Show that an operator is not hermitian. (quantum mechanics)

In summary: A which is not hermitian in 1D periodic boundary conditions. He found that A_{mn} = A_{nm}^* and that the matrix elements are given by: A_{mn} = \int \psi_m^* A \psi_n dx A_{nm}^* = \left( \int \psi_n^* A \psi_m dx \right)^* = \int \left( A \psi_m \right)^* \psi_n dx So by using the first definition, he was able to find that A_{nm}^* is the same
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that the operator O = i [tex]\frac{d2}{ dx2[/tex] (please not 2 a squared term, Latex not working. So i (d2/dx2)) is not hermitian operator for a particle in 1D with periodic boundary conditions.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I know to prove an operator is hermitian that Tnm must equal T mn*.

To show this I would take the intergral [tex]\int \Psi m* T \Psi n[/tex]

What I don't understand is why the operator (in the same conditions) -[tex]\frac{h2}{2m}[/tex] [tex]\frac{d2}{dx2}[/tex] (Please note 2 is a squared term, so h2/2m . d2/dx2) is hermitian and the one above is not?

I assume it is either that the latter is negative, and that if the first operator is positive then it then the when you intergrate by parts it doesn't simplify to Tnm*?

Or that the first operator isn't hermitian as it is complex?

I get the feeling I'm missing something simple here, but any help would be greatly appreciated!

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  • #2
The kinetic energy operator doesn't have an imaginary term in it "i". Try with the "i" and without and you will see.

You can see the same thing with the first derivative. If you have i d/dx (similar to momentum operator) it is Hermitian. Without the "i" it isn't.
  • #3
Thank you for your help!

You can see the same thing with the first derivative. If you have i d/dx (similar to momentum operator) it is Hermitian. Without the "i" it isn't.

Do you mean that without the i is it hermitian, and with it isn't? As I'm told in the question that 'i d2/dx2 is not a hermitian (at least in 1D perodic boundary conditions).

What I don't understand is why the presense of the i term distinguishs between hermitian and non-hermitian?

Thank you for you help!
  • #4
One can define a hermitian operator by its effect on the inner product, given by the following.

Operator [tex] A [/tex] is said to be hermitian if:

\int \psi_m^* A \psi_n dx = \int \left(A \psi_m \right)^* \psi_n dx

One can use the definition you are familiar with to derive the above definition (and vice versa). If we know that, for operator A, the matrix elements are given by:
A_{mn} = \int \psi_m^* A \psi_n dx

we can then find :
[tex] A_{nm}^* = \left( \int \psi_n^* A \psi_m dx \right)^* = \int \left( A \psi_m \right)^* \psi_n dx

So using the first definition, one can simply evaluate the two integrals and see if they give the same answer.
  • #5
If you don't understand then just work it out. Do the math and you will see why.
  • #6

Got it! I had forgotten that the operator was included in the compleax conjugate in the RHS of the intergral.

Silly I know!

Thank you for your help guys, much appreciated.


FAQ: Show that an operator is not hermitian. (quantum mechanics)

1. What does it mean for an operator to be hermitian?

In quantum mechanics, a hermitian operator is one that is equal to its own adjoint, or conjugate transpose. This means that the operator and its adjoint have the same eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors. In other words, the operator can be represented by a matrix that is symmetric about the main diagonal.

2. How can I show that an operator is not hermitian?

To show that an operator is not hermitian, you can use the definition of a hermitian operator and check if the operator is equal to its own adjoint. If the operator and its adjoint are not equal, then the operator is not hermitian.

3. Can a non-hermitian operator still be used in quantum mechanics?

Yes, non-hermitian operators can still be used in quantum mechanics. However, they do not have the same properties as hermitian operators and may not have real eigenvalues. This means that they may not represent physically observable quantities, but they can still be used in certain mathematical calculations and models.

4. How does the hermiticity of an operator affect the measurement outcomes in quantum mechanics?

If an operator is hermitian, its eigenvalues will be real and its eigenvectors will be orthogonal. This allows for the measurement of observable quantities in quantum mechanics, as the eigenvalues correspond to the possible outcomes of a measurement. If an operator is not hermitian, its eigenvalues may be complex and its eigenvectors may not be orthogonal, making it more difficult to interpret measurement outcomes.

5. What are some examples of non-hermitian operators in quantum mechanics?

Some examples of non-hermitian operators in quantum mechanics include the annihilation and creation operators, which are used in quantum field theory. These operators do not have real eigenvalues and their eigenvectors are not orthogonal, but they are still useful in certain calculations and models.
