Quantum Nature of the Big bang in Simple Models (Ashtekar@Perimeter)

In summary, the conversation is about a video presentation given by Abhay Ashtekar on the quantum nature of the big bang in simple models. Ashtekar explains how general relativity is incomplete and how quantum effects can resolve the singularity of the big bang. He also discusses the vastness of quantum space-times and their potential physical effects. The talk is informative and well-organized, but Ashtekar speaks quickly and it may be necessary to rewatch certain parts. The presentation is part of a Perimeter colloquium and Ashtekar also gave a second talk on quantum black hole models. His energetic and humorous style of lecturing makes the talk enjoyable to watch.
  • #1
Science Advisor
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This video is worth watching.

Quantum Nature of the Big bang in Simple Models.
Abhay Ashtekar
Perimeter video with slides PDF
3 December 2008

"According to general relativity, space-time ends at singularities and classical physics just stops. In particular, the big bang is regarded as The Beginning. However, general relativity is incomplete because it ignores quantum effects. Through simple models, I will illustrate how the quantum nature of space-time geometry resolves the big bang singularity. Quantum physics does not stop there. Indeed, quantum space-times can be vastly larger than what general relativity had us believe, with unforeseen physical effects in the deep Planck regime."

It's a well-organized informative talk giving an up-to-date picture of quantum cosmology research into the process surrounding the big bang. Ashtekar is a leader in this field and a mentor to others. He knows most of the people involved and what the latest results are. However he talks fast, so you may need to listen to some parts over again.

To watch and hear a part over again, go to "slide list" and find the slide that was up during that part, then click on "play from slide" (the button right below the thumbnail of the slide). It is easy once you've done it a couple of times.

It's a Perimeter colloquium talk. Actually one of two Ashtekar gave this week. The second talk is about quantum black hole models.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
His acting out the universe expanding to 25 Planck lengths at ~45:00 is absolutely hilarious! :smile: I've always wondered what sort of name Ashtekar is, and it was nice to find out by his accent. He's a very energetic lecturer, and thoroughly enjoyable to see and hear.
  • #3
They are both in the same room, so the video, audio and slides are excellent.

Ashtekar's talk is about the quantum nature of the big bang and how it is resolved by considering the quantum effects of space-time geometry. He explains how general relativity is incomplete and cannot fully explain the big bang singularity, but with the introduction of quantum physics, we can gain a better understanding of the process surrounding the birth of our universe.

Ashtekar's use of simple models makes his talk accessible to a general audience, but also provides valuable insights for those in the field of quantum cosmology. He discusses the vastness of quantum space-times and how they can have unforeseen physical effects in the deep Planck regime.

Overall, this video is definitely worth watching for anyone interested in the latest research and developments in quantum cosmology and the nature of the big bang. Ashtekar's expertise and clear presentation make this talk both informative and engaging.

FAQ: Quantum Nature of the Big bang in Simple Models (Ashtekar@Perimeter)

1. What is the quantum nature of the Big Bang?

The quantum nature of the Big Bang refers to the idea that at the very beginning of the universe, the laws of quantum mechanics govern the behavior of matter and energy. This means that the universe was in a highly dense and energetic state, and the laws of classical physics do not apply.

2. What is the Ashtekar@Perimeter model?

The Ashtekar@Perimeter model is a theoretical framework that combines the principles of general relativity and quantum mechanics to describe the early universe. It uses mathematical equations to understand the behavior of space and time at the quantum level.

3. How does the Ashtekar@Perimeter model explain the Big Bang?

The Ashtekar@Perimeter model proposes that the Big Bang was not a single event, but rather a series of quantum fluctuations that led to the expansion of the universe. These fluctuations were driven by the curvature of space-time and the interactions of fundamental particles at the quantum level.

4. What evidence supports the Ashtekar@Perimeter model?

Although the Ashtekar@Perimeter model is still a theoretical framework, it is supported by various pieces of evidence, such as the cosmic microwave background radiation, the large-scale structure of the universe, and the observed expansion of the universe. These observations align with the predictions of the model.

5. What are the implications of the quantum nature of the Big Bang?

The quantum nature of the Big Bang has profound implications for our understanding of the universe and its origins. It suggests that the universe may have emerged from a state of pure potentiality, and that the laws of physics as we know them may have emerged from this quantum state. It also raises questions about the nature of time and the ultimate fate of the universe.

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