Quantum corrections to force laws

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of the free-photon propagator in calculating the electrostatic energy between two charges, and the potential of using the full-photon propagator with corrections to Coulomb's law. Additionally, the issue of non-Abelian gauge theories and their self-interactions is brought up, as well as the conserved currents and color charges in these theories. It is noted that the fermion charges can change and are not gauge-invariant, and the only physical quantities are the Wilson loop integrals.
  • #1
For the free photon-field:

[tex]Z[J]=exp(\frac{i}{2} \int d^4x \int d^4y J^\mu(x)\Delta_{\mu \nu}} (x-y) J^\nu(y)) [/tex]

where [tex]\Delta_{\mu \nu}}=g_{\mu \nu}/(k^2-i\epsilon) [/tex] is the free-photon propagator. This leads to Coloumb's law for the electrostatic energy between two charges at [tex]x_1 [/tex] and [tex]x_2 [/tex] when you plug in [tex]J(x)=e_1\delta(\vec{x}-\vec{x_1})+e_2\delta(\vec{x}-\vec{x_2}) [/tex].

What happens if you use the full-photon propagator [tex]\Delta_{\mu \nu}}=g_{\mu \nu}/(k^2-\Pi(k^2)-i\epsilon) [/tex] instead? Since [tex]\Pi(k^2)[/tex] is of the order of the fine-structure constant when the fine-structure constant is small, wouldn't you get Coloumb's law plus a small correction?

Or is this cheating, and you need to include the full interaction Lagrangian in Z[J]:

[tex]Z[J]=exp(i \int d^4t \mathcal L_I(\frac{1}{i}\frac{\delta}{\delta J(t})) exp(\frac{i}{2} \int d^4x \int d^4y J^\mu(x)\Delta_{\mu \nu}} (x-y) J^\nu(y)) [/tex]

to get the correction to Coloumb's law? Or is this all bad anyways because in the end, we will treat the surviving source functions, J(x), the electrons, as classical electrons, stationary point particles with delta functions? The correct fully quantum-mechanical way would be to just amputate the sources and plug in the external momenta instead of plugging in classical sources?

Because it seems to me that the only difference between non-Abelian gauge theories and Abelian ones are self-interactions of the boson field. If we can treat the self-interaction of the gluons as corrections to the propagator, then why can't we calculate perturbatively the gluon force?
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  • #2
I thought the reason was that the strong coupling constant is NOT small? Isn't it on the order 1?

Another part of the issue is that in non-Abelian gauge theory, the charge carried by the fermions is not gauge-invariant. So you can't just put in sources where you have "one red quark here, one green quark there". The color charges on each quark are in fact a function of time (and space, if they were to move).
  • #3
Ben Niehoff said:
I thought the reason was that the strong coupling constant is NOT small? Isn't it on the order 1?

I meant at high energies, when the strong coupling constant gets smaller.
Ben Niehoff said:
Another part of the issue is that in non-Abelian gauge theory, the charge carried by the fermions is not gauge-invariant. So you can't just put in sources where you have "one red quark here, one green quark there". The color charges on each quark are in fact a function of time (and space, if they were to move).

Are you sure the fermion charges can change? I thought only the gluon charges could change? Wait, doesn't Noether's theorem say something that it's all conserved? I'm confused now.
  • #4
To find the conserved currents, vary the Lagrangian by a global, infinitesimal gauge transformation. Or do it the following, easier way. Define the fermion current as

[tex]j_a^\mu = -g \bar \psi \gamma^\mu T_a \psi[/tex]

Note that the current is in the adjoint representation. Anyway, vary the Lagrangian in the standard way to obtain the equations of motion, and you should get

[tex]j_a^\nu = D_\mu F_a^{\mu\nu}[/tex]

where D is the gauge covariant derivative. Taking another gauge covariant derivative on both sides, you should obtain

[tex]D_\nu j_a^\nu = D_\nu D_\mu F_a^{\mu\nu} = 0[/tex]

So, this current is gauge covariant, but NOT conserved, because the gauge covariant derivative has an extra term. Writing out the gauge covariant derivative in full,

[tex]j_a^\nu = \partial_\mu F_a^{\mu\nu} + gf^{abc} A^b_\mu F_c^{\mu\nu}[/tex]

[tex]j_a^\nu - gf^{abc} A^b_\mu F_c^{\mu\nu} = \partial_\mu F_a^{\mu\nu}[/tex]

Now take derivatives on both sides to get

[tex]\partial_\nu (j_a^\nu - gf^{abc} A^b_\mu F_c^{\mu\nu}) = \partial_\nu \partial_\mu F_a^{\mu\nu} = 0[/tex]

and so the conserved current is

[tex]j_a^\nu - gf^{abc} A^b_\mu F_c^{\mu\nu}[/tex]

which is NOT gauge invariant. This makes sense, because the gluon field carries charge, too, so to have total conservation you must take it into account.

In particular, though, you can't assign arbitrary color charges to things, except as initial conditions (allowing them to change afterward). Any object with a free color index is not gauge-invariant, and therefore not strictly physical. The only physical quantities are the Wilson loop integrals.

FAQ: Quantum corrections to force laws

1. What are quantum corrections to force laws?

Quantum corrections to force laws refer to the modifications made to classical force laws, which describe the interactions between particles on a macroscopic scale, in order to account for the effects of quantum mechanics at the microscopic level.

2. Why are quantum corrections necessary?

Quantum corrections are necessary because classical force laws, such as Newton's law of gravitation and Coulomb's law, break down at very small scales and cannot accurately describe the behavior of particles governed by quantum mechanics.

3. How are quantum corrections calculated?

Quantum corrections are calculated using quantum field theory, which combines quantum mechanics with special relativity. This theory allows for the calculation of quantum corrections by considering the interactions between particles and virtual particles.

4. What are some examples of quantum corrections to force laws?

Some examples of quantum corrections to force laws include the Lamb shift, which accounts for the difference between the observed and predicted energy levels of the hydrogen atom, and the Casimir effect, which describes the attractive force between two uncharged, parallel conducting plates.

5. What impact do quantum corrections have on our understanding of the universe?

Quantum corrections play a crucial role in our understanding of the universe, as they allow us to accurately describe the behavior of particles on a microscopic scale. They have also led to the development of new theories, such as quantum electrodynamics, which have greatly advanced our understanding of fundamental forces and the structure of matter.

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