Resistance of a discharging capacitor

In summary, the maximum current that can be drawn from a capacitor connected to a resistor of a very low value is significantly affected by the resistance of the capacitor.
  • #1
I am trying to calculate the maximum current drawn from a capacitor that is connected to a resistor of a very low value (a few mΩ). Because the resistor does not have a large resistance as I've seen with many V/t and I/t graphs for capacitors connected to resistors, where the decay of the curve depends on the RC time constant, I am pretty sure that the resistance of the capacitor would have a significant affect on the maximum current.

How can this resistance be determined? If the resistance of the capacitor changes over time, which I'm pretty sure it does, how can I find its lowest resistance from which current is drawn?
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  • #2
I don't think the resistance changes over time. In order to get an accurate decay curve and find the current you would need to find the total resistance of the circuit, which will include the resistance of the resistor, the capacitor, and the wires. The latter two are usually so small that we can ignore them, but if your resistor has very little resistance then they may become significant factors.
  • #3
Another complication, if the resistance of the capacitor is significant, is that it won't behave like a single resistor in series with a perfect capacitor, because the resistance will be distributed over the area of the capacitor plates. A better model might be a ladder filter with resistors as the 'horizontal' elements and capacitors as the 'vertical' elements.

But perhaps I'm scaremongering. No doubt the circuit could be investigated with some sort of data-logger that samples voltages at very frequent intervals, and can therefore deal with very rapid charge or discharge.
  • #4
Do you know the make and model of the capacitor?

Manufactures often publish extensive amounts of data for electronic components. You can usual find an effective serial resistance.

The other option is to build a simple RC circuit and measure the decay time.
  • #5
According to this site: at pg26 63V 12000μF capacitors have about 21mΩ ESR.

I have 2 of these, so I could connect them in parallel to get a total capacitance of 24mF. Since they are in parallel, does this then mean that the ESR would be halved (since there's two of them)? If so, this would mean that the maximum current would be assuming the wire (in this case acting as a resistor) resistance to be 1.4Ω, then the total resistance would be 1.41Ω, and the maximum current at 60V would be 42.55A.

However, there would be other factors that would drastically affect that value, wouldn't there? And if so, roughly how much of an affect would they be expected to have on the maximum current?
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FAQ: Resistance of a discharging capacitor

1. What is the formula for calculating the resistance of a discharging capacitor?

The formula for calculating the resistance of a discharging capacitor is R = -t/ln(Vc/V0), where R is the resistance, t is the time, Vc is the voltage across the capacitor at a given time, and V0 is the initial voltage across the capacitor.

2. How does the resistance of a discharging capacitor affect the time constant?

The resistance of a discharging capacitor is directly proportional to the time constant, which is the time taken for the capacitor to discharge to 37% of its initial voltage. A higher resistance will result in a longer time constant, meaning that the capacitor will take longer to discharge.

3. Can the resistance of a discharging capacitor be negative?

Yes, the resistance of a discharging capacitor can be negative. This occurs when the capacitor is discharging through a circuit with a negative voltage source or when the voltage across the capacitor is decreasing over time.

4. How does temperature affect the resistance of a discharging capacitor?

The resistance of a discharging capacitor is inversely proportional to temperature. This means that as temperature increases, the resistance decreases, and vice versa. This is due to the fact that temperature affects the conductivity of the materials used in the capacitor, which in turn affects the resistance.

5. What factors can affect the resistance of a discharging capacitor?

The resistance of a discharging capacitor can be affected by factors such as temperature, material used in the capacitor, and the circuit it is discharging through. Additionally, the time constant can also be affected by the initial voltage and the voltage across the capacitor at a given time.
