New Measurement of Alpha & Peter Woit in FAZ: "Schlimmer als Falsch

  • Thread starter marcus
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In summary, there are two news items discussed in this conversation. The first is a new measurement of alpha, the reciprocal of the fine structure constant, with an uncertainty of 0.70 ppb. The second is a review of Peter Woit's book in the Frankfurter Allgemeine, written by Dietmar Dath. The book, titled "Not even Wrong - The Failure of String Theory and the Continuing Challenge to Unify the Laws of Physics," is a denunciation of the string theory as a failed and misguided research program. Woit's book has gained attention and praise from readers and fellow physicists, including Roger Penrose and Lee Smolin. The review also discusses the criticisms of string theory, including its lack of experimental
  • #1
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thanks to Peter Woit for the Frankfurter Allgemeine link.

Two news items.

There is a new measurement of alpha
I started a thread in another subforum about it

I'll put it here because these things easily get covered up and missed.
alpha reciprocal new value is 137.035 999 710(96)
(uncertainty 0.70 ppb)
the new value of the electron magnetic moment is
g/2 = 1.001 159 652 180 85(76)
(uncertainty 0.76 ppt-------parts per trillion!)

Publication was in Physical Review Letters.

the other item of news is that the Frankfurter Allgemeine (a widely-read German newspaper) has an article about Peter Woit's book. It looks like it has some entertaining parts.

In German, the reviewer's title is

[tex]\mathfrak{Schlimmer. als. falsch}[/tex]

("worse than wrong")
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  • #2
if you read German, you may enjoy Dietmar Dath's article. It is well written and there are some laughs.
======quote from Frankfurther Allgemeine======

Schlimmer als falsch
Von Dietmar Dath

31. Juli 2006
Wissenschaftler sind auch nur Menschen, und wer das Temperament zur überschäumenden Rechthaberei nicht besitzt, hat vielleicht auch die Energie nicht, die nötig ist, sich in die Phänomene so tief einzugraben, daß sich ihr Innerstes dem Verstand erschließt.
Fehlendes Feuer kann man dem theoretischen Physiker Lubos Motl von der Universität zu Cambridge in Massachusetts nicht vorwerfen. Was andere denken, nennt er, wenn es ihm widerstrebt, womöglich „Müllwissenschaft“. Gern beschwert er sich darüber, daß es auf der Welt von „Spinnern“ und „Idioten“ wimmelt. Und in seinem oft polemischen Netztagebuch hält er sich, wenn's zur Sache geht, strikt an die Devise, daß der Degen nicht gezückt werden muß, wenn es auch der Knüppel tut. Man kann sich die Weißglut folglich leicht vorstellen, die von Motl Besitz ergriffen haben muß, wenn ihm selbst seine wüsten Ausdrücke nicht mehr genügen und er nur noch von „Verächtlichkeit“ ächzt, einen „gewissen Dozenten an der New Yorker Columbia University“ schmäht und dessen Werk ohne Nennung des Titels als „ein Buch“ verdammt, „das wir alle kennen“.

Der Mann, dem diese Invektiven gelten und der diverse Versuche überstehen mußte, besagtes Buch in den Leserforen der großen Internet-Versandfirmen mit negativer Kritik zu beschießen, heißt Peter Woit. Er ist Physiker, unterrichtet Studenten dieses Faches und hat etwas aus Motls Sicht Unverzeihliches getan, nämlich ein ganzes Forschungsprogramm der gegenwärtigen Physik, das glamouröseste und geheimnisvollste, dem mathematische Stars wie Edward Witten und Joseph Polchinski zuarbeiten, als Fehlschlag und Sackgasse denunziert.

Stringtheorie gar keine Theorie?

