Reversible Otto Cycle Efficiency: Investigating the Difference from Carnot's

In summary, reversible engines do not necessarily have the same efficiencies and the Carnot cycle provides an upper limit on the efficiency that any classical thermodynamic engine can achieve during the conversion of heat into work. This is only true when the engine operates between two heat reservoirs at given temperatures. In the case of the Otto cycle, it operates between different configurations of reservoirs and therefore has a different efficiency. Reversing a cycle involves doing work on the engine to move heat from the lower temperature reservoir to the higher temperature reservoir, but this only works with two reservoirs and cannot be generalized.
  • #1
Jacob White
So we know that every reversible engine working between the same temperatures will have the same efficiency(the same as Carnot engine). So let's consider for example reversible Otto cycle. So as you can see on the picture it is operating between ##T_1## and ##T_3##, so I was thinking that it should have efficiency ##f = 1 - \frac {T_1} {T_3}## Below there is a derivation assuming reversibility(Indeed it is reversible there is no entropy increase), however we don't get Carnot but: ##f = 1 - \frac {T_1} {T_2}## which is lower. How is it possible?
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  • #2
They are different efficiencies! What you refer to is better stated that every reversible heat engine working between two heat reservoirs ##T_H## and ##T_C## have the same efficiency, the Carnot efficiency. This is what pertains to Carnot's theorem, that ##\eta_{CE} \geq \eta_{X}## with the equality only holding if the engine ##X##, which also operates between two temperatures ##T_H## and ##T_C##, is reversible. The Otto cycle is a different type of cycle which operates between different configuration of reservoirs.
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  • #3
Jacob White said:
So we know that every reversible engine working between the same temperatures will have the same efficiency(the same as Carnot engine).
That is not true. Reversible engines do not necessarily have the same efficiencies. And the Carnot cycle provides an upper limit on the efficiency that any classical thermodynamic engine can achieve during the conversion of heat into work. (Wikipedia)
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  • #4
jack action said:
Reversible engines do not necessarily have the same efficiencies. And the Carnot cycle provides an upper limit on the efficiency that any classical thermodynamic engine can achieve during the conversion of heat into work. (Wikipedia)

That is fine, but statement you quoted is true if we make the assertion that the heat engine necessarily operates between two heat reservoirs.
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Likes Jacob White
  • #5
Ok, now I see that indeed reversible engines would have the Carnot efficiency only when working between 2 heat reservoirs at given temperatures. And with different temperatures this argument of reversing cycle and using to produce additional work just doesn't work.
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Likes etotheipi
  • #6
Jacob White said:
And with different temperatures this argument of reversing cycle and using to produce additional work just doesn't work.

I don't understand this part... wouldn't reversing a cycle involve doing work on the engine to move heat from the lower temperature reservoir to the higher temperature reservoir (e.g. a refrigerator?).
  • #7
I have said that too briefly. I have seen proof like this: If we had two heat reservoirs at T1 and T2 and two reversible engines A and B. So suppose A takes heat Q1 from T1 and doing work W1. B is also reversible so we can reverse it's cycle so it would use work W1 to transfer heat from T2 to T1. And if B would have better efficiency the same work W1 would be enough to bring back Q1 to T1 and we still have some energy to use - contradiction to second law. And then I realized that it really works only for 2 reservoirs and couldn't be generalised.
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Likes etotheipi
  • #8
Cool, that makes more sense. Thanks for explaining to me!
  • #9
Thanks for realizing me that it works only when we take heat only from 2 reservoirs!
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Likes etotheipi

FAQ: Reversible Otto Cycle Efficiency: Investigating the Difference from Carnot's

What is the Reversible Otto Cycle Efficiency?

The Reversible Otto Cycle Efficiency is a thermodynamic concept that measures the efficiency of an engine that operates on the Otto cycle, which is a theoretical cycle that models the operation of a typical gasoline engine.

How is the Reversible Otto Cycle Efficiency different from Carnot's Efficiency?

Carnot's Efficiency is based on the Carnot cycle, which is a theoretical cycle that represents the most efficient way to convert heat into work. The Reversible Otto Cycle Efficiency takes into account the specific characteristics of an Otto cycle engine, such as the compression ratio and specific heat ratio, to calculate its efficiency.

How is the Reversible Otto Cycle Efficiency calculated?

The Reversible Otto Cycle Efficiency is calculated by dividing the work output of the engine by the heat input. This can be expressed as: Efficiency = 1 - (1/r)^(γ-1), where r is the compression ratio and γ is the specific heat ratio.

What factors affect the Reversible Otto Cycle Efficiency?

The Reversible Otto Cycle Efficiency is affected by the compression ratio, specific heat ratio, and the temperature of the heat source and sink. It is also affected by any losses due to friction, heat transfer, and incomplete combustion.

What is the significance of studying the Reversible Otto Cycle Efficiency?

Studying the Reversible Otto Cycle Efficiency allows us to understand the theoretical limits of efficiency for a gasoline engine and how it compares to the ideal efficiency of the Carnot cycle. This knowledge can help engineers improve the design and performance of engines, leading to more efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles.
