Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

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  • Thread starter russ_watters
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In summary: However, if you are genuinely interested in engineering, you should become an engineer regardless of what branch you study.End question: Should I become an engineer?Answer: If you see beauty and elegance in physics and calculus, then maybe you are on the right track; but, if it bores you to learn about how things work, how they are built, and how to make them better, then you probably do not want to become an engineer.
  • #176
Well .. am a student of Mechanical Engineering, 3rd year. When choosing Mechanical Engineering I was pretty clear of wat I wanted. Not to mention Mechanical Engineers are lowest paid in my country, if you compare EE/Computers/Mechanical/Civil/aeronautical .. computers and aeronautics being the highest! when opting for mechanical engineering I was like "in love" with the big machines and loved to make my own mechanical systems. But after I took this field .. I came to know the limitations you would face wen u get into the trade. So anyone choosing any field of science should first do some research on his part about wat are his/her options after he is done with the 4 years .. wat is the level of research in his home country .. and most probably will he be able to study the subjects he really want to?
What also matter is the availability of the choice of ur subjects and resources available in the Colege you are going to study in? Most of the equipment are (pretty)^2 costly and most places don't give students use them for their own "self" financed projects .. which can then make u seem ...
and yes ...for about difficult studies regarding engineering .. I never found anything that was "difficult" .. although I needed a lot of practice .. but the studies are volumes and volumes like vast oceans ... enough to keep u busy from making anything u really dreamt to make during ur 4 years degree course!
Physics news on
  • #177

I am a student of A2 and hav subjects physics math and chemistry
i want to study engineering but am confused abt which 1
i hav sum diverse interests like I am interested in automotive and aeronautical both(coz i lik studying kinematics and dynamics)
but at the same time i think electronic engineering wud suit my interests
i havnt made anything creative yet but once i tried to fix the brakes of my bicycle (though no luck)
im pretty gud at math as i don't practice much but still atleast score an A.
ven i started studying quantum mechanics i realized dat it was the major area of my interest but don know where is its knowlegde applied? (is it electronic engineering)
i don want to go in any field jus for money
i want to apply my interests and make life easier
and well i hav one more prob i can't stand the energy crisis the world is facing sumtimes i think of cuming up with such an idea which will fulfil the energy needs of the world widout the fear of any impairments(lik global warming)
please id b gratefull if any1 wud help me out coz i hav to apply for admission in 2007 in an engineering university
  • #178
i hav sum diverse interests like I am interested in automotive and aeronautical both(coz i lik studying kinematics and dynamics)
but at the same time i think electronic engineering wud suit my interests
i havnt made anything creative yet but once i tried to fix the brakes of my bicycle (though no luck)
Try Mechatronics..that's my fav. but you will have to check if its available in ur universities..Its not everywhere .. and not in my country!
ven i started studying quantum mechanics i realized dat it was the major area of my interest but don know where is its knowlegde applied? (is it electronic engineering)
That's nuclear sciences .. major application of quantum physics .. but as every matter is composed of atoms .. it has found applications in various fields .. say .. development of semiconductor chips, nanotechnology( hopefully) and many more!
and well i hav one more prob i can't stand the energy crisis the world is facing sumtimes i think of cuming up with such an idea which will fulfil the energy needs of the world widout the fear of any impairments(lik global warming)
please id b gratefull if any1 wud help me out coz i hav to apply for admission in 2007 in an engineering university
Energy can never be created .. so best way is to tap out from a source .. find a source that has unlimited energy .. closest ones found are Nuclear fission, The solution is assumed to lie in Nuclear fusion .. although no one has ever succeeded in controlling 'em!

Wat hurts me most on this topic is that these nuclear power plants involve some secret sciences which the developed countries are unwilling to share with developing ones. Moreover is politically controlled .. like availability of nuclear fuels to countries who actually "bought the Power plants" .. but most of them lie shut down becoz people in power stop the continuous supply of fuel. Energy crisis was a problem .. and most probably will stay till someone like you comeforward to make something happen! Am waiting for electricity ...
Good luck mate!
  • #179
Yes the study of quantum mechanics of particular importance for nuclear engineering, many phenomenas can be explained this way...But on the other hand, a lot of its applications are around developping new technologies in the electronics department(like the nano one).