Woits Buch „Not even Wrong - The Failure of String Theory and the Continuing Challenge to Unify the Laws of Physics“, das in England bereits erschienen ist und in Amerika demnächst erscheinen wird, hat weit über die Kreise praktizierender Physiker hinaus und bis in die Spalten des „Wall Street Journal“ für Aufsehen gesorgt. Mit einer Entschlossenheit, die hinter der Bärbeißigkeit Motls nicht zurücksteht, erklärt Woit, er sei von seiner Position seit Beginn des publizistischen Echos auf sein Buch noch überzeugter als zuvor, denn bislang wisse er von „keiner einzigen ernsthaften Erwiderung - Lubos zählt nicht“. Als besonders angenehm dürfte er außerdem empfinden, daß er seit Beginn der Auseinandersetzung nicht nur Feinde wie den, welchen er nur noch beim Vornamen nennt, sondern auch Freunde gewonnen hat. Zum Beispiel die zahlreichen Verfasser positiver Leserkritiken, die man bei den Buchversendern nachlesen kann, oder den angesehenen Physiker Roger Penrose, der von „fesselnder Lektüre“ spricht, oder Penroses Kollegen, den Kosmologen Lee Smolin, der selbst vor offener Parteinahme nicht zurückschreckt: „Dies ist ein mutiges und notwendiges Buch.“

Lob ist nicht alles, was Smolin beisteuert. Demnächst erscheint sein eigenes neues Buch, dessen Titel „The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next“ dem, was Woit will, verwandt genug ist, daß man von gemeinsamer Stoßrichtung sprechen darf. Es geht gegen die sogenannte Stringtheorie. Schon dieser Name, sagen deren Kritiker, sei eine unzulässige Eigenwerbung. Denn in Wahrheit handele es sich dabei nicht um eine systematische Thesenarchitektur, sondern um eine lose verbundene Familie von Vermutungen, mathematischen Instrumenten und Erklärungsansprüchen, deren innere Abgrenzung voneinander ebenso ungeklärt sei wie ihr Geltungsbereich.

Theoretische Physik versteht sich selbst nicht

Was man heute „Stringtheorie“ nennt und was sich in Fernsehserien oder Bestsellern wie Brian Greenes „Das elegante Universum“ nicht selten als die Lösung der größten und letzten verbliebenen Probleme des gesamten Unternehmens „moderne Physik“ dargestellt findet, verdankt seine Existenz einem erstaunlichen Umstand: Die theoretische Physik hat stellenweise größere Schwierigkeiten damit, sich selbst zu verstehen, als damit, die Welt zu beschreiben. Folgt man Wissenschaftsphilosophen wie Karl Popper, dann sollte es eigentlich genau andersherum sein: Was eine Theorie zu Fall bringt, ist dessen Lehren zufolge immer ihre Nichtübereinstimmung mit neuen Befunden. Drolligerweise jedoch haben die beiden fundamentalen begrifflichen Apparate des Weltverständnisses der modernen Physik, nämlich die Quantenmechanik und die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie, zahllose derartige Proben glänzend bestanden, während ihrer Abstimmung aufeinander bis heute Hindernisse entgegenstehen - mit dem Datenmaterial vertragen sie sich ausgezeichnet, nur untereinander nicht.

Das liegt vor allem daran, daß die Theorie fürs Kleinste, die Quantenmechanik, einen diskreten, in energetische, räumliche und zeitliche Päckchen unterteilten Kosmos beschreibt, während die Theorie fürs Große, die Geometrodynamik oder allgemeine Relativitätstheorie, ihren Berechnungen ein kontinuierliches, wenn auch knautschbares und dehnbares Universum zugrunde legt.

Allerlei zusätzliche Dimensionen

Die Stringtheoretiker rücken den dadurch aufgekommenen Unstimmigkeiten mit allerlei zusätzlichen Dimensionen und der Abschaffung der Idee des punktförmigen Teilchens zu Leibe. Was ihre jüngst lautgewordenen Gegner wie Woit und Smolin vor allem ärgert, ist nicht dies, sondern dreierlei: erstens der Anspruch der Stringforscher, den einzigen Weg zur Vereinheitlichung der fundamentalen Naturkräfte zu beschreiten; zweitens die Tatsache, daß sich die Vorschläge der Stringtheoretiker bislang der experimentellen Erhärtung wie Widerlegung entziehen; und schließlich drittens die zunehmende Unübersichtlichkeit des stringtheoretischen Weges und seiner Seitenarme.

