Does a second countable space have a converging sequence in its closure?

  • Thread starter R136a1
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In summary, the book asks me to prove that if ##X## is a second countable topological space, if ##x\in \overline{A}##, then there exists a sequence ##(x_n)## in ##A## converging to ##x##. I'm pretty lost at how to prove something like this. Any hint would be appreciated.
  • #1
Hello everybody!

I hope I'm posting in the correct forum. Apparently, I can post questions from grad books in this forum, so I decided to post here!

The topology book I'm using asks me to prove that if ##X## is a second countable topological space, if ##x\in \overline{A}##, then there exists a sequence ##(x_n)## in ##A## converging to ##x##.

I'm pretty lost at how to prove something like this. Any hint would be appreciated.
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  • #2
Welcome to the forum friend! Actually that is true for any first countable space ##X##; ##X## doesn't have to be second countable so it's weird that your book would restrict the proof to that; let's prove it assuming only first countable. Let ##p\in \bar{A}## then every neighborhood of ##p## contains a point of ##A##. Also note that since ##X## is first countable by hypothesis, there exists a nested neighborhood basis for ##p## i.e. there exists a sequence ##(U_{i})_{i = 1}^{\infty}## of neighborhoods of ##p## such that ##U_{i+1}\subseteq U_i,\forall i##, on top of the usual neighborhood basis property that every neighborhood of ##p## must contain ##U_{i}## for some ##i##. Use these two facts to construct a sequence in ##A## converging to ##p##.
  • #3
Oh right, the book says first countable. I was trying to write down the theorem from memory, so apparently that failed, haha

Thanks for the hint. It was helpful. I know the proof of the relevant theorem in the real numbers. In that case, you can build a sequence ##(x_n)## because for any ##n##, we can find a ##y\in A## such that ##|x-y|<1/n##. So we just let ##x_n## be that element in ##A##.

So it appears that we can do the same thing in a first countable space now. We just take ##x_n\in U_n##. Then it's rather easy to see that ##x_n## converges to ##x## (because it's a neighborhood basis).

The crucial part was that you said there is a nested neighborhood basis. I didn't know that, although it seems obvious now.

So, this also shows the theorem for metric spaces since every metric space is first countable right? Not that it matters here, but just out of curiosity, is any metric space also second countable? I guess not since the proof that ##\mathbb{R}## is second countable requires the rational numbers, but I can't seem to found a decent counterexample.

Thanks again!
  • #4
Yep that's all you have to do! Nice! The standard definition of first countable does not include the nested neighborhood basis property itself but it can be proven from said standard definition, which you can prove yourself because as you said it is easy to see. As for what you said, yes every metric space is first countable but no every metric space is not second countable however for metric spaces second countable, separable, and Lindelof are all equivalent. A trivial example of a metric space that is not second countable is an uncountable set endowed with the discrete metric.
  • #5
Alright, thanks! That counterexample is a bit easier than I expected. It's a shame I didn't find it myself :frown:

By the way, is the statement in my first post equivalent to first countable? Do you happen to know anything about that?
  • #7
Thanks! That's very interesting. I don't know enough topology yet to understand everything though, but I hope that will change soon! :-p

FAQ: Does a second countable space have a converging sequence in its closure?

What is a second countable space?

A second countable space is a type of topological space in mathematics. It is a space in which there exists a countable base, meaning a collection of open sets that can be used to construct all other open sets in the space.

How is a second countable space different from an uncountable space?

The main difference between a second countable space and an uncountable space is the existence of a countable base. In an uncountable space, there is no countable collection of open sets that can be used to construct all other open sets. Additionally, second countable spaces have more desirable properties for analysis and are easier to work with mathematically.

What are some examples of second countable spaces?

Some examples of second countable spaces include Euclidean spaces, metric spaces, and compact spaces. These spaces are commonly used in analysis and geometry, and their second countability is often a desirable property as it allows for more rigorous mathematical proofs.

What is the significance of second countable spaces in mathematics?

Second countable spaces have a significant role in mathematics, particularly in analysis and geometry. They allow for more precise mathematical reasoning and proofs and are often used to construct more complicated spaces and structures. Additionally, many important theorems and results in mathematics rely on the second countability property.

How are second countable spaces used in practical applications?

Second countable spaces are used in many practical applications, such as computer graphics, data analysis, and machine learning. They provide a framework for understanding and analyzing complex data and can be used to model real-world systems and phenomena. Additionally, the second countability property allows for more efficient and accurate computations in these applications.
