Proper time of an accelerating particle

In summary, the problem at hand involves finding the proper time of a particle with constant acceleration in a laboratory, using the equation d^2x/dt^2=a. The world line can be derived using this equation and integrating it to find x as a function of t. The definition of proper time is key to solving this problem, as well as determining the values of the constants in the equation and choosing a suitable origin for the coordinate system.
  • #1
A particle has a constant acceleration in a laboratory from 0 to 0.5c in 3 seconds. What time elapses for the particle (i.e. what is the proper time for the particle)? Hint: (you will have to integrate the proper time of the particle over the 3 seconds as measured in the laboratory frame).

Not sure how to approach this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
You have to figure out what the world line looks like. You know that [itex]d^2x/dt^2=a[/itex], where a is a constant and you can integrate that equation to find x as a function of t.

If by any chance you meant "constant proper acceleration" when you said "constant acceleration", it's more difficult to figure out what the world line looks like, but DrGreg derived it here, starting with post #13 and ending with a correction in post #28.
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  • #3
I am not sure I follow, could you please elaborate. X as a function of t is 1/2at^2 + vot +xo, but then how would I find the proper time of the particle from this relationship? Also I mean constant acceleration and not proper acceleration.
  • #4
Do you know the definition of proper time? When you write it down, it's clear that you need to know the velocity as a function of time. (Position as a function of time is actually less useful). So what you need to do now is to find out the values of the constants in the equation you found. The boundary conditions that you stated in post #1 contain the information you need for that. The values of the constants depend on where you choose to put the origin of your coordinate system, so try to make a choice that simplifies the math as much as possible.

FAQ: Proper time of an accelerating particle

1. What is the proper time of an accelerating particle?

The proper time of an accelerating particle is the time experienced by the particle itself, in its own frame of reference. It is the time measured by a clock attached to the particle as it moves through space.

2. How is the proper time of an accelerating particle calculated?

The proper time of an accelerating particle is calculated using the Lorentz transformation, which takes into account the effects of time dilation and length contraction due to the particle's velocity.

3. What factors can affect the proper time of an accelerating particle?

The proper time of an accelerating particle can be affected by the particle's velocity, the strength of the acceleration, and the length of time the particle is accelerating.

4. How does the proper time of an accelerating particle compare to the time measured by an outside observer?

The proper time of an accelerating particle will always be shorter than the time measured by an outside observer, due to the effects of time dilation. This means that the particle will experience time passing at a slower rate than an outside observer.

5. Is the proper time of an accelerating particle constant?

No, the proper time of an accelerating particle is not constant. As the particle's velocity and/or acceleration changes, so does its proper time. Similarly, the proper time of an accelerating particle will appear to be different for different observers, depending on their relative motion.

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