Daß es noch andere Versuche gibt, eine „Theorie für alles“ zu erfinden, als diejenigen, die das Garn der Stringforscher zusammenhält, entwickelt Woit in seinem konzisen, spannenden und insgesamt erfreulich fairen Überblick über die jüngere Physikgeschichte überzeugend. Einer der aussichtsreicheren Versuche in diese Richtung hört auf den Namen „Loop Quantum Gravity“ und begnügt sich mit dem Ziel einer „Quantisierung der Raumzeit“ - was schwierig genug ist, aber nicht unvorstellbar, und den viel weiter reichenden Vereinheitlichungsversprechen der Stringkoryphäen das Fehlen diverser hyperdimensionaler Zusatzannahmen voraushat (eine hervorragende Einführung in den Schlaufen-Ansatz hat der deutsche Gravitationsphysiker Thomas Thiemann in der Ausgabe 1/2006 des Publikumsmagazins der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft „Max Planck Forschung“ publiziert). Die experimentelle Nagelprobe für stringtheoretische Spekulationen mit den Mitteln existierender Versuchstechnik läßt derweil auf sich warten - „Könnte man sie widerlegen? Noch nicht“ sagt selbst der Autor eines verbreiteten Superstring-Lehrbuchs Joe Polchinski.

Fortschritt wird durch Kompliziertheit verspielt

„Etwas erklären“ heißt für den exakten Naturwissenschaftler, daß jemand eine mathematische Beschreibung eines beobachtbaren Sachverhalts findet, die alles wegläßt, was nicht nötig ist, um diesen Sachverhalt jederzeit praktisch reproduzieren, seine Folgen vorhersagen und das, was ihm vorangeht, rekonstruieren zu können. In genau diesem Sinne erklären die diversen Stringtheorien und die ihnen übergeordnete, bislang unausgeführt gebliebene, sie zusammenführende „M-Theorie“ nach Ansicht von Woit und Smolin heute zuwenig - nämlich nicht mehr, sondern eher weniger als ihre Frühformen vor Jahren. Was sie an Vereinfachung und Glättung älterer mathematischer Konstruktionen geleistet haben, wird, meinen die Kritiker, durch ihre eigene Kompliziertheit gerade wieder verspielt. „Nicht einmal falsch“ sind sie, so Woit, sondern, schlimmer, unfruchtbar.

Solche Kritik greift indes nirgends die wichtigsten theorieleitenden Vorannahmen der Stringdenker an; sie kommt nämlich wie das, was jene tun, aus dem Inneren der physikalischen Moderne. Auf binnenmathematische Kriterien für die Gelungenheit einer phsyikalischen Welterklärung wie etwa Symmetrie, gruppentheoretische Überlegungen, topologische Aspekte und Verwandtes wollen Woit, Smolin oder Penrose ebensowenig verzichten, wie etwa Adorno zur überkommenen Harmonik zurückwollte, als er über das „Altern der neuen Musik“ schrieb. Daß Gleichungen Dinge erläutern können, die sich der Anschauung entziehen, weil die Evolution unsere Hirne nicht dafür gerüstet hat, subatomare oder großräumig kosmische Sachverhalte intuitiv zu erfassen, würden die Kritiker der Stringphysik nicht bestreiten wollen.

Wissenschaft muß sich selbst korrigieren wollen

Wissenschaft hat dem Offenbarungsglauben voraus, daß sie sich selbst korrigieren kann. Gerade wo unser Wissen Bereiche erschließt, die sich unserer Anschauung entziehen, muß diese Offenheit gewahrt bleiben und verteidigt werden. Wir dürfen von Wissenschaftlern nicht erwarten, daß sie dem letzterreichbaren Komplettwissen vorgreifen; aber wir dürfen fordern, daß sie sich darum bemühen, herauszukriegen, was sie noch nicht ahnen.

