Relativistic Mass vs. Invariant Mass.

In summary: But there are other, more subtle notions of mass in general relativity.In summary, there are different notions of mass in relativity, including relativistic mass in special relativity and other forms of mass in general relativity. The famous formula E=MC^2 refers to relativistic mass, which does not include gravity or black holes. The statement by Stephen Hawking in his book A Brief History of Time refers to this relativistic mass. However, there are other forms of mass in general relativity that can contribute to the formation of a black hole. There are also different uses of the term "mass" which can cause confusion. Ultimately, the principle of relativity states that an object can only collapse into a black hole if it
  • #1
Hey all, I'm quite confused on this and am curious to be put straight. Now I understand the basic principles of relativity, this one just bugs me.

Now I have always been taught that the famous E=MC^2 formula was proof that mass would reach toward infinity as it neared the speed of light. Stephen Hawking even says "Because of the equivalence of energy and mass, the energy which an object has due to its motion will add to its mass." in his book A Brief History of Time.

Now I was informed by some other members that this isn't really the case, and that the whole notion of a massive object approaching the speed of light would not collapse into a black hole, etc. etc. and I believe them to be correct in their assessment.

So what is going on here, and why am I reading two very different views on a similar subject, or are they both correct and it's just the Mr and Mo terminology that is off and screwing everything up
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  • #2
The statement by Hawking presumably refers to the relativistic mass in special relativity, which does not include gravity, nor black holes.

In general relativity, there are several notions of mass. One notion is the stress-energy tensor, which determines the curvature of spacetime. A counterpart of the relativistic mass forms only one component of the stress-energy tensor, so "moving" fast does not necessarily lead to the formation of a black hole. The sorts of motion that lead to collapse can be studied beginning with the".
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  • #3
Also, note that the invariant mass of a system of particles does include a contribution from the relative motion of the particles. Thus the kinetic energy of gas contributes mass towards 'becoming a black hole', but overall motion of a ball of gas relative to something else does not.
  • #4
atyy said:
The statement by Hawking presumably refers to the relativistic mass in special relativity, which does not include gravity, nor black holes.

In general relativity, there are several notions of mass. One notion is the stress-energy tensor, which determines the curvature of spacetime. A counterpart of the relativistic mass forms only one component of the stress-energy tensor, so "moving" fast does not necessarily lead to the formation of a black hole. The sorts of motion that lead to collapse can be studied beginning with the".

Wait. Several? Are there more than two?
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  • #5
Phrak said:
Wait. Several? Are there more than two?

See, for example:

Among others: ADM, Komar, Bondi, Bartnik, Hawking
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  • #6
DNMock said:
Now I have always been taught that the famous E=MC^2 formula was proof that mass would reach toward infinity as it neared the speed of light. Stephen Hawking even says "Because of the equivalence of energy and mass, the energy which an object has due to its motion will add to its mass." in his book A Brief History of Time.

Now I was informed by some other members that this isn't really the case, and that the whole notion of a massive object approaching the speed of light would not collapse into a black hole, etc. etc. and I believe them to be correct in their assessment.

Your formula is wrong. I can't really type it as I want on this post but it looks like the following E=(MC^2)/(1-v^2/C^2)^.5. As velocity v gets larger, the total energy of mass M gets larger. But this is a relative mass - a guy riding on M will not see any change in the value of M no matter how big v is.

Think of it this way. Guy 1 is on mass M and guy 2 is on another mass stationary relative to mass M. Now Guy 2 and his mass accelerate to high v. Well, nothing has happened to guy 1 and mass m, but guy 2 still sees a relative velocity of v. So guy two can do experiments that will show that mass M is now larger by the formula I gave you above. But nothing has actually happened to guy 1 and mass M. That's why Einstein called it Relativity Theory.
  • #7
PAllen said:
See, for example:

Among others: ADM, Komar, Bondi, Bartnik, Hawking

Thanks. I'd forgotten.
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  • #8
In the early days of relativity people sometimes used "transverse mass" and "longitudinal mass" in connection with the effects of forces perpendicular and parallel to an object's motion, in F = ma.
  • #9
DNMock said:
Hey all, I'm quite confused on this and am curious to be put straight. Now I understand the basic principles of relativity, this one just bugs me.

Now I have always been taught that the famous E=MC^2 formula was proof that mass would reach toward infinity as it neared the speed of light. Stephen Hawking even says "Because of the equivalence of energy and mass, the energy which an object has due to its motion will add to its mass." in his book A Brief History of Time.

Now I was informed by some other members that this isn't really the case, and that the whole notion of a massive object approaching the speed of light would not collapse into a black hole, etc. etc. and I believe them to be correct in their assessment.

So what is going on here, and why am I reading two very different views on a similar subject, or are they both correct and it's just the Mr and Mo terminology that is off and screwing everything up

Indeed it's mainly a matter of terminology: nowadays it has become most popular to mean with "mass", "rest mass". And it should be clear from the principle of relativity that an object can only collapse into a black hole if it has a great rest mass.

FAQ: Relativistic Mass vs. Invariant Mass.

1. What is the difference between relativistic mass and invariant mass?

The difference between relativistic mass and invariant mass is that relativistic mass is a changing quantity that depends on the velocity of an object, while invariant mass is a fixed quantity that remains the same regardless of the object's velocity. In other words, relativistic mass takes into account the effects of special relativity, while invariant mass does not.

2. How is relativistic mass calculated?

Relativistic mass is calculated using the equation m = m0/√(1-v2/c2), where m0 is the invariant mass, v is the velocity of the object, and c is the speed of light. This equation takes into account the increase in mass as an object's velocity approaches the speed of light.

3. Can an object's relativistic mass ever be greater than its invariant mass?

No, an object's relativistic mass can never be greater than its invariant mass. The invariant mass is the true mass of an object, while the relativistic mass is a calculation that takes into account the effects of special relativity. Therefore, the invariant mass serves as an upper limit for the relativistic mass.

4. How does the concept of mass-energy equivalence relate to relativistic mass?

The concept of mass-energy equivalence, as described by Einstein's famous equation E=mc2, states that mass and energy are equivalent and can be converted into one another. In this equation, c represents the speed of light and m represents the object's relativistic mass. This shows that the increase in an object's relativistic mass as it approaches the speed of light is due to an increase in its energy.

5. What are some examples of when it is more useful to use relativistic mass instead of invariant mass?

Relativistic mass is more useful in situations where an object is traveling at high speeds, close to the speed of light. This is because the effects of special relativity become more significant at these speeds, and the object's mass increases accordingly. For example, in particle accelerators, the relativistic mass of particles is used to calculate their kinetic energy and the amount of energy needed to accelerate them to a specific speed. In contrast, invariant mass is more useful for calculating the total mass of a system, such as in the case of a stationary object or a system of particles moving at relatively slow speeds.

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