Quantity of water in air at saturation

In summary, if you have air with 100% relative humidity, you cannot use the ideal gas law to calculate the saturation vapor density. You could use a psychrometric chart or find published relations.
  • #1
I would like to know if somebod knows where I could find a corelation to calculate the quantity of water in air at saturation in g/m3.
I know that many equations exist to calculate saturation pressure of water vapor in air as a function of temperature. Using one of these equations and an ideal gas law the quantity of water in air (in kg/m3) could be calculated, but I think that the asumptions for ideal gas law are not valid in my case.
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  • #2
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  • #3
Jeff, thank you for the answer, although I did not find out anything new. The quantity I am looking for is also called saturation vapor density, but I cannot find any suitable model to calculate it. Can anybody please comment validity of using ideal gas law in my case.
  • #4
If you assume it's an ideal gas then
PV = nRT where n is the number of moles, T is in kelvin

You can get the density from number of moles,
n = M/m = mass of water / molar mass of water (18 g/mole)

P* m / (R*T) = M/V = density
  • #5
lesy1 said:
I would like to know if somebod knows where I could find a corelation to calculate the quantity of water in air at saturation in g/m3.
I know that many equations exist to calculate saturation pressure of water vapor in air as a function of temperature. Using one of these equations and an ideal gas law the quantity of water in air (in kg/m3) could be calculated, but I think that the asumptions for ideal gas law are not valid in my case.
The ideal gas law is valid. So your calculations would be correct, assuming no errors were made of course.
  • #6
Redbelly, Y,
I am sure that ideal gas law could be used if humidity of air would be low, but because I have air with 100% relative humidity, something says to me, that I cannot use ideal gas law in this case.
  • #7
lesy1 said:
I know that many equations exist to calculate saturation pressure of water vapor in air as a function of temperature.
What equations are these? The saturation pressure is dependant on more than just temperature - it will change depending on the amount of water in the air. If you meant the saturation pressure of pure water vapor, then, yes, you can determine it from just temperature.

To solve your problem, a simple way is to assume that the air and water form and ideal binary mixture. You can then apply Raoult's law:

[tex]P=P^{*}_{w}\ x_{w}+P^{*}_{a}\ x_{a}[/tex]

where P is the total apparent pressure, x is the mole fraction, P superscript * denotes the pure fluid pressure, and subscripts w and a are for water and air. For the water you would use the pure saturation pressure and for air I would just assume that the pressure is roughly the total pressure. You can then determine the number of moles and therefore the mass fractions and specific volume ratios using the ideal gas law. Doing a quick calc this returned a value with about a 3% error.

Another option would be to find a psychrometric chart at the pressure in question, though this may be difficult if your pressure is far from atmospheric pressure.

Finally, you can use published relations such as from “Formulations for the Thermodynamic Properties of the Saturated Phases of H2O from 173.15 K to 473.15 K", ASHRAE Transactions, Part 2A,Paper 2793 (RP-216), (1983), or you can use more complicated (i.e. non-ideal) binary mixture relations.
  • #8
Best approach IMHO would be to take some engineering handbook and read values from tables - unless you really need them in functional form.

FAQ: Quantity of water in air at saturation

What does "quantity of water in air at saturation" mean?

The quantity of water in air at saturation refers to the maximum amount of water vapor that can exist in the air at a given temperature and pressure. This is also known as the air's moisture holding capacity.

How is the quantity of water in air at saturation measured?

The quantity of water in air at saturation is typically measured using a hygrometer, which calculates the relative humidity of the air. Relative humidity is a measure of how much water vapor is present in the air compared to the maximum amount that could be present at that temperature and pressure.

Why is the quantity of water in air at saturation important?

The quantity of water in air at saturation is important because it affects various aspects of our daily lives, such as weather patterns, air quality, and our own health. It also plays a crucial role in various industries, such as agriculture, aviation, and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning).

What factors can affect the quantity of water in air at saturation?

The quantity of water in air at saturation can be affected by temperature, pressure, and the presence of other substances in the air, such as pollutants. Higher temperatures and lower pressures can increase the air's moisture holding capacity, while pollutants can absorb water vapor and decrease the air's moisture content.

How does the quantity of water in air at saturation impact the formation of clouds and precipitation?

The quantity of water in air at saturation is directly related to the formation of clouds and precipitation. When the air is at or near saturation, water vapor can condense onto tiny particles in the air, such as dust or pollutants, forming clouds. As the droplets in the clouds grow larger, they eventually become heavy enough to fall as precipitation (rain, snow, hail, etc.). If the air is not at saturation, clouds and precipitation may not form at all.

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