Solange es in der theoretischen Physik noch inspirierte Eiferer wie Lubos Motl und kluge Zweifler wie Peter Woit gibt, sind faule Kompromisse dabei ausgeschlossen.
  • #3
you got to love Babelfish
who else would describe scientists as having "over-foaming disputatiousness"-----it shows a Shakespearean mastery of language
Scientists are also only humans, and who does not possesses the temper to the over-foaming disputatiousness, perhaps also the energy does not have, which is necessary, to entrench itself into the phenomena so deeply that its internal is opened for the understanding. Missing fire one cannot accuse to the theoretical physicist Lubos Motl from the university to Cambridge in Massachusetts. Which others think, he, if it against-strives him, calls possibly "garbage science". Gladly it weights about the fact that it wimmelt in the world of "cranks" and "idiots". And in its often polarize-mixed net diary it holds, wenn's to the thing goes oneself, strictly by the foreign exchange that the sword does not have to be gezueckt, even if it the club does. One can imagine the incandescence therefore easily, which must have seized from Motl possession, if its wild expressions are not sufficient for him any longer and he condemns only from "Veraechtlichkeit" aechzt, a "certain lecturer to the New Yorker Columbia University" defamed and its work without denomination of the title as "a book", "which we all knows". The man, for who this Invektiven had to apply and get over various attempts to fire at mentioned book in the reader forums of the large InterNet dispatch companies with negative criticism is called Peter Woit. He is a physicist, informs students of this subject and something from Motls view inexcusable did, i.e. a whole research program of present physics, the glamouroeseste and most mysterious, that mathematical of star such as Edward Witten and Joseph Polchinski preparatory work, when miss and dead end denunziert. Stringer theory no theory? Woits book "emergency even Wrong - The failure OF stringer Theory and the Continuing Challenge ton of Unify the Laws OF Physics", which already appeared in England and in America will shortly appear, provided the far beyond circles of practicing physicists and into the columns "barrier of the Street journal" for attention. With a determination, which does not stand back behind the Baerbeissigkeit Motls, Woit, he explains is still more convinced of its position since beginning of the journalistic echo on its book than before, because so far he does not know from "not one serious retort - Lubos does not count". When particularly pleasantly it might in addition to feel that it won that, which it calls only with the first name but also friends since beginning of the argument not only enemies like. For example the numerous authors of positive reader criticisms, which one can reread with the book senders, or who outstanding physicist Roger Penrose, which speaks of "binding reading", or Penroses colleague, the cosmologist Lee Smolin, which even before open back-frightened: "this is a courageous and necessary book." Praise is not everything that contributes Smolin. Its own new book shortly appears, its title "The Trouble with Physics: The Rise OF stringer Theory, The case OF A Science, and What Comes NEXT one "what wants Woit, enough is related that one may speak of common direction of attack. It goes against the so-called stringer theory. Already this name, is an inadmissible self-advertisement says their critic. Because in truth do not concern it thereby a systematic thesis architecture, but around a loosely connected family of assumptions, mathematical instruments and requirements for explanation, whose internal demarcation is from each other just as unsettled as their area of application. Theoretical physics does not understand itself Which one calls today "stringer theory" and which in TV serials or best-sellers such as Brian Greenes "the elegant universe" as the solution of the largest and last remaining problems of the entire enterprise "modern physics" is represented not rarely, its existence owes to an amazing circumstance: Theoretical physics has larger difficulties in parts to understand itself than to describe the world. If one follows science philosophers such as Karl Popper, then it should actually be exactly different: Which brings a theory to case, according to its teachings are always their discrepancy with new findings. However the two fundamental conceptual apparatuses of the world understanding of modern physics, i.e. quantum mechanics and general relativity theory, existed