Rotational Dynamics of two disks

In summary: However, total final energy is equal to initial energy, and total final angular momentum is equal to initial angular momentum. That's enough to solve the problem.In summary, two disks of different sizes and angular speeds are brought into contact with each other while spinning freely around their respective axes. As they initially slip against each other, friction eventually stops the slipping. The correct approach to finding the energy lost to friction is to use the conservation of angular momentum and energy, as the final angular speeds of the disks will be different. The final kinetic energy and angular momentum of the system will be equal to their initial values, allowing for the calculation of the energy lost to friction.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two disks are spinning freely about axes that run through their respective centres (see figure below). The larger disk
(R1 = 1.42 m)
has a moment of inertia of 1070 kg · m2 and an angular speed of 4.2 rad/s. The smaller disk
(R2 = 0.60 m)
has a moment of inertia of 909 kg · m2 and an angular speed of 8.0 rad/s. The smaller disk is rotating in a direction that is opposite to the larger disk. The edges of the two disks are brought into contact with each other while keeping their axes parallel.

They initially slip against each other until the friction between the two disks eventually stops the slipping. How much energy is lost to friction? (Assume that the disks continue to spin after the disks stop slipping.)

Homework Equations

Conservation of angular momentum.

The Attempt at a Solution

I attempted the problem by first using the cons. of angular momentum to find the final angular speed of the 2 disks, then subtracted the initial kinetic energy by the final kinetic energy of the system to obtain energy lost, though I apparently arrived at the wrong answer. What is the correct approach to this problem?
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  • #2
Nicolaus said:

Homework Statement

Two disks are spinning freely about axes that run through their respective centres (see figure below). The larger disk
(R1 = 1.42 m)
has a moment of inertia of 1070 kg · m2 and an angular speed of 4.2 rad/s. The smaller disk
(R2 = 0.60 m)
has a moment of inertia of 909 kg · m2 and an angular speed of 8.0 rad/s. The smaller disk is rotating in a direction that is opposite to the larger disk. The edges of the two disks are brought into contact with each other while keeping their axes parallel.

They initially slip against each other until the friction between the two disks eventually stops the slipping. How much energy is lost to friction? (Assume that the disks continue to spin after the disks stop slipping.)

Homework Equations

Conservation of angular momentum.

The Attempt at a Solution

I attempted the problem by first using the cons. of angular momentum to find the final angular speed of the 2 disks, then subtracted the initial kinetic energy by the final kinetic energy of the system to obtain energy lost, though I apparently arrived at the wrong answer. What is the correct approach to this problem?

You've got exactly the correct approach. You'll need to show your work for anyone to be able to tell you exactly where you went wrong.
  • #3
This is an interesting problem which I first saw many years ago in a textbook. The angular momentum is not conserved and it's a nice puzzle to see why.

You can introduce a friction force f that acts between the disks while they are slipping. Consider the torque due to the friction force on each disk. The answers for the final rates of spin are independent of the magnitude of f.
  • #4
TSny said:
This is an interesting problem which I first saw many years ago in a textbook. The angular momentum is not conserved and it's a nice puzzle to see why.

You can introduce a friction force f that acts between the disks while they are slipping. Consider the torque due to the friction force on each disk. The answers for the final rates of spin are independent of the magnitude of f.

Yeah, I guess I didn't give that one enough thought.
  • #5
Are the final angular speeds going to be different for each disk? If that is the case, can I just use the cons. of angular momentum and the cons. of energy, and it becomes two equations with 2 unknowns, then isolate and solve for one of the angular speeds?
  • #6
Right, the final angular speeds are going to be different. What will be the same for the two disks when slipping stops?

Neither total kinetic energy nor total angular momentum will be conserved.

FAQ: Rotational Dynamics of two disks

1. What is rotational dynamics?

Rotational dynamics is a branch of physics that studies the motion of objects around a fixed point or axis. It involves the analysis of forces and torques acting on rotating objects, and how these affect the rotational motion.

2. How is rotational dynamics different from linear dynamics?

Rotational dynamics deals with the motion of objects around a fixed point or axis, while linear dynamics is concerned with the motion of objects in a straight line. Rotational dynamics also involves the concept of torque, which is not present in linear dynamics.

3. What is the moment of inertia?

The moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to rotational motion. It is similar to mass in linear dynamics, and is affected by the shape and distribution of mass of the object.

4. How does the angular acceleration of two disks on a common axis depend on the applied torque?

The angular acceleration of two disks on a common axis is directly proportional to the applied torque. This means that a greater torque will result in a greater angular acceleration, and vice versa.

5. How does the rotational kinetic energy of two disks change when they are connected by a pulley?

When two disks are connected by a pulley, the rotational kinetic energy of the system remains constant. This is because the pulley transfers torque and rotational motion between the two disks, resulting in an equal and opposite change in their rotational kinetic energies.