But in our college we are the only department that studies that branch of science, and the best use we make out of this course is a handfull of mathematical tricks...
  • #180
I thought that I should make a post in this thread because I have had some thoughts/trepidations lately. I am in grade 12 and passionately want to become an engineer. I really enjoy physics but I want to apply what I learn in physics to immediate solutions for people's problems, engineering :-).

My main worry is that I did not take the AP stream of courses ( It was not offered at my school ) I had the watered down math. I was wondering whether or not people here think that this will be a big mistake down the road? I am pretty sure that I will be just fine, I don't know... I am worried that I will get into the faculty of engineering and then will get squashed because I didn't take the AP stream of courses.
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  • #181

Just because you didn't take AP doesn't mean you got "watered down math."

Even if you did have weak math in high school, your university will set you up with an appropriate group of classes to strengthen your math skills to the level required for later classes. Some students need to catch up all the way from algebra, but still do just fine -- though it may add a semester or two to your "four-year" degree. What's the highest form of math you've taken to date?

If you're really concerned, send an email to your desired school's admissions office and ask them how they handle incoming students who need to catch up a bit on math. They should be able to explain everything in as much detail as you'd like.

- Warren
  • #182
In all honesty I am not bad at all in math, I just have nothing to compare myself against to know where I stand. We don't have an AP course so I can't compare myself to that. None of my friends are going into engineering/physics so that doesn't help me either. So yea, that's the problem, I just don't know where I stand and I would hate to get weeded out because I didn't know where I should stand.

I personally think I will be fine, but I would like to take the time now when there is no pressure other than my own determination (last 6 months before I hit university) to really get good at math. I have taken calculus and self studied a bit of the stuff that they weren't covering such as L'Hopital's/linear approximations/the formal definition of the limit, etc. I basically sluffed off for most of my early years and just this year have gotten my act together. I just get worried that it can't be done. I keep kicking myself in the --- for not going to a diff school and taking the AP courses.

I think that you may have given me a good idea though. Perhaps if I am not comfortable with my ability in math I could take a semester to become strong in the subject.

Edit: If there are people whom get to university not knowing algebra and 5 years later graduate with an engineering degree. I will be fine. I guess I will see when I get there though. :-)
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  • #183
There isn't anything u can't learn now! Wen u go to engineering class and u come across anything unfamilliar .. obviously u can learn it there and then! Anyways .. there isn't anything that's out of this world .. so no need to worry!
  • #184
Thats probably true to a certain extent. I'll dive in and see how it goes. I should also do more research so I know what to expect.

  • #185
I'm worried about becoming an engineer.

Mostly because *I* feel it's always coming up with innovation after innovation after innovation. That there's an incredible amount of, "thinking" outside the box =p. And if you can't innovate any further... you're useless.

That's how I feel about Engineering. I don't know if it's a secure job or not.

I'm planning to go into Architecture or Civil & Enviromental Engineering.
  • #186
for me own experience... i am in the 3rd year studying electrical engineering... i studay quantum physics and solid state and modern physics but too bad we don't have labs for this topics ...we only know them as ideas and not experiments so i encourage who is in a good place or university to study this topics and engineering because i think it is a holy major they say the biggest engineer in god and we r on the road to god...
  • #187
the most annoying thing is that i don't know where i am going ... but till now it is hard but fun ... the destiny seems mysterious to me
  • #188
AngeloG said:
I'm worried about becoming an engineer.

Mostly because *I* feel it's always coming up with innovation after innovation after innovation. That there's an incredible amount of, "thinking" outside the box =p. And if you can't innovate any further... you're useless.

That's how I feel about Engineering. I don't know if it's a secure job or not.

I'm planning to go into Architecture or Civil & Enviromental Engineering.