quaint way countless such samples shining, while to today obstacles oppose its tuning one on the other - with the data they do not get along excellently, only among themselves. That is above all because of the fact that the theory for the smallest, which describes quantum mechanics, a discrete, cosmos divided into energetic, spatial and temporal packages, while the theory for the large, the Geometrodynamik or general relativity theory, its computations a continuous, even if knautschbares and flexible universe puts at the basis. All kinds of additional dimensions The stringer theoreticians move the discrepancies with all kinds of additional dimensions and the abolishment of the idea of the punctiform particle, arisen thereby, to body. Which annoys its opponents loud-become recently such as Woit and Smolin above all, is not this, but three: first of all the requirement of the stringer researchers to take the only path to the standardization of the fundamental natural forces; secondly the fact that the suggestions of the stringer theoreticians extract themselves so far from the experimental confirmation such as refutation; and finally thirdly the increasing vagueness of the stringer-theoretical way and its seitenarme.
The fact that there are still different attempts to invent a "theory for everything" as those, which the yarn of the stringer researchers holds together, develops Woit in its concise, exciting and altogether pleasing fair overview of recent physics history convincing. One of the more promising attempts in this direction hears on the name "loop quantity Gravity" and is content with the goal of a "quantization of space-time" - which enough is difficult, but not inconceivably, and which much far handing standardization promises of the Stringkoryphaeen the absence of various hyper+dimensional corollary assumptions ahead-has (a outstanding introduction to the loop beginning has the German gravitation physicist Thomas Thiemann in the expenditure 1/2006 of the public magazine of the Max-Planck company "Max Planck research" published). The experimental acid test for stringer-theoretical speculations with the means of existing experimental technique takes time meanwhile - "could one disprove it? Not yet "even the author of a common superstringer textbook says Joe Polchinski. Progress becomes playful by complexity "it explains something" is called for the accurate scientist that someone finds a mathematical description of of an observable circumstances, which omits everything, which is not necessary, in order this circumstances at any time practically reproduces, its consequences predicts and reconstructs what precedes him, to be able. In exactly this sense explain the various stringer theories and so far remained unaccomplished, them uniting "m-theory" in opinion of Woit and Smolin today too little - to no more, for them superordinate, but rather less than their early forms years ago. Which they carried out at simplification and smoothing of older mathematical constructions, mean the critics become again playful, by its own complexity straight. "not even wrongly" they, so Woit, are but, more badly, unfruchtbar. Such criticism does not attack meanwhile anywhere the most important theory-leading Vorannahmen of the stringer philosophers; she comes like what those do, from the inside of the physical modern trend. Without within-mathematical criteria for the successness to a phsyikalischen world explanation as for instance to symmetry, group-theoretical considerations, topological aspects and relative want to do Woit, Smolin or Penrose just as little, as for instance Adorno to the traditional Harmonik back-wanted, when it wrote over "aging the new music". The fact that equations can describe things would not want to deny, which extract themselves from the opinion, because the evolution did not prepare our Hirne seize subatomic or spaciously cosmic circumstances intuitively the critics of stringer physics. Science must want itself to correct Science has the revealing faith ahead that it can correct itself. Straight where our knowledge opens ranges, which extract themselves from our opinion, must this openness remain protected and is defended. We may not expect from scientists that they anticipate the last-richable complete knowledge; but we may demand that they strive for it, out wars, what them yet not to suspect. As long as there are inspired zealots in theoretical physics such as Lubos Motl and intelligent skeptics such as Peter Woit, putrid compromises are impossible thereby.
  • #4
A new review of N.E.W. by Gordon Fraser
in PhysicsWeb

