Is this an extraterrestrial signal received by SETI?

In summary: Mexican Air Force pilots filmed 11 unidentified objects in the skies over southern Campeche state, a Defense Department spokesman confirmed Tuesday.A videotape made widely available to the news media on Tuesday shows the bright objects, some sharp points of light and others like large headlights, moving rapidly in what appears to be a late-evening sky. The lights were filmed on March 5 by pilots using infrared equipment. They appeared to be flying at an altitude of about 3,500 meters (11,480 feet), and allegedly surrounded the Air Force jet as it conducted routine anti-drug trafficking vigilance in Campeche.The Defense Department spokesman said the objects could have been anything from a natural phenomenon to an extraterrestrial spacecraft. No one
  • #36 This shows the current sky coverage totals of SETI. Hope this helps.
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  • #37
Hmm, maybe i couldn't notice but i couldn't find the percent that seti scans. However i remember it as 1%, is it right?
  • #38
Approx 30% of the sky can be 'seen' by the Arecibo telescope, that from 2o to 35o. However, the beam of the receiver is quite narrow (the new equipment will make a big difference), so you can see on the gif image which check posted that not all the sky between the limits has been observed. In any case, the program requires that all parts of the sky be observed at least twice.
  • #39
Canopus, do you mean in total or in one scanning session?
According to the SETI site, it's scanned over 95% of the visible sky since it began. About 68.4% of the data it has collect has been checked.
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  • #40
I mean 1 scanning, and it surprised me (: big numbers...
  • #41
check said:
Canopus, do you mean in total or in one scanning session?
According to the SETI site, it's scanned over 95% of the visible sky since it began. About 68.4% of the data it has collect has been checked.
'visible sky' here refers to that visible with the 'scope, not what someone at the Equator could see :wink:
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  • #42 that's what a typical session looks like
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  • #43
Nereid, that's probably why it says 'visible sky' and not just 'sky'.
  • #44
Sorry for being so late to reply to anyone. I forgot I posted in this section. :frown:

DarkAnt said:
its just his sig, why so harsh?

I think it was a simple misunderstanding. :smile:

Evo said:
I like his sig. :approve:

Thanks. :biggrin:

pelastration said:
That's the point. It a general sign, not his sign.
It's like an official statement that nobody may copy a specific text. The sign indentifies the author.

But it's not forbidden of course. Bob can use it.
Indeed Bob has copyrights on 'his' text whatever the content and his way to put it.
But say that he quotes from a newspaper and he puts "his sign" under the post he could have trouble since juridically he claims to be the author of the text.

The copyright is not on the text but on my name and it is more of a joke than a serious thing. Most people have an avatar or a quote under each of their posts, I have a simple copyright sign. Very sorry you saw it the wrong way. I created my nickname and I use it and I thought it would be funny to have a copyright sign next to it. That was all. :smile:

The Bob (2004 ©)

P.S. Oh course anyone can use the name and I was asked in another thread on what was copyrighted etc... Sorry again.
  • #45
In reference to the question of radiowaves being detected from space, I would agree that a alien race that would be more advanced that ours would not use radio waves at all. as they travel slower than other particles known to man. It would make sense to use a form of light source such as a laser to project information much as fiber optics are used in comunication. Or something similar. If civilzations are more advanced even by 1000 years and had the means to industrialize and push their science who knows what they could acheive. If man can only use a small portion of his brain would you not push science to increase the capacity to learn and absorb and explore? it would seem that even if we were to be contaced could we even comprehend a single sentence from one of these beings. something to think about, maybe were looking in the wrong spectrum.
  • #46
check said:
Nereid, that's probably why it says 'visible sky' and not just 'sky'.
I guess. It's important for readers to understand that the sky 'visible' from the Arecibo site (with your eyes, for example) is considerably greater than that 'visible' from the radio telescope itself. :smile:

The telescope is simply a bowl of 'chicken wire' (not; it's actually steel panels) in a limestone sinkhole, with secondary and tertiary reflectors placed near the focus. The telescope points in only one direction. It thus relies on the Earth's daily rotation to 'see' different parts of the sky, to 'move' east and west. To 'see' north and south of zenith, the secondary and tertiary reflectors (and receivers!) move along the azimuth arm.
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  • #47
Could space signal be alien contact?

Thu Sep 2, 7:09 AM ET

LONDON (Reuters) - An unexplained radio signal from deep space could -- just might be -- contact from an alien civilisation, New Scientist magazine has reported.

The signal, coming from a point between the Pisces and Aries constellations, has been picked up three times by a telescope in Puerto Rico.

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  • #49
As I figured. :frown:
  • #50
Fear not. The odds are in your favor.

I don't know what that means but I saw it on a fortune cookie and I thought it applied. Funny enough, here is another one. Hmmm. It says "Help! I'm being held captive in a Chinese fortune cookie factory". Well, maybe that one doesn't apply. :biggrin:
  • #51
Maybe the signal will be intpreted as "Help! I'm stuck in an alien message factory!" :-p

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