Very little engineering is original anymore, most of it is improving upon existing things. There will always be engineers, they are not ony needed to create but also to maintain.

Architecture is more risky.

Most engineers work in teams that think together, you are not going to be asked to think of everything yourself.
  • #189
I've received an offer for placement in Engineering. This is the course outline,

I was thinking electrical engineering.

However there is another university which offers engineering with Sustainable Energy Systems instead of electrical engineering which looks far more interesting. Course outline,

Getting into the university is not a problem and I would be happy studying either one. However I can't seem to decide.
  • #190
Hello all,

I've seen biologists and engineers come into physics graduate programs and I imagine physicists can make it into graduate engineering programs. Have you or do you know anyone who has done this? My grades are 3.5-3.6 in my Masters physics program and I'm taking a graduate ME course this semester. I've also had some engineering courses while an undergrad. My thesis research is in condensed matter theory and I'm studying the magnetic properties of nanoscale thin films.

The reason I ask is because I would like to do research in spacecraft propulsion and that appears to be mainly an engineering project. Many programs are cross disciplinary so I could potentially be in physics and still do research in that area. However, maybe it would be beneficial to be in engineering?

  • #191
I'd like an opinion, since you all seem pretty knowledgeable on the topic.

The thing is, I'm studying computer engineering. I love working with computers, love looking at their insides and wondering how they work, but the thing is, well, I hate math and abhor physics. I'm pretty good at math though I don't like it, but not so good at physics. Up until now I have only gone through mechanics, and it is really THE most boring stuff I have ever studied. I was just wondering if this makes me less likely to succeed and would be better for me to pursue computer sciences rather than engineering, since I do have an aptitude for software.
  • #192
Well at least to my knowledge comp. eng starts out very similar to electrical engineering. Thats a lot of math that you will need to know. Mechanics will be less important but you should be familiar with it. What makes you want to study comp. eng. rather than comp. science?
  • #193
ppl have to understand if they study comp. science they do not get the title of an Engineer, while ppl who study Comp Engineering they do get that famous title The Engineer.
  • #194
budala said:
ppl have to understand if they study comp. science they do not get the title of an Engineer, while ppl who study Comp Engineering they do get that famous title The Engineer.

It all depends on what you do really. While you're in school this may be the case, but out of school a CS major could get a job with the title "Engineer." Just like when I'm finished in physics I could get engineering jobs.
  • #195
JSBeckton said:
Well at least to my knowledge comp. eng starts out very similar to electrical engineering. Thats a lot of math that you will need to know. Mechanics will be less important but you should be familiar with it. What makes you want to study comp. eng. rather than comp. science?

I think comp. science would be too easy. Engineering looked a lot more challenging than science when I was choosing, so I figured I'd get the engineering title and work on the science degree on my spare time. I just never quite figured that physics would pose such a problem. And I'm not sure if all the other branches of physics are quite as boring as mechanics. I also have to take "Heat, Light and Sound" and "Electricity and Magnetism".

How important are mechanics on the Computer Engineering field? Because math I can cope with and the other two physics I have to take don't sound so dreadful as mechanics do. The rest of the profession sounds wonderfully entertaining. So it seems mechanics are my only real issue.
  • #196
I have a mild form of Asperger's Syndrome, I am not sure if this will interfere with being an engineer, but it may interfere with 'thinking outside the box', does this mean I would not make a good engineer?
  • #197
ecthelion4 said:
I think comp. science would be too easy. Engineering looked a lot more challenging than science when I was choosing, so I figured I'd get the engineering title and work on the science degree on my spare time. I just never quite figured that physics would pose such a problem. And I'm not sure if all the other branches of physics are quite as boring as mechanics. I also have to take "Heat, Light and Sound" and "Electricity and Magnetism".

How important are mechanics on the Computer Engineering field? Because math I can cope with and the other two physics I have to take don't sound so dreadful as mechanics do. The rest of the profession sounds wonderfully entertaining. So it seems mechanics are my only real issue.

