Quantum gravity with constants

In summary, the author calculates the quantum effects of gravity based on the electromagnetic frequency across ½ the Compton wavelength of the electron. This yields an energy in joules at 2.471 x 10^20 s-1. This is multiplied by Planck's constant to arrive at a mass in kilograms and multiplied by the planet's Schwartzchild radius to arrive at Planck lengths. The total number of lengths is 5.489 x 10^32 and this is energized in joules by multiplying by the energy equivalent of the electron mass. If Newtonian gravity “works” in the universe, will quantum gravity, when it is discovered, turn out to be classical Newtonian times the mathematical identifier “1”?
  • #1
I would like to hear comments from anyone concerning the below. Honest and critical feedback from qualified individuals is most welcome. Thanks for your reviews!

This simple calculation bases the quantum effects of gravity on the electromagnetic frequency across ½ the Compton wavelength of the electron.

2.998 x 10^8 ms-1
½ (2.4263 x 10^-12 m) = 2.471 x 10^20 s-1

This is multiplied by Planck’s constant to arrive at energy in joules.

(2.471 x 10^20 s-1) (6.626 x 10^-34 kgm2s-1) = 16.373 x 10^-14 kgm2s-2

This value is multiplied by the square of the radius of a planet like Earth and the product divided into Planck mass.

2.1767 x 10^-8 kg
(16.373 x 10^-14 kgm2s-2) (6.378 x 10^6 m)2 = .003268 x 10^-6 m-4s2

In the meantime, the number of Planck lengths along a geometric line across the Schwartzchild radius of the planet is determined. First, the Schwartzchild radius:

2(6.673 x 10^-11 m3kg-1s-2) (5.974 x 10^24 kg)
SRearth = (2.998 x 10^8 ms-1)2 = 8.87 x 10^-3 m

The Schwartzchild radius is divided by Planck length to get the total number of lengths along the planet radius.

8.87 x 10^-3 m
1.616 x 10^-35 m = 5.489 x 10^32

This value is energized in joules by multiplying by the energy equivalent of the electron mass.

(5.489 x 10^32) (8.187 x 10^-14 kgm2s-2) = 44.938 x 10^18 kgm2s-2

This value is multiplied by that arrived at above in the first part.

(.003268 x 10^-6 m-4s2) (44.938 x 10^18 kgm2s-2) = 1.469 x 10^11 kgm-2

This value multiplied by G predicts the standard acceleration of gravity at 6,378,000 radial meters and a mass of 5.974 x 10^24 kg.

(6.673 x 10^-11 m3kg-1s-2) (1.469 x 10^11 kgm-2) = 9.8 ms-2

As an additional for instance, it accurately predicts g on Venus to be
8.8 ms-2 at a radius of 6,052,000 meters and mass of 4.869 x 10^24 kg. Actually, the data of any planet plugged into the formula above yields answers at 100% the accuracy rate of the classical g = Gm/r2.

(this is copyrighted material) © March 2004
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
wow, someone might steal it!
  • #3
Perhaps if you wrote out the calculation, using different symbols for things like the speed of light, the mass of the electron, etc and then did some 'cancellation of terms', you might get some insight into why the numbers come out as they do.
  • #4
Thank you for the response! Yes, this has been done and the results are lackluster, at least on the surface. Such an exercise produces classical acceleration times 1 or g = Gm/r2 x 1.
Does this negate any significance to you?
Is a multiplication by 1 to be expected?
In abstract terms, could/should quantum gravity equal or hold a value of 1 or very nearly 1?
If Newtonian gravity “works” in the universe, will quantum gravity, when it is discovered, turn out to be classical Newtonian times the mathematical identifier “1” ?
(Your answers are very important to me and will be carefully considered. Thanks for any additional input.)

FAQ: Quantum gravity with constants

1. What is quantum gravity with constants?

Quantum gravity with constants is a theoretical framework that attempts to unify the laws of quantum mechanics and general relativity by incorporating fundamental constants such as the speed of light and Planck's constant. It aims to explain the behavior of matter and energy at a microscopic level and the curvature of space-time on a macroscopic level.

2. Why is quantum gravity with constants important?

Quantum gravity with constants is important because it seeks to bridge the gap between two of the most successful and yet incompatible theories in physics - quantum mechanics and general relativity. By unifying these theories, we can better understand the fundamental workings of the universe and potentially resolve some of the biggest mysteries in physics, such as the nature of black holes and the origins of the universe.

3. How does quantum gravity with constants differ from other theories of quantum gravity?

Quantum gravity with constants differs from other theories of quantum gravity in its incorporation of fundamental constants. This allows for a more consistent and complete picture of the universe, as it takes into account the effects of these constants on the behavior of matter and energy.

4. What are some challenges in developing a theory of quantum gravity with constants?

One of the main challenges in developing a theory of quantum gravity with constants is the lack of experimental evidence. Since this theory aims to unify two well-established but separate theories, it is difficult to test and verify its predictions. Additionally, there are still many unknowns and complexities in both quantum mechanics and general relativity that need to be addressed in order to fully develop this theory.

5. Are there any potential applications of quantum gravity with constants?

While quantum gravity with constants is still a theoretical framework, it has the potential to lead to significant technological advancements in areas such as quantum computing and space travel. It may also provide insights into the nature of the early universe and the possibility of time travel. However, further research and experimentation are needed before any practical applications can be realized.
