Pure Math Vs. Physics(not in terms of majors)

In summary, the speaker is upset about receiving a B+ or A- on their first physics test, despite thinking the material was simple. They question why they struggle with physics when they excel in pure mathematics and wonder if their lack of intuition in physics can be overcome. They express a desire to pursue studies in physics, despite their current struggles. The responder advises them to focus on what they enjoy rather than what they are currently good at and offers encouragement for improvement. They also mention that the skills required for pure math and physics may be different, even though there is some overlap.
  • #1
I'm upset, I just had my first physics test and I got a B+/A-, depending on how the professor gives partial credit. This is horrible news, the material was really simple and I'm sure most of you would think the test was trivial even for physics I.

I don't get why I can do so good in pure mathematics, had a test today that I completely destroyed yet Physics doesn't seem as intuitive to me, sure I've been doing math for more years and this is my first real formal physics class ever but I somehow think that skills in the one should transfer over the the other?

I keep feeling like there is a better way of thinking about physics that I haven't quite developed, a way that will allow me to use my intuition like in math. Maybe it's because I am extremely clumsy in the real world and my reptilian physics engine isn't as developed as others or something. Can I over come this flaw, it even exist?

I might be better at pure math but I'd much rather pursue studies in physics? Any comment you have is appreciated so don't be scared to reply! Thanks!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Do what you want, not what you are good at (at the moment). Enjoyment is the greatest motivator in academic study. If you enjoy a subject you will find the extra effort to do well will not be such a chore.

Edit: For a first test in something you've admitted that you are a relative newbie in, a B+ is a decent grade. I've no doubt you'll get better as the course progresses.
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  • #3
I think the skills required to do pure math and physics are just different skill sets. Although there is a lot of overlap just because you can do one doesn't necessarily mean that the other will come as easily to you. I'm actually the opposite of you. I'm pretty good at physics and applied math but I'm absolutely terrible at pure math. To me physics seems pretty intuitive but I have absolutely no intuition for pure math.

FAQ: Pure Math Vs. Physics(not in terms of majors)

What is the difference between pure math and physics?

Pure math is a field of mathematics that focuses on abstract concepts and theories, while physics is a natural science that studies the physical world and its phenomena. Pure math is more theoretical and conceptual, while physics is more empirical and experimental.

Which subject is more theoretical?

Pure math is considered to be more theoretical than physics, as it deals with abstract concepts and proofs rather than concrete observations of the physical world. However, both subjects involve a mix of theory and application.

Do pure math and physics use the same mathematical concepts?

Yes, both pure math and physics use mathematical concepts such as calculus, algebra, geometry, and statistics. However, the way these concepts are applied and studied may differ between the two fields.

Which subject is more closely related to engineering?

Physics is more closely related to engineering, as it deals with the physical principles and laws that govern the design and function of machines and structures. However, pure math can also be applied to engineering problems and is used in many engineering fields.

Can you major in both pure math and physics?

Yes, it is possible to major in both pure math and physics. Many universities offer joint or double major programs in these subjects, as they complement each other well and can lead to a variety of career opportunities in both academia and industry.

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