You did not choose CS because it would be too easy but you don't like computer engineering because its too hard? EVERY engineer takes basic physics which includes mechanics. I am a mechanical engineer but I took materials, electrical, chemical, programming and other "unrelated classes" that are not necessarily in my job title but I need an understanding of those subjects to understand a lot of ME stuff.

You may not use mechanics very often but if you are part of an engineering team desigining say... a robot, and you don't understand mechanics you will be unable to see the full scoope of the job and unable to effectivly communicate with the various engineers on the project.

There will be subjects that you don't lie in almost anything, you just have to get through it. For me, I hated programming but i finished it. You will have to do the same.
  • #198
I am in EE and from 3 compulsory physics courses I did have a tough time in one physics-mechanics course. i passed it but I was very nervous although I have around 89% in math courses. I just could not understand that kind of physics.
  • #199
a_lawson_2k said:
I have a mild form of Asperger's Syndrome, I am not sure if this will interfere with being an engineer, but it may interfere with 'thinking outside the box', does this mean I would not make a good engineer?
Not necessarily, but without knowing the specifics of your AS, it's not possible to tell.

I probably have some mild form of AS or autism, but I have a reputation for thinking outside the box and good recall for things like client phone numbers and obscure facts in my field, and a knack for solutions to complex problems.

I don't particularly like crowded places, but I am comfortable speaking to audiences on technical matters or subjects of interest.
  • #200
I probably have some mild form of AS or autism, but I have a reputation for thinking outside the box ...
Wow astrodude, I would have never guessed.
  • #201
ranger said:
Wow astrodude, I would have never guessed.
I also have ADD and am probably mildly ADHD, but over the years I learned to compensate. My mind requires challenging problems, which is probably why I did well in math and science, and my work provides significant challenges.

I've always enjoyed math and science, and in school I did well the subjects. I read encyclopedias and textbook for fun. When I was in high school, I enjoyed studying topics in particle physics and astrophysics, and other subjects, however I had no peers with whom I could discuss the subject. I was pretty much a loner.

Reading literature for class was difficult, and poetry was torture.

When it came to taking tests like the SAT where I had to sit in a quiet room, I felt like screaming. Back then, reading comprehension in a quiet environment, like a library, was difficult. Part of AS/autism is the need for sensory input, which to many or most is distracting.
  • #202
Hello everyone
This is my first reply... I'm still new in this forum.. but I really liked it, and thought it would be useful to join..
Well, I'm still at school (can't help! Can I?!) , but I really want to go into engineering, but I'm still scared that the maths will be to much for me..
I hope if any of you guys can help, cause u probably have much more experience that I do..
I hope I can make up my mind..
  • #203
JSBeckton said:
You did not choose CS because it would be too easy but you don't like computer engineering because its too hard? EVERY engineer takes basic physics which includes mechanics. I am a mechanical engineer but I took materials, electrical, chemical, programming and other "unrelated classes" that are not necessarily in my job title but I need an understanding of those subjects to understand a lot of ME stuff.

You may not use mechanics very often but if you are part of an engineering team desigining say... a robot, and you don't understand mechanics you will be unable to see the full scoope of the job and unable to effectivly communicate with the various engineers on the project.

There will be subjects that you don't lie in almost anything, you just have to get through it. For me, I hated programming but i finished it. You will have to do the same.

Dude chill, I never said I didn't like computer engineering because it's too hard. I hate Physics-Mechanics because it's too boring. I can deal with it, I just don't like it.

But you DO have a point, I should have at least a basic understanding of it. Regardless how boring.
  • #204
Hey all (again),

i posted before in the middle of another deep convo before i suppose and didnt get an answer.. so I am havin a nother shot at it lol :-p

I am an australian year 12 student (not sure of the us equivelant) who is not sure about becoming an aeronautical engineer, physicist or a physics lecturer at a university standard.

My strong points and passions are for both Maths and Physics (obviously) but I am not sure which to go for:

I like the idea of an engineer because you incorporate both maths and physics. I would probably want to go for aerospace engineering mainly because i would prefer to use that type of math and physics (fluid and thermodyanmics etc) not because i have a pssion for planes. (is that bad?)
and of course inevitably because the salary is better lol.

