Should I eat it? Would you eat it?

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
In summary: Although I guess it makes sense given that you spend so much time together. 8 yr age gap? Oh geez, with an 8 yr age gap, I might have hoped you two weren't quite so alike!... Although I guess it makes sense given that you spend so much time together.
  • #1
In the brief space of time since my last post I jumped offline, got in my truck and drove to the local Mexican Food Restaurant, not Taco Bell, but the kind where they serve Menudo on Saturday's and Tuesday's and you can get a tongue burrito if you're so inclined. I'm not so inclined. I pulled up to the drive thru and heard "Que" I said, "I'd like a carne asada burrito, three rolled tacos with guacamole (not really authentic Mexican food, but I like them) and a large Pepsi." Then I heard "Is that all?...gringo"
I'm not sure if I heard gringo, but it sounded like gringo. I drove forward to the window, paid the $6.90 and waited. Pretty soon the guy gave me my food and he smiled at me and said, "enjoy your food...gringo." Now he said the gringo part as he was turning away from me, but it was a weird smile on his face and I know I didn't imagine it.
I don't know if I could see a loogie in the burrito, I didn't dissect it. I'm hungry and if I can't see a loogie maybe I'd mistake it for guacamole. What do you think? It's probably safe right? These guys wouldn't be in business if they spit in food would they? I didn't say anything to provoke anyone to hawk something into my dinner. I'm going to eat the tacos they look safe. I'll see how hungry I am after they are gone.
Physics news on
  • #2
Nevermind, I ate it.
  • #3
rofl ahhh el tribdog es muy gringo y muy stupido. lo siento
  • #4
Hey Guido (Tribdog's name in Ms Reeves spanish class) since you have a birthday coming up are you going to attempt the same feat which you accomplished on your 18th? You know, X shots of tequila for your X Birthday.

I miss Filibertos :-p

Help Trib get home in (move mouse left/right to keep balance)
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  • #5
Well, it wouldn't be authentic Mexican food unless it induces Montezuma's revenge. Why would you eat at a place that leaves you wondering if it's safe to eat the food? But given the trouble you run into when playing with fire, I can see why it might not be advisable to let you near a stove. But still, you can be more selective of where you buy your food, can't you?
  • #6
The moment trib posts a thread asking if he should do something, it doesn't matter what it is, he shouldn't do it.

  • #7
Gringo means foreign person.

Btw, trib, you're about late twenties/early thirties right? May i ask how you managed to live that long without killing yourself? Just seems like you are obsessed with fire, and other dangerous things.

  • #8
dekoi said:
trib, you're about late twenties/early thirties right?

He'll be 36 in Feb
  • #9
mjwhip2 said:
He'll be 36 in Feb

*rubs hands gleefully*

Tribdog's brother is back! Cool! So, I've been dying to know...does he even know how to boil water, any clue what the knobs on a stove do? Is this fast food/take out diet because he doesn't know which end of a stove is up, or because he's just too lazy to bother cooking for himself? :biggrin: It's okay, you can tell us, I won't tell him you said anything. :wink:
  • #10
Stove? Sounds cool.
  • #11
mjwhip2 said:
Stove? Sounds cool.

Okay, I see, none of you were taught anything about how to use a stove. What about a bbq? Did you boys learn to grill stuff? That's a lot like playing with fire, so maybe more appealing? :biggrin:
  • #12
Moonbear said:
Okay, I see, none of you were taught anything about how to use a stove. What about a bbq? Did you boys learn to grill stuff? That's a lot like playing with fire, so maybe more appealing? :biggrin:

BBQs are fun, just be careful when using the jellied lighter fluid, if it gets on the food it makes the food taste bad, even after burning off.

Speaking of which, maybe we should force trib to only use the jellied stuff, that way he can't make the fire run up the stream and into the bottle of lighter fluid.
  • #13
Oh yeah fire. I know that one. One of my favorite things growing up was stealing my dads smokeless black powder (used for reloading) and making a long line of powder up to a large pile of the stuff. FFOOOMM :biggrin:
Not good to cook with though.
  • #14
mjwhip2 said:
Oh yeah fire. I know that one. One of my favorite things growing up was stealing my dads smokeless black powder (used for reloading) and making a long line of powder up to a large pile of the stuff. FFOOOMM :biggrin:
Not good to cook with though.

