Why do I consistently get a Blue Screen of Death on Wednesdays at the same time?

In summary, the person's new computer is crashing, and they think it may be because of something they installed (AVG), or because they had Windows Defender running at the same time.
  • #1
Math Jeans
Hi. A while ago I got a new, fully loaded, great speced computer, and for the past few weeks, I have been getting the BSoD.

However, what is confusing me no-end, is that I always get it once a week, on a wednesday, at around the same exact time during the day +/- 10 minutes.

Any explanation for this? These BSoDs are not hurting my computer in anyway, however, it is fairly annoying as that weekly time is always during one of my class discussion groups.
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
A faulty auto update or virus scanner starting up?
Download "autoruns" from microsoft and see what is running on startup - turn everyhting off and set the clock to wednesday to see if it crashes
  • #3
when the BSOD jump
what is the Hex code you have in the screen
this code helps solving and identifying the problem
you should check the schudual programs that runs in the time the BSOD appears
more information needed like what is your OS
  • #4
Bluescreens can be caused by poorly written device drivers, faulty memory, a corrupt registry, an incompatible Dynamic-link library (DLL), or the computer overheating. Bluescreens have been present in all Windows-based operating systems since Windows 3.1; OS/2 and MS-DOS suffered the Black Screen of Death, and early builds of Windows Vista displayed the Red Screen of Death after a boot loader error.

BSOD happends when OS(windows) reaches a state that its not defined to handle. Unfortunately the brilliant os coders of microsft did not define hell lot of situatons.

BSOD happends mainly due 2 reasons.
1 Hardware. Some hardware cos BSOD. It installs drivers that is not microsft sertified. If you installed new hardware try removing it and trying it.

2. Second is memory mismatch. This is a big problem. Some times you will have 2 memory modules each with diffrent speed. Unfortunately apart from other devices. Mother board does not slow the fast memory to match the speed. It accalartes the slower memry to work in faster speed. All memory won't be able to take it. Some will be able to take some time. Some will be after using some days/months burn out. This may cause BSOD. Memory also causes when if you have a memory module which has a freequency that is not supported by motherboard.

Mostcommon: Driver update. When you update your driver you may end up incompatible/corrupted drivers. This is the most common BSOD problem. Go to safe mode put your original driver back

4. Softwares: Some softwares also causes bsod. Some need specific processor functions that is not supported by all processors. Bad coding such programs lead to BSOD

5. VIRUS: Easiest way to get to BSOD example is Smash Virus.

I think it will be the most reported BSOD events. Due to amazingly accurate windows coders you can see 100's issues that has no explantion
  • #5
I think what ended up being the problem is that I had downloaded AVG as my anti-virus when I got the new computer, however, I neglected to disable Window's Defender. So I think that the BSoD was caused by both of the programs scanning at the same time.

I disabled Window's Defender. We will find out this Wednesday. Thanks for the help!

FAQ: Why do I consistently get a Blue Screen of Death on Wednesdays at the same time?

What causes the "Routine Blue Screen of Death"?

The "Routine Blue Screen of Death" is typically caused by a critical error in the operating system or hardware malfunction. It can also be triggered by a virus or corrupt system files.

How can I prevent the "Routine Blue Screen of Death" from occurring?

To prevent the "Routine Blue Screen of Death", it is important to regularly update your operating system and drivers, as well as run antivirus scans to check for any potential threats. It is also important to avoid overclocking your hardware, as this can cause instability and lead to the blue screen.

What should I do if I encounter the "Routine Blue Screen of Death"?

If you encounter the "Routine Blue Screen of Death", the first thing to do is to restart your computer. If the blue screen persists, try booting your computer in safe mode and running a virus scan. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to seek professional help.

Can the "Routine Blue Screen of Death" cause any permanent damage to my computer?

In most cases, the "Routine Blue Screen of Death" does not cause any permanent damage to your computer. However, if the blue screen is caused by hardware failure or a virus, it is possible for damage to occur. It is important to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent any potential damage.

Is it possible to recover data after encountering the "Routine Blue Screen of Death"?

In some cases, it is possible to recover data after encountering the "Routine Blue Screen of Death". If the blue screen is caused by a software issue, data recovery may be possible. However, if the blue screen is caused by hardware failure, data recovery may be more difficult. It is always recommended to regularly backup important data to prevent loss in these situations.