On the other hand however, i am really intrigued by physics which makes me want to learn as much as i can about it because it is so awesome(i mean to a masters or PhD). I love coming across new ideas and equations and theories in my school books. But then i am unsure what kind of job i would be able to fetch with this degree... i think i would like to teach physics at a higher level.. But then i am not too sure what an actual Physicist does as a job on a day to day level.

There is a double degree at the university of melbourne where you receive a bachelor of engineering and a bachelor of science, and i was thinking about going for that and making my mind up at the end of it. Then I realized that they don't teach any aerospace engineering in the course, or the uni for that matter.

This has been bugging me for quite a while now and i would love to hear from anyone with some advice or even a personal experience of the same type.

Thanks a lot guys

  • #205
||spoon|| said:
Then I realized that they don't teach any aerospace engineering in the course, or the uni for that matter.

University of Queensland have Aerospace Engineering

And I think one of the Sydney universities also has it.
  • #206
||spoon|| said:
Hey all (again),

i posted before in the middle of another deep convo before i suppose and didnt get an answer.. so I am havin a nother shot at it lol :-p

I am an australian year 12 student (not sure of the us equivelant) who is not sure about becoming an aeronautical engineer, physicist or a physics lecturer at a university standard.

My strong points and passions are for both Maths and Physics (obviously) but I am not sure which to go for:

I like the idea of an engineer because you incorporate both maths and physics. I would probably want to go for aerospace engineering mainly because i would prefer to use that type of math and physics (fluid and thermodyanmics etc) not because i have a pssion for planes. (is that bad?)
and of course inevitably because the salary is better lol.

On the other hand however, i am really intrigued by physics which makes me want to learn as much as i can about it because it is so awesome(i mean to a masters or PhD). I love coming across new ideas and equations and theories in my school books. But then i am unsure what kind of job i would be able to fetch with this degree... i think i would like to teach physics at a higher level.. But then i am not too sure what an actual Physicist does as a job on a day to day level.

There is a double degree at the university of melbourne where you receive a bachelor of engineering and a bachelor of science, and i was thinking about going for that and making my mind up at the end of it. Then I realized that they don't teach any aerospace engineering in the course, or the uni for that matter.

This has been bugging me for quite a while now and i would love to hear from anyone with some advice or even a personal experience of the same type.

Thanks a lot guys


Areospace engineering is not very common, at least as far as I know. Since you say that you like thermo and fluids, why not go for mechanical engineering? Many ME's work on the areospace field.

If you are on the fence between physics and engineering I say start out physics because you can probabally transfer more credits if you change your mind than if you start out engineering.
  • #207
||spoon|| said:
Hey all (again),

I am an australian year 12 student (not sure of the us equivelant) who is not sure about becoming an aeronautical engineer, physicist or a physics lecturer


There is a double degree at the university of melbourne where you receive a bachelor of engineering and a bachelor of science, and i was thinking about going for that and making my mind up at the end of it. Then I realized that they don't teach any aerospace engineering in the course, or the uni for that matter.


Australian year 12 is the equivalent of American senior high school sophomore, I believe.

And if you're planning about doing any double degrees at the University of Melbourne, you'd better research it again, since they're implementing a "Melbourne" model which is completely changing courses (for the worse).
  • #208
Whats the differnce between a technician and an engineer ? any information would be thankful .
  • #209
Often the difference is level of training & education and level of responsibility (I'm generalizing into "science" and any scientific professional, but probably is well applicable). The technician handles equipment, performs tests, follows procedures. The engineer may do those things too, but makes decisions requiring more knowledge; may also design research steps, design other arrangements; choose equipment and resources including those which his company needs to obtain.
  • #210
Cheers symbolipoint.
Another quary I have is, what type of effect does an engineering degree from a poor Uni (lesser recognised/not so big reputation) have on your chances in terms of employment.

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