Result of Bombarding Electron to any element

In summary: It was not in any way like any kind of atomic nucleus. The conditions were quite different from what you have in any normal kind of matter in the universe today. And, yes, it was unstable. That was the whole point. It was unstable in a very special way.In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of bombarding electrons, protons, and neutrons at an element in a vacuum tube and the potential effects it could have on the element. It is mentioned that the outcome would depend on various factors such as the target material, type of projectile, and energy used. The idea of using computer simulations and R&D work to explore the creation of new elements is also
  • #1
What happen if we bombard Electron, Proton and neutron to any element in vaccume tube ? Will it change that eleement to another element obsorbing electron, proton and neutron or what will happen >

With regards

Chemistry news on
  • #2
Your question is much too broad.

It depends. It depends on the specific material that is the target. It depends on whether it is an electron, proton, or neutron you are firing at the target. It depends on the energy you are using. And it is pretty complicated. Oh, and it isn't limited to chemistry.You basically are asking: Fill in all of accelerator physics here.

The target could scatter the projectile, either elastically or in-elastically. It could capture it. The projectile could go right by without doing anything. Or a reaction could be induced. And it may or may not be affected by the chemical bonds the target happens to have.

For example, very low energy electrons will pretty much be electricity. Very low energy protons will essentially be Hydrogen gas. They will not do much to the nuclear structure of the target, though they may or may not do something chemically. Neutrons are a little more "slippery" because there are interactions that very low energy neutrons can have with some isotopes.

You want to look up and read about a bunch of things. Here are just a few: Electron capture, nuclear interactions, Compton scattering, (inverse) Beta decay, and induced fission. You could start at Wikipedia and read about those topics, and then any of the related topics that catch your interest.

Please come back and ask some questions that are little more narrowly focussed.
  • #3
Thank you very much sir,

With regards
  • #4
Dear Sir,

Now a days chemical science is much develop. The question I asked keeping in mind if we could able change the neutron, proton and electron of an element than we could try to make that element of periodic table that is not yet found. When we are able to find the "GOD PARTICLE" so why not we should try experimenting this one. We could make a computer simulation (developing a computer program - giving input "Presser and Heat "). and R&D work.

With regards

  • #5
nilesh_pat said:
Dear Sir,

Now a days chemical science is much develop. The question I asked keeping in mind if we could able change the neutron, proton and electron of an element than we could try to make that element of periodic table that is not yet found. When we are able to find the "GOD PARTICLE" so why not we should try experimenting this one. We could make a computer simulation (developing a computer program - giving input "Presser and Heat "). and R&D work.

With regards


It's not exactly "chemical science." It's more nuclear science. That is, it's more concerned with the possible configurations of nuclei, rather than the chemistry that is possible with the atoms that result. Though there is some interest in exotic chemistry of very heavy atoms. Chemical science would be more interested in the chemical bonds and interactions that the atoms can partake once they are formed. Nuclear science is more interested in what atoms can form, and what isotopes of them can form.

There is lots of work being done on isotopes beyond the periodic table. Another topic for you to read about: trans-uranic isotopes. One way of approaching this is to observe what you find in a nuclear reactor. You let stuff sit in a nuclear reactor catching neutrons for a while, then see what has been produced. Another way to approach it is in accelerators. You get this kind of nucleus going around a loop this way, and that kind of nucleus going around the other way. Sometimes they smash into each other, and sometimes they stick producing a new nucleus.

Pressure and heat are not the usual things of interest here. It's kinetic energy and nucleon content of the reacting particles.

Yet another way to approach this is very indirectly by looking at astrophysics. A thing like a supernova may well produce lots of interesting nuclear interactions. By studying the energy spectra from super nova remnants, and by studying the isotope abundance of material that has formed the solar system, we can get very indirect ideas about what nuclear reactions and energy states are possible. That can be very interesting and lead you into very interesting research areas. Another topic to read about: The Gabon nuclear reactor.

