Question about the derivative of e^x

In summary, the derivative of e^x is always exact and equal to e^x, making it a unique and useful function in calculus. This is because e, the base of the function, is defined as the number for which the logarithm function approaches unity, and is therefore an exact value. This makes e^x a special and precise function in calculus.
  • #1
I've been drawn to this expression for a long time.

Anyway, my question is - is the derivative of e^x exact? That is with absolute precision, the derivative of e^x is EXACTLY e^x?

Sorry if this seems like a silly question, I would really like to know if my math instructor is right on this one

I remember the argument:

lim h-->0 e^x+h - e^x/ h

What about the constant e? Is it approximate or absolutely precise?

Say you have a base, b.

Then lim q->0 ([b^1+q -b]/q) = b, which through some adjustments gives e = lim n-> infinity (1 +1/n)^n
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  • #2
Yes. In general, when you derive [itex]g^x[/itex], with g any number, the derivative is
[tex]\operatorname{ln}(g) g^x = k \log(g) g^x[/tex], where "ln" is some weird function which turns out to be the logarithm (in base 10), up to a multiplicative constant k.
Now when you plug in some numbers for g, you will find that this function "ln" comes close to unity if you take g to be somewhere around 2.7. Now it would be very cool to know this number g for which g^x is its own derivative exactly, but it turns out not to be anything nice (for example, it is not a fraction, or a square root of something). So we define e to be this number, for which
[tex]\operatorname{ln}(e) = 1[/tex]
and then of course (by the properties of the logarithm) the constant k is
[tex]k = 1/\operatorname{{}^{10}log}(e)[/tex].

So, by (one the many equivalent) definition of e, the derivative of e^x is e^x. As long as you write e and not some numerical approximation like 2.71828... this is an exact identity. Indeed, by definition of the derivative one can show that this requirement of e^x being its own derivative is equivalent to using
[tex]e \stackrel{\text{def}}{\equiv} \lim_{n \to \infty} \left( 1 + \frac{1}{n} \right)^n[/tex].
  • #3
Yes, the number e, like any number, is exact. The derivative of the function ex is exactly ex. Pretty nice function, eh?
  • #4
The coolest function ever defined in calculus is ex. You differentiate or integrate this function you get back the function. Who actually the first to defined such uninteresting function?

FAQ: Question about the derivative of e^x

1. What is the derivative of e^x?

The derivative of e^x is simply e^x itself. This means that the rate of change of e^x with respect to x is equal to the original function e^x.

2. How do you find the derivative of e^x?

To find the derivative of e^x, you can use the power rule for derivatives. This means that you take the coefficient, which is e, and multiply it by the original function, keeping the exponent the same. Therefore, the derivative of e^x is e^x.

3. Can you explain why the derivative of e^x is e^x?

The derivative of e^x can be explained using the definition of a derivative, which is the limit of the difference quotient as it approaches 0. When this limit is taken for e^x, the result is e^x itself. This is because e^x is its own rate of change, meaning that the slope at any point on the graph of e^x is equal to the value of e^x at that point.

4. What is the significance of the derivative of e^x?

The derivative of e^x has many applications in mathematics and science. It is used to model exponential growth and decay in various fields, such as biology, finance, and physics. It also plays a key role in the study of differential equations and is fundamental in the development of calculus.

5. Is the derivative of e^x the same as the derivative of x^e?

No, the derivative of e^x is not the same as the derivative of x^e. The derivative of e^x is e^x itself, while the derivative of x^e is e^x * x^(e-1). This is because the power rule for derivatives only applies when the base is a constant, not when the exponent is a constant.

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