B has to flow outwards to the rest of that plate, and charge leaving point A has to flow inwards from the rest of that plate.
I got your point. But four questions arises in my mind:
1. How to calculate the radial current?
To solve this, I think I need to apply Kirchhoff's law. The current that flows through the wire AB, should be equal to the radial current. If the resistence of the wire AB is [itex]R[/itex] and the resistence in the plates is negligeble, the current [itex]i[/itex] should be [itex]\frac{V}{R}[/itex] , where, [itex]V = [/itex]the potential difference between A and B (or the plates). Am I right?

2. Then I thought about the drift velocity of charge (let it be [itex]v_d[/itex]) in the plate. Suppose the positive charge moves, for simplicity. [I attached a photo in this case]

I assumed a circle (let its radius be [itex]a[/itex]) which has its center on A in the plate; Because of symmetry, the drift velocity of the charges on the circle is equal (in quantity) and the direction will be towards the center. So, we may write,
[itex]i = \sigma v_d * 2\pi a [/itex]
(I am not clear why it is so. But as the dimension on two sides are equal, I assume it is so. Please also explain this matter)
[itex]v_d = \frac{i}{\sigma * 2\pi a}[/itex]
But at the center A, the drift velocity becomes undefined.

3. Now, think about the problem I mentioned earlier (about calculating the magnetic field). If we consider a loop around the wire, the radial current does not pass through the surface enclosed by the loop. So, would it be, [itex]B[/itex] is equal to [itex]\frac{\mu _0 i}{2\pi r}[/itex] just same as the case of infinite wire?

4. In Biot-Savart's law, there is nothing about the influence on magnetic field because of the change in electric field (displacement current). So, when there is a change in electric field, can't we apply it?

Please, explain these points in details.
  • #8
Hi, I'm sorry for the delay. This thread dropped off my radar, so to speak, because of holiday activities. :oops:

arpon said:
I got your point. But four questions arises in my mind:
1. How to calculate the radial current?
To solve this, I think I need to apply Kirchhoff's law. The current that flows through the wire AB, should be equal to the radial current. If the resistence of the wire AB is [itex]R[/itex] and the resistence in the plates is negligeble, the current [itex]i[/itex] should be [itex]\frac{V}{R}[/itex] , where, [itex]V = [/itex]the potential difference between A and B (or the plates). Am I right?

Correct, under your assumption that the resistance in the plates is negligible compared to the resistance in the wire.

2. Then I thought about the drift velocity of charge (let it be [itex]v_d[/itex]) in the plate. [...] But at the center A, the drift velocity becomes undefined.

Real wires have a finite radius, so in practice you never reach the center.

3. Now, think about the problem I mentioned earlier (about calculating the magnetic field). If we consider a loop around the wire, the radial current does not pass through the surface enclosed by the loop.

An infinite number of surfaces, of different shapes, have the loop as their boundary. Ampere's Law applies to all of them. If the surface is a flat disk, then only the current in the wire passes through the surface. Now imagine a surface that is a cylinder that is open at one end (the end where the loop is), and extends through one of the plates. The current in the wire does not pass through this surface, but the radial current in the plate does. However, as you noted earlier, the total radial current must equal the current in the wire. Therefore, the following statement is true:

So, would it be, [itex]B[/itex] is equal to [itex]\frac{\mu _0 i}{2\pi r}[/itex] just same as the case of infinite wire?

4. In Biot-Savart's law, there is nothing about the influence on magnetic field because of the change in electric field (displacement current). So, when there is a change in electric field, can't we apply it?

Correct, Biot-Savart applies only when the effects of a changing electric field are negligible.
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FAQ: Problems about Ampere's Law and Biot-Savart's Law

1. What is Ampere's Law?

Ampere's Law is a mathematical equation that relates the magnetic field around a closed loop to the electric current passing through the loop. It is often used to calculate the magnetic field produced by a current-carrying wire or a solenoid.

2. What is Biot-Savart's Law?

Biot-Savart's Law is a fundamental law in electromagnetism that describes the relationship between a small segment of electric current and the magnetic field it produces at a point in space. It is used to calculate the magnetic field produced by a current-carrying wire or a loop of wire.

3. What are the similarities between Ampere's Law and Biot-Savart's Law?

Both Ampere's Law and Biot-Savart's Law are used to calculate the magnetic field produced by a current-carrying wire or a loop of wire. They both involve the use of mathematical equations and take into account the distance, current, and geometry of the wire or loop.

4. What are the differences between Ampere's Law and Biot-Savart's Law?

The main difference between Ampere's Law and Biot-Savart's Law is that Ampere's Law is used for calculating the magnetic field produced by a closed loop, while Biot-Savart's Law is used for calculating the magnetic field produced by a small segment of current-carrying wire. Additionally, Ampere's Law only applies to steady currents, while Biot-Savart's Law can be applied to both steady and non-steady currents.

5. How are Ampere's Law and Biot-Savart's Law used in practical applications?

Ampere's Law and Biot-Savart's Law are used in various practical applications, such as in the design of electric motors, generators, and transformers. They are also used in the medical field for procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In addition, these laws are used in the study of Earth's magnetic field and in the development of technologies such as magnetic levitation trains.

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