Quantum Field Energy: What Happens When it Tends to Zero?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of quantum field energy and its behavior as it tends towards zero. The speaker requests more specific information and references in order to provide a clear answer, but the original poster does not provide any. The conversation ends without a clear understanding of the topic.
  • #1
James Slater
What happens when quantum field energy tends to zero?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
James Slater said:
quantum field energy

What do you mean by "quantum field energy" and "tends to zero"? Do you have a reference?
  • #3
a] all quantum fields have an energy status
b] at some point if the energy level decreases (doesn't matter by what mechanism), what happens to a quantum field?
  • #4
James Slater said:
a] all quantum fields have an energy status
b] at some point if the energy level decreases (doesn't matter by what mechanism), what happens to a quantum field?
If you cannot provide some reference so we know what you've read and what you mean by "all quantum fields have an energy status", we have no way of knowing whether you've incompletely understood whatever you've read or you've been misled by a bogus source. Without that reference this thread will be closed as your question is too unclear to answer.
  • #5
James Slater said:
a] all quantum fields have an energy status
b] at some point if the energy level decreases (doesn't matter by what mechanism), what happens to a quantum field?

This is way too unclear for an "A" level thread; "A" level assumes graduate level understanding of the subject matter.

I have changed the thread level to "I" (though even that really requires more background information than you have given so far).
  • #6
How totally ridiculous is this!
And arrogant! This is a personally thought through question, based on nothing specific other than my understanding of QT.
You know that quantum field have an energy level.
It is a logical question to ask what happens as the energy level within a field moves towards zero.
If you are not going to live this up, I can only deduce that you simply do not wish to deal is genuine questions.
  • #7
PeterDonis said:
This is way too unclear for an "A" level thread; "A" level assumes graduate level understanding of the subject matter.

I have changed the thread level to "I" (though even that really requires more background information than you have given so far).
  • #8
James Slater said:
based on nothing specific other than my understanding of QT

Which, as we've already said, is much too vague for us to even answer. And you have still not provided any references, so we have no idea where you are getting your understanding of QT from.

James Slater said:
You know that quantum field have an energy level.

I know no such thing. If you "know" this, then your understanding of QT is flawed. But unless you can give us more details about where you are getting your understanding from, we have no way of helping you improve your understanding.

James Slater said:
I can only deduce that you simply do not wish to deal is genuine questions.

Then your deductive faculties need some work. We have already told you quite clearly what information you need to provide in order for us to help you. If you can't or won't provide it, then sorry, we can't help you.

Thread closed.
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FAQ: Quantum Field Energy: What Happens When it Tends to Zero?

What is quantum field energy?

Quantum field energy is the energy associated with the fluctuations of quantum fields, which are the fundamental units of matter and energy in the universe.

How is quantum field energy related to zero?

Quantum field energy tends to zero when there are no particles present in a particular region of space. This is because particles are created and destroyed constantly in quantum fields, leading to a balance of positive and negative energy that tends to zero in empty space.

What happens when quantum field energy tends to zero?

When quantum field energy tends to zero, the vacuum state of the quantum field is reached. This is the lowest energy state of the field and is considered to be the ground state of the universe. In this state, no particles are present and there are no measurable effects on the physical world.

Is quantum field energy the same as dark energy?

No, quantum field energy and dark energy are two different concepts. Dark energy is a mysterious force that is thought to be responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe, while quantum field energy is the energy associated with the fluctuations of quantum fields at a fundamental level.

What are the implications of quantum field energy tending to zero?

The implications of quantum field energy tending to zero are still being studied and debated by scientists. Some theories suggest that it may have a role in the formation of the universe and the origin of particles, while others propose that it may have a connection to dark energy and the expansion of the universe. Further research is needed to fully understand the implications of this concept.

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