Question about probability with absorption

In summary: So if you are interested in the long-term probabilities, then you will need to construct the absorption matrix from the transition matrix, which will have the form of a 2x2 matrix, where the diagonal elements will be 1 (since the two absorbing states will always have a probability of 1 for the long-term absorption) and the off-diagonal elements will be the probabilities of transitioning between the two absorbing states.If you want to find the expected number of steps before absorption, then you will need to construct the absorption matrix and use the formula N=(I-Q)^-1 where N is the expected number of steps before absorption, I is the identity matrix, Q is the submatrix of the transition matrix that excludes the absorbing states.If
  • #1
say we have integers 0-10. We start with N and the probability that N grows by 1 is .69. The probability that N decreases by 1 is .31.
Thus obtaining N+1 after one time step is .69 and similar obtaining N-1 is .31.
Once N reaches 0 or 10 it is absorbed and can't move from there.
My question is what is the probability that N is eventually at 10 if we start at N=2? also what is the probability of absorption if we start at N=2?
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  • #2
chuy52506 said:
say we have integers 1-11. We start with N and the probability that N grows by 1 is .69. The probability that N decreases by 1 is .31.
Thus obtaining N+1 after one time step is .69 and similar obtaining N-1 is .31.
Once N reaches 1 or 11 it is absorbed and can't move from there.
My question is what is the probability that N is eventually at 10 if we start at N=2? also what is the probability of absorption if we start at N=2?

Unless I'm missing something, the probability of absorption is 1 no matter where you start. The probability that N=10 is 0.69 since there is a 0.31 probability that N=1 on the first step.
  • #3
im sorry i meant to ask
Starting from N=2, what is the expected number of steps before absorption?
  • #4
i changed the problem a bit to make more sense
  • #5
Google for "gambler's ruin problem"
  • #6
chuy52506 said:
say we have integers 0-10. We start with N and the probability that N grows by 1 is .69. The probability that N decreases by 1 is .31.
Thus obtaining N+1 after one time step is .69 and similar obtaining N-1 is .31.
Once N reaches 0 or 10 it is absorbed and can't move from there.
My question is what is the probability that N is eventually at 10 if we start at N=2? also what is the probability of absorption if we start at N=2?

Hey chuy52506.

You will need to setup a markov chain and calculate the steady-state distribution for the long-term probabilities for the probability of getting a 1 vs getting a 10. If there is a non-zero chance of always getting to N=10, then the long-term probability will always be 1 since N=10 is an absorbing state, and judging from your post, I think this is the case.

If you want to figure out for a finite number of transitions, then construct your transition matrix M, find M^n for n transitions and then multiply this matrix by your initial probability vector which will have a 1 entry in the second element (this is a column vector) and when you multiply M by this column vector you will get probabilities of being in each state from N=1 to N=10 as expressed by the column.

If you want to prove long-term absorption (when n->infinity) then you will need to use the definition of absorption in markovian systems.
  • #7
chiro said:
Hey chuy52506.

You will need to setup a markov chain and calculate the steady-state distribution for the long-term probabilities for the probability of getting a 1 vs getting a 10. If there is a non-zero chance of always getting to N=10, then the long-term probability will always be 1 since N=10 is an absorbing state, and judging from your post, I think this is the case.

If you want to figure out for a finite number of transitions, then construct your transition matrix M, find M^n for n transitions and then multiply this matrix by your initial probability vector which will have a 1 entry in the second element (this is a column vector) and when you multiply M by this column vector you will get probabilities of being in each state from N=1 to N=10 as expressed by the column.

If you want to prove long-term absorption (when n->infinity) then you will need to use the definition of absorption in markovian systems.

By the definition of the Markov property, the probability of a future state is dependent only on the present state. The probability of moving toward the upper absorbing state is always 0.69 and the toward the lower absorbing state is is always 0.31. I assume the process continues to termination (absorption) with p=1. Therefore the probability the process terminates at N=11 is 0.69 and at N=1; 0.31. If the process terminates at N=11 and the process starts at N=2, then the marker must visit N=10 with probability 0.69 .

(We are not talking about consecutive moves in one direction. If that were true, the probability of 9 consecutive moves from N=2 to N=11 would be [itex] 0.69^9 = 0.035[/itex].)
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  • #8
SW VandeCarr said:
By the definition of the Markov property, the probability of a future state is dependent only on the present state. The probability of moving toward the upper absorbing state is always 0.69 and the toward the lower absorbing state is is always 0.31. I assume the process continues to termination (absorption) with p=1. Therefore the probability the process terminates at N=11 is 0.69 and at N=1; 0.31. If the process terminates at N=11 and the process starts at N=2, then the marker must visit N=10 with probability 0.69 .

(We are not talking about consecutive moves in one direction. If that were true, the probability of 9 consecutive moves from N=2 to N=11 would be [itex] 0.69^9 = 0.035[/itex].)

I actually missed the criteria that it gets stuck at 0 which screwed up my analysis.

So yeah this is going to be what micromass said: i.e. a two-absorption state system.

FAQ: Question about probability with absorption

What is the definition of probability with absorption?

Probability with absorption is a concept in statistics that refers to the likelihood of a particular event occurring given that another event has already happened. It is also known as conditional probability.

How is probability with absorption calculated?

Probability with absorption is calculated using the formula P(A|B) = P(A and B) / P(B), where A and B are two events and P(A and B) is the probability of both events occurring together and P(B) is the probability of event B occurring.

What is the difference between probability with absorption and regular probability?

The main difference between probability with absorption and regular probability is that in regular probability, we are interested in the likelihood of an event occurring on its own, while in probability with absorption, we take into account the occurrence of another event.

What is an example of probability with absorption?

An example of probability with absorption is rolling two dice. If we want to know the probability of rolling a 6 on the second dice given that the first dice rolled a 3, we would use probability with absorption to calculate it.

How is probability with absorption used in real life?

Probability with absorption is used in real life in various fields such as economics, medicine, and engineering. For example, it can be used to calculate the likelihood of a patient developing a certain disease given their medical history, or to determine the probability of a product failing during a specific stage of production.

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