The "God particle" is not really very related to this topic. That's the Higgs mechanism, which is quite widely separated in energy from nuclear interactions. You can quite happily work on nuclear interactions for your entire life and not worry about the Higgs particle.
  • #6
Thank you sir for your reply. Let me study the stuff you said "trans-uranic isotopes " and "The Gabon nuclear reactor" than we will continue this topic. My only point is that we have to think something different , and possibility is there. Yes, one thing I got from your paragraph 2 approach (1) that we could write a computer program to observe what happening in the nuclear reactor. only data need. In your approach (2) we could also write a program for because there is chance for forming new nucleus. here data also needed.

With Regards

  • #7
Dear Sir

Studing some part of nucler physics I came to understand that unstable nucleus wants to become stable and in this process its emits alpa ray, beta ray and gama ray. Element from atomic numbers from 1 to 92 are found on Earth at stable conditions and higher atomic numbers element are unstable and tends to decay and in process its become some other element with lower atomic number and produce energy (gama ray).

Dear Sir one question arises that BIG BANG was a large unstable nucleus if yes than how it was formed.

Please reply.

With regards

  • #8
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  • #9
Thnak you sir, for your reply. I will go through the books you have adised to study. But just think for a moment, a compressed thousands of nucles or compressed gama ray. what will happen ? Please reply.

With regards,

  • #10
Dear Sir,

Gone through the books really so many thoughts and so many predictions. Some times Big question solved with simple formula we say it trick to slove. I have a question - in the book the first three minutes to universe discrib all about the how that matter formed. Why helium concentrated at one place and still burning. why it was not cooled as described in the book. why every gallexy has his own signing star. The universe is expanding we observ from Earth and think that. But expanding in respect to what (?). or something big force at the outer cirle of universe pulling in all direction. Just think it may a ...

With regards

  • #11
nilesh_pat said:
Dear Sir,

Gone through the books really so many thoughts and so many predictions. Some times Big question solved with simple formula we say it trick to slove. I have a question - in the book the first three minutes to universe discrib all about the how that matter formed. Why helium concentrated at one place and still burning. why it was not cooled as described in the book. why every gallexy has his own signing star. The universe is expanding we observ from Earth means expanding in respect to earth. But I think that universe is expanding in respect ot his own centre. So the question is whether we know that excat location of " Center of Univers" and the " Center of the Univers" is where the BIG BANG taken place, there we could find the recepi of the initial stage of BIG BANG. All the galexy's present in the universe is attached with it's center.

Please reply.

With regards


FAQ: Result of Bombarding Electron to any element

1. What happens when an electron is bombarded onto an element?

When an electron is bombarded onto an element, it can cause a variety of effects depending on the element and the energy of the electron. This process is known as electron bombardment or electron irradiation and can result in changes to the element's physical, chemical, and electrical properties.

2. How does electron bombardment affect the atomic structure of an element?

Electron bombardment can result in ionization, which is the process of removing one or more electrons from an atom. This can alter the element's atomic structure and create ions with a positive charge. It can also cause electrons to be excited to higher energy levels, which can lead to the emission of light or the formation of new chemical bonds.

3. Can electron bombardment lead to the creation of new elements?

In some cases, electron bombardment can cause nuclear reactions that can result in the creation of new elements. This is known as transmutation and is a key process in nuclear chemistry and physics. However, this typically requires high energy electrons and is not a common occurrence in everyday experiments.

4. What are the applications of electron bombardment in scientific research?

Electron bombardment is a crucial tool in many fields of scientific research. It is used in materials science to study the properties of materials at the atomic level, in analytical chemistry to identify and quantify elements in a sample, and in nuclear physics to study the structure and reactions of atomic nuclei. It is also used in various industrial processes, such as in the production of semiconductors.

5. Are there any potential dangers associated with electron bombardment?

Electron bombardment is generally considered safe at low energies, as the electrons are not energetic enough to cause significant damage. However, at high energies, electron bombardment can produce X-rays and other types of radiation, which can be harmful to living organisms. Therefore, proper safety precautions should be taken when handling and conducting experiments involving high energy electrons.

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