Relativistic doppler shifted blackbody color?

In summary, using the black body radiation temperature as the input instead of RGB produces a more realistic view of the sky.
  • #1
I'm trying to render the sky as it would appear from a starship moving at some large part of the speed of light.
Geometry was straightforward, but colors are the problem.

How would the doppler effect change the color of a star?
The expectation is that the stars behind are red and the ones ahead are blue.

At first i tried to apply doppler shift ( gamma*(1-(v/c)*cos_ang) ) per-channel to the RGB value of the star color, with rather colorful but odd results of violet stars ahead and red-to-black ones behind.

Then i found out that the black body radiation is doppler shifted to the same extent as if it's temperature was altered by the same doppler factor.
So i tried to use the stars' temperatures as the input, since converting temperature to RGB is much easier than shifting arbitrary RGB.

This, however, produced a rather bland view of slightly red stars behind and slightly blue stars ahead.
Further, applying the intensity correction (doppler factor to the power of 4) made the stars fade behind, and be bright-white ahead, with almost no visible color change.

So, the question is - which of these are more correct?

The last one is the blandest one, but it seems to be the most correct as far as i can tell.

The first one is the most colorful, but it assumes that the stars emit nothing but visible light, while you'd expect that the invisible light would be shifted into our visibility range, and blackbody temperture accounts for that.

Even better, are there any reference images of correctly rendered sky at relativistic velocities? The Google finds many, but most are pop science kind of stuff that doesn't account for most of the effects.
Physics news on
  • #3
robphy said:
What is your map from RGB to frequency?
I take the frequencies of red, green and blue, doppler shift them, convert each result back to RGB, then mix in the same proportion than in the original.
This gives odd results for random colors, but works ok for near-white ones the stars tend to have.
If you know of a better way, i'd like to know it.
  • #4
Artlav said:
I'm trying to render the sky as it would appear from a starship moving at some large part of the speed of light.
Geometry was straightforward, but colors are the problem.

How would the doppler effect change the color of a star?
The expectation is that the stars behind are red and the ones ahead are blue.

If you can, get a hold of "In search of the ’’starbow’’: The appearance of the starfield from a relativistic spaceship".

At one time it wasn't paywalled, but nowadays you'll probably need to go to a library - I think most libraries will still be able to obtain a copy for a nominal charge, and a good college library might even have the paper and way to print it for a nominal fee per page.

There were some discussions of the paper on PF at one time, as well.
  • #5
pervect said:
If you can, get a hold of "In search of the ’’starbow’’: The appearance of the starfield from a relativistic spaceship".
Starbow, hm?
Oddly enough, that's exactly the kind of an effect i got at first, and felt that it's pretty, but unrealistic.

Got the article, it's pretty much exactly what i was looking for.
Turns out i got most of the things right on the second try, except for the intensity factor - it's not there when using temperatures, and human eye response stuff.

Thank you for pointing it to me.

Here are some images i got as a result.
I'll probably leave the starbow version as an option - it's a game, so pretty-but-unrealistic is allowed.

At 0.5c, looking left, with the galaxy behind for emphasis.
Starbow version:
Real version:
Standing still reference:

At 0.9c, looking mostly forwards.
Starbow version:
Real version:
Standing still reference:
  • #6
I like the images. I personally find the artistic ones more appealing than the accurate ones, for whatever it's worth. But the abstract of the paper did mention that they didn't find a starbow either.

The earliest reference I know of for the term starbow was the noevella "The Gold at the Starbow's End" by Fredrick Pohl.

I was looking for the old PF discussion (I didn't find it), but I did find a question on another site:

Perhaps that was you?
  • #7
pervect said:
I personally find the artistic ones more appealing than the accurate ones, for whatever it's worth. But the abstract of the paper did mention that they didn't find a starbow either.
Real physics, ye cruel thing, you took away my starbow?
Then here is my starsmile, adherent fully to your code.
( Going perpendicular to the galaxy at 0.8c )

pervect said:
Perhaps that was you?
No, certainly not. I only got the idea to add relativity a few week ago.
  • #8
Artlav said:
No, certainly not. I only got the idea to add relativity a few week ago.

There is a seemingly little-known resource that I have just rediscovered a link to. Anyone interested in getting into visualizing SR should take a look. It is from the author of Real Time Relativity.

FAQ: Relativistic doppler shifted blackbody color?

1. What is relativistic doppler shifted blackbody color?

Relativistic doppler shifted blackbody color refers to the phenomenon in which the color of an object appears to change due to the object's relative motion to an observer. This is caused by the doppler effect, which alters the perceived wavelength of light from the object.

2. How does the doppler effect affect blackbody color?

The doppler effect causes the perceived wavelength of light to change depending on the relative motion between the source of the light and the observer. This means that the color of an object may appear to shift towards the blue or red end of the spectrum, depending on whether the object is moving towards or away from the observer.

3. What is the significance of relativistic doppler shifted blackbody color?

Relativistic doppler shifted blackbody color is an important concept in astrophysics and cosmology. It allows scientists to analyze the motion and properties of distant objects, such as stars and galaxies, based on the observed color shift. It also plays a role in understanding the expansion of the universe.

4. How is relativistic doppler shifted blackbody color calculated?

The calculation of relativistic doppler shifted blackbody color involves the use of the doppler formula, which takes into account the relative velocity between the source of light and the observer, as well as the speed of light. This formula can be used to determine the amount of color shift and the resulting wavelength of light.

5. Can relativistic doppler shifted blackbody color be observed in everyday life?

Yes, the doppler effect can be observed in everyday life, such as the change in pitch of a siren as an ambulance passes by. However, relativistic doppler shifted blackbody color is typically only observed in extreme cases, such as when objects are moving at extremely high speeds or in the distant reaches of the universe.

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