What are some options for QFT and string theory MSc programs in the UK?

In summary, the speaker is in their final year of their Bachelor's degree and is looking for MSc programs in the UK in the areas of QFT, strings, and CFT. They have considered programs at universities such as KCL, Imperial, Part III, Edinburgh, Durham, and Nottingham. They are open to other suggestions, but prefer programs that are only one year in duration. They are also wondering if it is possible to go straight to a PhD without taking a taught MSc first. Another person mentions that Glasgow and Sussex also have relevant MSc programs. The speaker is interested in hearing updates and wishes the other person good luck in their decision. The speaker also mentions that it is common in the UK to have a master's
  • #1
I'm currently in my final year at TCD and I'm looking at MSc programs in the UK in the areas of QFT, strings, CFT etc. The ones I know about are the obvious ones in London i.e KCL, Imperial, Part III, but they're out since London is so expensive and I'm extremely limited with funds. I've also looked at Edinburgh, Durham and Nottingham.

Durham seemed the most in line with my interests but I emailed them and they replied in a rather unprofessional manner which was off-putting. As far as I'm aware Nottingham is pretty big in the LQG community so I think the course would probably be a bit biased towards that. Edinburgh seems nice too but they don't touch on strings, which isn't really a problem but I'd like to get a taste of everything.

Are there any other courses in the UK which would be suited to my interests? While a First is possible, realistically I'm looking at a 2:1, so anything that needs a First is probably out.

I'm also applying for Mathematical Physics in Hamburg and possibly Uppsala too and I'm open to other suggestions for courses, but I would prefer if they were only a year in duration, as my Bachelor was four years and as far as I'm aware the countries with 2 year MSc only have 3 year Bsc.

As an aside, would it be possible to go straight to PhD in these fields without having taken a taught MSc first?
  • #3
Hi, I don't know if it 's too late but I know Glasgow has a theoretical physics MSc and Sussex has a MSc in particle physics.
Actually I 'm kind of in the same situation. Edinburgh, Durham and Nottingham all seem nice, hard to say which one suits me better. I 'm very interested in this topic so it is great if you update.
Anyway, good luck on your choice!
  • #4
It is usual in the UK to have a masters course (MSc, MSci or MPhys) before starting a PhD, though it it certainly not unheard of for a BSc student to get on a good PhD programme. Your best bet in that respect is to get in touch with an individual lecturer somewhere doing something you want to do - they might have a PhD position going or know someone looking for an enthusiastic PhD student. That you're on for a 2:1 rather than a first isn't ideal..If you have an interesting BSc theses that would definitely count in your favour however. To start a PhD you ought to be in the position that you could read and understand (though not necessarily entirely) a paper in your field.

If you go the MSc route, try to make sure there are MSc projects available which line up with what you want to study at PhD.

FAQ: What are some options for QFT and string theory MSc programs in the UK?

1. What is a QFT / String Msc?

A QFT (Quantum Field Theory) / String Msc is a graduate program that focuses on the study of quantum field theory and string theory. These are advanced topics in theoretical physics that aim to explain the fundamental nature of the universe.

2. What are the entry requirements for a QFT / String Msc in the UK?

The specific entry requirements may vary depending on the university, but generally, a bachelor's degree in physics or a related field is required. Some universities may also require a minimum GPA and/or specific prerequisite courses in mathematics and theoretical physics.

3. What career opportunities are available with a QFT / String Msc degree?

Graduates with a QFT / String Msc degree can pursue careers in research and academia, as well as industries such as aerospace, defense, and technology. Some specific job titles may include theoretical physicist, research scientist, and data analyst.

4. How long does it take to complete a QFT / String Msc program in the UK?

The length of the program may vary, but generally, a full-time QFT / String Msc program takes 1-2 years to complete. Part-time options may also be available, which can take longer.

5. Are there any scholarships or financial aid options available for a QFT / String Msc program in the UK?

Yes, many universities in the UK offer scholarships and financial aid options for international students. It is recommended to check with the specific university for more information on available funding opportunities.

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