Problems with Runge-Kutta method

In summary, the conversation revolved around writing a program to solve the Kepler's problem using the Runge-Kutta 4th order method. The individual had spent the whole day trying to get it to work, but had failed. They were looking for help to solve the problem. The solution was found to be a computational error in the function order.
  • #1
Leonardo Machado
I'm writing a program to compute an ODE solution of the Kepler's problem based on Runge-Kutta 4th order method and today I've past the whole day trying to made it work, but I've failed, maybe you could help me to kill the problem ?
The solutions is cartesian.

int main(){
    int n;
    double tau, x[4][200], xk[4], f[4][200], GM, PI = 3.14159265;
    double f1[4], f2[4], f3[4], f4[4] ;
    GM = 4 * pow ( PI, 2);
    x[2][1]= 0;
    x[3][1]= 0;
    cout << "Insert the inicial distance ( AU): " ;
    cin >> x[1][1];
    cout << "Choose tau ( Years): " ;
    cin >> tau;
    //Circular mov condition
    x[4][1]= sqrt ( GM / sqrt ( pow ( x[1][1], 2) + pow ( x[2][1], 2)));

    for ( n=1 ; n <= 199 ; n++) {
        // Definitions of runge-kutta parametres F1, F2, F3 e F4
        f[1][n]= x[3][n] + xk[3];
        f[2][n]= x[4][n] + xk[4];
        f[3][n]= -GM * (x[1][n] + xk[1]) / pow ( sqrt (  pow ( x[1][n] + xk[1], 2) + pow ( x[2][n] + xk[2], 2)), 3);
        f[4][n]= -GM * (x[2][n] + xk[2]) / pow ( sqrt (  pow ( x[1][n] + xk[1], 2) + pow ( x[2][n] + xk[2], 2)), 3);
        f1[1]= f[1][n];
        f1[2]= f[2][n];
        f1[3]= f[3][n];
        f1[4]= f[4][n];
        f2[1]= f[1][n];
        f2[2]= f[2][n];
        f2[3]= f[3][n];
        f2[4]= f[4][n];
        f3[1]= f[1][n];
        f3[2]= f[2][n];
        f3[3]= f[3][n];
        f3[4]= f[4][n];
        f4[1]= f[1][n];
        f4[2]= f[2][n];
        f4[3]= f[3][n];
        f4[4]= f[4][n];

        x[1][n+1]= x[1][n] + tau/6*(f1[1]+f4[1]+2*(f2[1]+f3[1]));
        x[2][n+1]= x[2][n] + tau/6*(f1[2]+f4[2]+2*(f2[2]+f3[2]));
        x[3][n+1]= x[3][n] + tau/6*(f1[3]+f4[3]+2*(f2[3]+f3[3]));
        x[4][n+1]= x[4][n] + tau/6*(f1[4]+f4[4]+2*(f2[4]+f3[4]));

        cout << endl
            << "t= " << setw (6) << tau*(n-1)
            << setw (10) << "x= " << setw (6) << x[1][n]
            << setw (10) << "y= " << setw (6) << x[2][n]
            << setw (10) << "vx= " << setw (6) << f[1][n]
            << setw (10) << "vy= " << setw (6) << f[2][n]
            << setw (10) << "fx= " << setw (6) << f[3][n]
            << setw (10) << "fy= " << setw (6) << f[4][n];

Erro para o forum.png

Look like when it takes n=1 there is some error that make the force in x and y equals 0, as you can see in this print screen, also it crashes on n=5 :c

I would be gratefull if you help me.
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  • #2
@Leonardo Machado, I fixed your post to use code tags rather than a bold font.

Your problem is simple: Arrays in the C family of languages start at zero rather than one.
  • #3
D H said:
@Leonardo Machado, I fixed your post to use code tags rather than a bold font.

Your problem is simple: Arrays in the C family of languages start at zero rather than one.

Thanks, I'm newbie in here, sorry about the wrong format.
Dont know if i got it , but when you say it starts at zero you meant for example:

double x[4] = x[0] , x[1], x[2], x[3] and x[4], right ??

Case yes, there should not have any problem, cause I'm using n starting at 1 in the loop, these coordinates still exist.
  • #4
Leonardo Machado said:
Dont know if i got it , but when you say it starts at zero you meant for example:

double x[4] = x[0] , x[1], x[2], x[3] and x[4], right ??
That is not right. What double x[4] does do is to declare x as an array with four elements, accessed as x[0], x[1], x[2], and x[3]. The element x[4] does not exist.

Your code is incorrect in a number of other ways. You are not implementing RK4 correctly.
  • #5
Example pseudo code RK4 step, p = position, v = velocity, a = acceleration. p[] and v[] don't have to be arrays, just using the syntax of [ i ] as a step indicator. In this case (Kepler), acceleration is a function of position (the velocity parameter is not needed).

p1 = p[ i ]
v1 = v[ i ]
a1 = f(v1, p1)

p2 = p[ i ] + 1/2 Δt v1
v2 = v[ i ] + 1/2 Δt a1
a2 = f(v2, p2)

p3 = p[ i ] + 1/2 Δt v2
v3 = v[ i ] + 1/2 Δt a2
a3 = f(v3, p3)

p4 = p[ i ] + Δt v3
v4 = v[ i ] + Δt a3
a4 = f(v4, p4)

p[ i+1 ] = p[ i ] + 1/6 Δt (v1 + 2 v2 + 2 v3 + v4)
v[ i+1 ] = v[ i ] + 1/6 Δt (a1 + 2 a2 + 2 a3 + a4)
i = i + 1
  • #6
I've fixed it, thanks all of you for the contribution and ideas.

In the end, the mistake was computational, not mathematical, was something about the order that the function was presented.

FAQ: Problems with Runge-Kutta method

1. What is the Runge-Kutta method?

The Runge-Kutta method is a numerical method used for solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs). It is a multi-step method that uses a combination of previous values to estimate the solution at the next time step.

2. What are some common problems with the Runge-Kutta method?

One common problem with the Runge-Kutta method is that it can become unstable for stiff ODEs, where the solution changes rapidly. Another issue is that it can be computationally expensive for high-order methods.

3. How can I determine if the Runge-Kutta method is appropriate for my problem?

The Runge-Kutta method is generally more suitable for non-stiff ODEs, so if your problem exhibits rapid changes or oscillations, it may not be the best choice. Additionally, the order of the method and the size of the time step can also affect its accuracy and stability.

4. Are there any alternative methods to the Runge-Kutta method?

Yes, there are many other numerical methods for solving ODEs, such as Euler's method, Adams-Bashforth method, and the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The best method to use will depend on the specific problem and its characteristics.

5. How can I improve the accuracy of the Runge-Kutta method?

To improve the accuracy of the Runge-Kutta method, you can use a higher-order method or decrease the time step. Additionally, using adaptive step sizes can also help improve accuracy while reducing computation time.