Fraser finds quite a few things to fault. Says it is really two books
Part I is the lightning history of particle physics up to but not including string theory.
Part II is the critique of string theory.
He says Part II is potentially entertaining, and must have been what Roger Penrose was praising. But Part II is technically hard to understand.
On the other hand Part I is easier to understand but some other people have done it better---have given a livelier and better historical survey of particle physics up thru Standard Model.
this is what Gordon Fraser says, anyway. It's not all bad either!

thanks to Peter Woit for providing the PhysicsWeb link.

Peter also mentions that the August issue of SEED MAGAZINE (not online yet) has a review by Charles Seife
of both N.E.W. and Lee Smolin's new book The Trouble with Physics due out next month.
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  • #5
Bee (née Hossi) has a review of Smolin's new book
with comments by Lee!

===sample quote from Bee===
...Last night I had a nightmare! Bigfoot knocked at my door and wanted to talk to me about the existence of the string theory landscape. Still on east-coast time, I wiped off the sweat from my forehead but couldn't fall asleep again. I switched on my laptop, and decided its time to post the review on Lee Smolin's new book.

Last week I surprisingly received an email from his publisher who apparently doesn't mind me posting a review on my blog before the book is officially published. It seems the publisher's strategy is that every publicity is good publicity. Given the comments I had on his book, I can't say Lee looked very happy when I told him I'd write the review. So I thought it would be a nice gesture to let him add some comments.

Anyway, since most of you haven't yet had a chance to read the book, I don't see any point in picking at details which I didn't like (there were plenty). So instead, this is more of a general summary of the book's content.

However, I want to point out that I did not read the final version and that some sections might have changed in the last revisions...

Bee says the first part of the book is about five big PROBLEMS:

1. The problem of quantum gravity

2. The foundational problems of quantum mechanics

3. The unification of the particles and forces

4. The values of the free constants in the standard model

5. Dark matter and dark energy.

Bee says the second part of the book is about STRING THEORY.

The third part is about ALTERNATIVES, such as Loop Gravity and Spinfoams, Non-commutative Geometry, DSR, MOND, Causal Dynamical Triangulations...

The fourth part is what Bee says she thinks is the most important---she says it "...analyzes why and how science works best, what sociological problems we face, and under which circumstances research flourishes best. It addresses the problem of groupthink in the string community, the disastrous low-risk-attitude of current funding, and the inefficiency in hiring decisions when it comes to preserving diversity. Lee points out that many of today's research strategies might have been appropriate some decades ago, but do now hinder progress..."

So it is research policy criticism which tries to be constructive and might make a difference! Good news!

Then Bee gives a link to Lee's comments. It is a kind of interview with the author, done in blog:
  • #6
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  • #7
Science magazine article by Tom Siegfried about Landscape controversy

Related to New Measurement of Alpha & Peter Woit in FAZ: "Schlimmer als Falsch

1. What is the significance of the new measurement of Alpha?

The new measurement of Alpha, also known as the fine-structure constant, is significant because it provides a more precise value for this fundamental constant of nature. This constant is related to the strength of the electromagnetic force and plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of particles and atoms.

2. Who is Peter Woit and what is his stance on the new measurement of Alpha?

Peter Woit is a theoretical physicist and mathematician who has been critical of some approaches in modern physics, such as string theory. In his recent article in FAZ, he argues that the new measurement of Alpha is not as groundbreaking as it has been portrayed and that it does not provide evidence for certain theories like superstring theory.

3. How was the new measurement of Alpha conducted?

The new measurement of Alpha was conducted using a method called "fine-structure spectroscopy." This involves studying the energy levels of atoms using high-precision lasers and comparing them to theoretical predictions. The new measurement used data from two different experiments, one in Germany and one in France, to arrive at a more accurate value for Alpha.

4. What implications does the new measurement of Alpha have for our understanding of the universe?

The new measurement of Alpha has significant implications for our understanding of the universe, as it helps us refine our models and theories of fundamental physics. It also allows us to make more precise predictions about the behavior of particles and atoms, which can have practical applications in fields such as technology and medicine.

5. Is the new measurement of Alpha universally accepted by the scientific community?

While the new measurement of Alpha has been published in a reputable scientific journal and has undergone peer review, its findings and implications are still being debated and scrutinized by the scientific community. As with any new discovery or measurement, it will take time for it to be fully accepted and integrated into our current understanding of the universe.

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