Understanding Sets and Intervals: Proving Complements and Open/Closed Status

In summary, the conversation discusses the task of proving that the complement of an open set is a closed set and that an open interval is an open set while a closed interval is a closed set. The discussion also includes the definitions of open and closed sets, as well as the attempt at a solution.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hello, I'm not sure if it's the right place to post this exercise, but I'm learning it in a calculus course.

I need to prove that:

a) The complement of an open set is a closed.
b) An open interval is a open set, a closed interval is a closed set.

Homework Equations

I have the following definitions:

1) An subset A⊂R is open if for all sequence {an}n∈N that converges for l∈A,
∃n0 such that ∀n>n0 ,an∈A.

2) An subset A⊂R is closed if for all sequence {an}n∈N that converges for l∈R,

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't have any ideia how to do it , I never worked on this kind of exercise before
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  • #2
bonildo said:
2) An subset A⊂R is closed if for all sequence {an}n∈N that converges for l∈R,
That's not quite right. You need the constraint that the an are elements of A.
Start with an open set A and consider its complement B = R-A. Let bn be a sequence in B converging to l in R. Consider the consequences of l not being in B. If it's not in B, where is it?

FAQ: Understanding Sets and Intervals: Proving Complements and Open/Closed Status

1. What are sets and intervals?

Sets and intervals are mathematical concepts used to organize and classify numbers. A set is a collection of distinct elements, while an interval is a continuous range of numbers.

2. How do you prove that two sets are complements?

To prove that two sets are complements, you need to show that they contain all the same elements and that their union is equal to the universal set. This can be done using a Venn diagram or by using set notation to compare the elements in each set.

3. What is the difference between open and closed intervals?

An open interval does not include its endpoints, while a closed interval includes both endpoints. For example, the open interval (0, 5) contains all numbers between 0 and 5, but not 0 or 5 themselves. The closed interval [0, 5] includes 0 and 5 in addition to all numbers between them.

4. How can you determine if a set is open, closed, or neither?

A set is open if it contains no endpoints, closed if it contains both endpoints, and neither if it contains only one endpoint. To determine the status of a set, you can use a number line or set notation to visualize the elements in the set and their relationship to the endpoints.

5. How do sets and intervals relate to real-world applications?

Sets and intervals are used in a variety of real-world applications, such as in statistics, geometry, and economics. They can be used to represent data, classify numbers, and make predictions. For example, in economics, sets and intervals can be used to represent income levels or price ranges for goods and services.