Oh geez, with an 8 yr age gap, I might have hoped you two weren't quite so alike! :-p I think we need to start PF cooking classes so you guys don't starve. :-p
  • #15
tribdog said:
I don't know if I could see a loogie in the burrito, I didn't dissect it. I'm hungry and if I can't see a loogie maybe I'd mistake it for guacamole. What do you think? It's probably safe right? These guys wouldn't be in business if they spit in food would they? I didn't say anything to provoke anyone to hawk something into my dinner. I'm going to eat the tacos they look safe. I'll see how hungry I am after they are gone.
What you're asking strikes me as similar in nature to this;

If hungry, I would have eaten it too. Old saying; "wat no kill you fatten you". It is certainly not something I'd want to have happen every day, but comfort may be found knowing there are worse things than a little bloody booger swimming in a small green sea of snot :-p (Hepatitis, for example :frown: ). :biggrin:
  • #16
tribdog said:
In the brief space of time since my last post I jumped offline, got in my truck and drove to the local Mexican Food Restaurant, not Taco Bell, but the kind where they serve Menudo on Saturday's and Tuesday's and you can get a tongue burrito if you're so inclined. I'm not so inclined. I pulled up to the drive thru and heard "Que" I said, "I'd like a carne asada burrito, three rolled tacos with guacamole (not really authentic Mexican food, but I like them) and a large Pepsi." Then I heard "Is that all?...gringo"
I'm not sure if I heard gringo, but it sounded like gringo. I drove forward to the window, paid the $6.90 and waited. Pretty soon the guy gave me my food and he smiled at me and said, "enjoy your food...gringo." Now he said the gringo part as he was turning away from me, but it was a weird smile on his face and I know I didn't imagine it.
I don't know if I could see a loogie in the burrito, I didn't dissect it. I'm hungry and if I can't see a loogie maybe I'd mistake it for guacamole. What do you think? It's probably safe right? These guys wouldn't be in business if they spit in food would they? I didn't say anything to provoke anyone to hawk something into my dinner. I'm going to eat the tacos they look safe. I'll see how hungry I am after they are gone.

He called you gringo and spat on your food?! And you ask us whether you should eat it?! 'What would George W do?'
  • #17
Invade Mexico. Your such a loser tribdog you should have gone to mcdonalds if you wanted fast food, atleast you know they spit in the food there.
  • #18
Andy said:
Invade Mexico. Your such a loser tribdog you should have gone to mcdonalds if you wanted fast food, atleast you know they spit in the food there.


This thread is making me sick to my stomach. We really need to teach tribdog to cook!
  • #19
Either that or get him a girlfriend that can cook.
  • #20
Andy said:
Either that or get him a girlfriend that can cook.

Guys who can cook are much more attractive. :wink:
  • #21
Not if your a guy.
  • #22
Andy said:
Invade Mexico. Your such a loser tribdog you should have gone to mcdonalds if you wanted fast food, atleast you know they spit in the food there.

Yeah, good all-American spit too
  • #23
Andy said:
Not if your a guy.

Were you planning on hitting on him? :biggrin:
  • #24
franznietzsche said:
BBQs are fun, just be careful when using the jellied lighter fluid, if it gets on the food it makes the food taste bad, even after burning off.
it's even worse if it gets on your head, believe me I know.
  • #25
I've never even heard of jellied lighter fluid. Is that another word for napalm? :eek:
  • #26
Yea it must be, where is trib he's got quite quiet recently.
  • #27
Moonbear said:
I've never even heard of jellied lighter fluid. Is that another word for napalm? :eek:

Thats what we call it.

But they really sell this stuff. As i said its for people like trib dog, cause it plops out of the can, so you can'tmake the fire run up the stream and into the can. Good, safe fun. But tastes really nasty when it accidently gets on the food. I mean BAD.

FAQ: Should I eat it? Would you eat it?

1. Is it safe to eat this food?

The safety of a food depends on various factors including its source, storage, and preparation. If the food is properly sourced and stored at the correct temperature, it is generally safe to eat. However, if you are unsure about the safety of a particular food, it is best to consult a food safety expert.

2. How can I tell if the food has gone bad?

There are several indicators that a food has gone bad, including changes in color, texture, and smell. If the food has a foul smell, unusual texture, or appears to have mold or discoloration, it is best to discard it.

3. What are the potential health risks of eating expired food?

Eating expired food can increase your risk of foodborne illnesses such as food poisoning. The expiration date on food products is an estimate of when the food may start to spoil, but it is always best to use your senses to determine if a food is still safe to eat.

4. Can I eat food that has been left out overnight?

Leaving food out at room temperature for an extended period of time can increase the growth of harmful bacteria, which can lead to foodborne illnesses. It is generally recommended to discard any perishable food that has been left out for more than two hours.

5. Should I eat food that has been frozen and thawed multiple times?

Repeatedly freezing and thawing food can affect its quality and increase the risk of bacterial growth. It is best to only thaw and refreeze food once, and if possible, consume it immediately after thawing.
