Rocket Acceleration: 1,000ms-1 to ? in 2 mins

In summary, rocket acceleration is the result of Newton's Third Law of Motion and can be affected by factors such as mass, thrust, resistance, and trajectory. It is impossible for a rocket to reach infinite acceleration due to the effects of Einstein's theory of relativity. Astronauts experience physical effects during rocket acceleration and scientists use various methods to measure it, including using accelerometers, velocity sensors, and mathematical calculations.
  • #1
A rocket accelerates from 1,000ms-1 at a rate of 20ms-2 for 2 minutes. (a) What speed did it reach?
Physics news on
  • #2
A pretty high "speep". I should imagine. It really is a shame it's so hard to edit the title of a thread :smile:
Just use the right formula, remembering to convert minutes to seconds!
  • #3
Assuming we don't lose any mass?

How many seconds are there in a minute? After that use you suvat equations to find the final velocity.
Your inital velocity is 1000m/s and you have an acceleration.

FAQ: Rocket Acceleration: 1,000ms-1 to ? in 2 mins

1. How does rocket acceleration work?

Rocket acceleration is the result of Newton's Third Law of Motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the case of a rocket, the action is the expulsion of hot gas from the rocket's engines, and the reaction is the force that pushes the rocket in the opposite direction.

2. What factors affect rocket acceleration?

Several factors can impact a rocket's acceleration, including its mass, the amount of thrust produced by its engines, and the resistance or drag from the surrounding air or atmosphere. Additionally, the efficiency of the rocket's engines and the angle of its trajectory can also affect acceleration.

3. Can a rocket reach infinite acceleration?

No, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, it is impossible for an object to reach infinite acceleration. As an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases, making it more difficult to accelerate further. This phenomenon is known as relativistic mass.

4. How does rocket acceleration affect astronauts?

The high levels of acceleration experienced during a rocket launch can have significant effects on astronauts, including increased heart rate, changes in blood flow, and temporary loss of consciousness. To counter these effects, astronauts undergo extensive training and wear specialized suits to help regulate their body's response to acceleration forces.

5. How do scientists measure rocket acceleration?

Scientists use various methods to measure rocket acceleration, including using accelerometers and velocity sensors on the rocket itself, as well as tracking its trajectory and velocity through radar and telemetry data. They can also calculate acceleration by measuring the change in an object's velocity over time using the equation a = (vf - vi) / t, where a is acceleration, vf is final velocity, vi is initial velocity, and t is time.

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