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I've been thinking about time travel...who hasn't. Since time is simply the movement of exsistence, it seems that one could go into the future faster than normal by slowing the speed of exsistence around them. I thnk this is pretty well supported. However going into the past does not seem possible. At first thought you think to speed up the movemt of exsistence in your confined area. Not only would you age too quickly, but there is only a point in which you would reach almost complete stillness. If you could go past that point, then things seem like they should start moving in revearse. I don't see this happening though.
Question: How to separate ones self from noraml exsistence so that you could speed up or slow down yur own movements. Spacial distortion comes to mind, but please be more specific than that.
Question 2: Is traveling back in time possible in anyway through accepted scientific methos?
Question: How to separate ones self from noraml exsistence so that you could speed up or slow down yur own movements. Spacial distortion comes to mind, but please be more specific than that.
Question 2: Is traveling back in time possible in anyway through accepted scientific methos?
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