Quick questions on restriction enzymes?

  • Thread starter sameeralord
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In summary, restriction enzymes are enzymes that cut DNA at specific sequences, usually leaving sticky ends. These enzymes cannot cut single stranded DNA and they detect specific sequences by interacting with the DNA's major groove using protein segments. Thermal energy is enough to break apart the two pieces of DNA after the enzyme has cut it, so they do not need a ligase to stick back together.
  • #1
Hello everyone,


1. Restriction enzymes cut only sugar phospahte bonds right. So in the formation of sticky bonds for example in BamHl, how does the hydrogen bonds between the molecules break. When sugar phophate bonds on each strand break, does it pull on the free side dissociating the hydrogen bonds. Can these pieces stick back easily again or do they need a ligase?

2. Can restriction enzymes cut single stranded DNA?

3. Also how do these detect specific sequences of DNA. Do they have some complementary area that binds with the specific region.

Thanks :smile:
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  • #2
sameeralord said:
1. Restriction enzymes cut only sugar phospahte bonds right. So in the formation of sticky bonds for example in BamHl, how does the hydrogen bonds between the molecules break. When sugar phophate bonds on each strand break, does it pull on the free side dissociating the hydrogen bonds. Can these pieces stick back easily again or do they need a ligase?

Restriction enzymes typically leave sticky ends that are only a few nucleotides long. The energy from forming only a few hydrogen bonds is very low, comparable to thermal energy. Therefore, although the two sticky ends can bind together, the thermal energy present in solution is enough to break the two pieces apart. Therefore, the two ends only spend a fraction of time bound.

2. Can restriction enzymes cut single stranded DNA?
No. Restriction enzymes recognize only double-stranded DNA.

3. Also how do these detect specific sequences of DNA. Do they have some complementary area that binds with the specific region.

The answer varies with each restriction enzyme. Usually, the restriction enzyme will have some protein segment, such as an alpha helix, that inserts itself into the major groove of the DNA helix. There, the protein side chains can interact with exposed hydrogen bond donors and hydrogen bond acceptors.

Here's a site that talks about protein-DNA interactions in general and may be of some use:

FAQ: Quick questions on restriction enzymes?

1. What are restriction enzymes?

Restriction enzymes are enzymes that recognize specific sequences of DNA and cut the DNA at those sequences. They are often used in genetic engineering and molecular biology to manipulate DNA.

2. How do restriction enzymes work?

Restriction enzymes work by recognizing and binding to a specific sequence of DNA, usually 4-8 base pairs long. Once bound, the enzyme cuts the DNA at a specific point within or near the recognition sequence. This results in two pieces of DNA, each with a complementary single-stranded end, known as "sticky ends."

3. What is the purpose of using restriction enzymes?

The main purpose of using restriction enzymes is to manipulate DNA for various purposes, such as cloning, gene editing, and DNA sequencing. They are also used in diagnostic tests and forensic analysis.

4. Can restriction enzymes be used on any type of DNA?

No, restriction enzymes are specific to certain DNA sequences and can only cut DNA at those sequences. This means that different restriction enzymes are needed for different types of DNA. However, many organisms have their own unique set of restriction enzymes that can be used for specific applications.

5. How are restriction enzymes named?

Restriction enzymes are named after the bacteria from which they were originally isolated. The first letter of the name usually corresponds to the genus of the bacteria, and the second two letters correspond to the species. For example, EcoRI is derived from Escherichia coli RY13.
